Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


So not only is this type of enjoyment/nostalgia limited to a small group, it's further limited to only people in top end guilds who were racing for content. And then you want to know why games are not designed like this today.
Yep, it's because that was awesome and most people can't handle all that awesome without whining and running away with their pussy and asshole dollars. Wish we didn't need those dollars.



Trakanon Raider
Yep, it's because that was awesome and most people can't handle all that awesome without whining and running away with their pussy and asshole dollars. Wish we didn't need those dollars.

exactly. all the sandy vaginas is why games like UO and EQ aren't made anymore. little timmy can't stand not being on the varsity squad so he cries to mommy to file a lawsuit against the school for discrimination and have the coach fired because timmy is a special little snowflake and he should get everything everyone else had to work hard for without having to put in the work himself.


I'm Amod too!
timmy is a special little snowflake and he should get everything everyone else had to work hard for without having to put in the work himself.
How is Timmy suppose to work hard like your esteemed self when you and your guild were actively shoving his head into the toilet specifically to make sure that he couldn't have what you had?


Silver Squire
You completed a dungeon - here's your participation ribbon! Collection enough participation ribbons and you can get a first place trophy!


Trakanon Raider
How is Timmy suppose to work hard like your esteemed self when you and your guild were actively shoving his head into the toilet specifically to make sure that he couldn't have what you had?
little timmy can work his ass off and apply to be in our guild, then little timmy can get all the good loot. or, he can apply to one of the guilds right below our guild and get the loot just a month or so afterwards. or he can wait several months until the top tier guilds have moved on and get the loot then. in any case, timmy can still get his loot, he just may not get it exactly when he wants it. instead of crying for a participation ribbon, he can take some suck it the fuck up pills.


This thread now sucks... needs more apprentice dev tears. Stop the EQ circle jerk or rename the thread EQN: EverQuest Nostalgia.


I'm Amod too!
So it's got nothing to do with Timmy working hard or not. He just had to sit there and shut the fuck up until you and your buddies are done with the toys and then he gets a chance to play. And you wonder why Timmy isn't willing to pay a subscription fee for the honor of getting jackbooted by the likes of yourself.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Lol! I think some of you guys miss being 'special snowflakes'. Being in a game where time played meant more than the physical ability to actually compete. Where you could sit in a small basement all day and ensure you cock blocked everyone from competing for what you 'worked' so hard for right? Yeah, I have no clue why they aren't remaking EQ at all. Why aren't you guys playing CoD or LoL then?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Now I see why Dumar hates capitalism: it's capitalism and the quest for 'moar monies' that has doomed him having any chance at seeing a true EQ1 sequel.



Now I see why Dumar hates capitalism: it's capitalism and the quest for 'moar monies' that has doomed him having any chance at seeing a true EQ1 sequel.

It's a part, yes. The financialization of industries such as movies, games has transformed games into nothing but pure revenue streams, and they're designed from the beginning that way. It's not about making a great game, and making money from your great game; it's how much money can be extracted, and the design follows from that paradigm.

It's why Furor, Tigole, Pardo, Metzen, etc, Blizzard and the rest are sellouts, using an objective sense of the word. They've allowed the financiers, the Koticks, to come in and dictate the game in order to extract more revenue, not realize revenue from making a great game.

It's a serious issue that infects every major industry.


Trakanon Raider
So it's got nothing to do with Timmy working hard or not. He just had to sit there and shut the fuck up until you and your buddies are done with the toys and then he gets a chance to play. And you wonder why Timmy isn't willing to pay a subscription fee for the honor of getting jackbooted by the likes of yourself.
do you lack reading comprehension? if he wants so desperately to see the top end content and get the best loot, he can join our guild or one of the other top end guilds and see it. EQ is no different than real life: put in the work, reap the rewards. as someone else so aptly put it, WoW is the special olympics of MMO's.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It's why Furor, Tigole, Pardo, Metzen, etc, Blizzard and the rest are sellouts
Are you fucking kidding me? You think they have control over Mergers and Acquisitions? They concentrate on making fun games. They have done just that. I have played more WoW and HS than any other game because at the end of the day they are fun and easy to pick up on and play.

I do not even know how to construe the rest of your statement unless you are trolling.


I'm Amod too!
do you lack reading comprehension? if he wants so desperately to see the top end content and get the best loot, he can join our guild or one of the other top end guilds and see it. EQ is no different than real life: put in the work, reap the rewards. as someone else so aptly put it, WoW is the special olympics of MMO's.
Read: Become part of my gang and I'll let you play or you can fuck right off and we'll make sure you don't get shit. The theme that seems to be surfacing here is all you nostalgic EQ fans want to be the "haves" again because you can't do that anymore in modern MMOs. Now you're just another warm body in a sea of people. Your exclusive club has been ruined and you want that elitism back because you're sure it'll be you in the elite crowd.


Are you fucking kidding me? You think they have control over Mergers and Acquisitions? They concentrate on making fun games. They have done just that. I have played more WoW and HS than any other game because at the end of the day they are fun and easy to pick up on and play.

I do not even know how to construe the rest of your statement unless you are trolling.
They absolutely are. I didn't say it was their fault: everyone wants to buy bread and Porsches. I've worked in the industry for one of the borg-like firms, and I left precisely because of this. Because of 12mo dev cycle expansion packs, even when no one had any good idea for an expac; it was put into dev and shipped anyway.

Games have been financialized: the language to describe their processes, MBA'ified. Blizzard was going that route whether any of them were there or not, but they're still there, and they did sell out. If they want to concentrate on making actual games instead of revenue incubators with graphics, they probably shouldn't be working at Blizzard going forward.

Have you played this 'fun, easy to pick up game' recently? Did you buy a mount/pet from the plethora available at the shop or a level 90 boost?


Trakanon Raider
Read: Become part of my gang and I'll let you play or you can fuck right off and we'll make sure you don't get shit. The theme that seems to be surfacing here is all you nostalgic EQ fans want to be the "haves" again because you can't do that anymore in modern MMOs. Now you're just another warm body in a sea of people. Your exclusive club has been ruined and you want that elitism back because you're sure it'll be you in the elite crowd.
i don't have to be in the elite crowd to enjoy a game. you don't seem to be intelligent enough to understand that competition is a good thing. how lame would sports be if every team made the playoffs? hell, the way you and every other dip shit wants it, every team in every sport would just be given the championship trophy without even having to play a game. yay! everyone's a winner! i'm sorry you sucked so bad at EQ that you had to wait for content. it still obviously bothers you.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
i don't have to be in the elite crowd to enjoy a game. you don't seem to be intelligent enough to understand that competition is a good thing. how lame would sports be if every team made the playoffs? hell, the way you and every other dip shit wants it, every team in every sport would just be given the championship trophy without even having to play a game. yay! everyone's a winner! i'm sorry you sucked so bad at EQ that you had to wait for content. it still obviously bothers you.
I was in one of those guilds that got everything and kept everyone else from getting it. It had fucking zero to do with competition or skill or anything else besides TIME. We were on when shit spawned and monopolized it. Then asians would lock it down because they were on. There was no competition and never was.

Assuming people were the have nots just because they realize it was a stupid fucking system is retarded. Only way that system is legit is if it's a zek. Blubie servers talking about competition is pussy shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
i don't have to be in the elite crowd to enjoy a game. you don't seem to be intelligent enough to understand that competition is a good thing. how lame would sports be if every team made the playoffs? hell, the way you and every other dip shit wants it, every team in every sport would just be given the championship trophy without even having to play a game. yay! everyone's a winner! i'm sorry you sucked so bad at EQ that you had to wait for content. it still obviously bothers you.
Why does it matter so much to you that some else enjoys content? Why is the enjoyment of the game you are playing dependent on whether someone else is accessing the same shit you are?

an accordion_sl

So it's got nothing to do with Timmy working hard or not. He just had to sit there and shut the fuck up until you and your buddies are done with the toys and then he gets a chance to play. And you wonder why Timmy isn't willing to pay a subscription fee for the honor of getting jackbooted by the likes of yourself.
This is exactly how I interpret every "I miss EQ" post, except they don't realize there's a new generation of super poopsockers who would make those wishing for such a game bottom tier.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I was in one of those guilds that got everything and kept everyone else from getting it. It had fucking zero to do with competition or skill or anything else besides TIME. We were on when shit spawned and monopolized it. Then asians would lock it down because they were on. There was no competition and never was.

Assuming people were the have nots just because they realize it was a stupid fucking system is retarded. Only way that system is legit is if it's a zek. Blubie servers talking about competition is pussy shit.
Amen. There is a huge competitive gaming market and EQ was never part of it. Cock blocking content isn't hard to do and requires no skill. We've all been in those higher level guilds. Where you had to fill an app and also accomplish tasks with a 'guide' who then decided if you were good enough to join the guild. You then got to join raids where all you needed was a modicum of basic understanding of the tank and spank dynamic(lol, dynamic) and enough people. EQ raiding was not hard. EQ dungeons were not hard since masses of people camped spawns. Learning EQ was hard but after you leaned the game, it was all easy. Being good at EQ wasn't hard to accomplish. It just meant your life outside of EQ was based on what was happening in EQ. Big whoop.