Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Fantasy mullet rocking art work, but what Pantheon didn't need was more Brad in Brad's game about Brad. He's been hyping this new Aradune art up which would have been OK if there was loads of other art, assets or anything suggesting a game was actually being made.

I love that Nirrtix is posting on the boards using terms like "we" when referring to the Kickstarter goals and constantly needs to reiterate that she's a part of the team. The future of Pantheon is just glowing.


I like Brad's bangs, but this isn't the kind of "content" that gets them anywhere.
You're obviously just another Rerollerban Jihaderbist.



Trakanon Raider
A casual is 4 hour play sessions? I'm not even a gamer any more then.
heh, no shit. I've been playing Dragon Age Origins for the better part of a year. I might find the time to put in a 2 hour session once or twice a week, at this point.

But really, that's what the whole EQ nostalgia thing comes down to: most of the people wanting a return to EQ's ethos are those that can spend 40+ hours a week on a video game. And that's an extremely small demographic. Hence why no developer or investor is willing to put tens of millions of dollars towards an AAA game of that nature. And as Erronnius was arguing, that's really what it came down to for the "top end" people in EQ: time. Sure, there was some element of skill and knowledge, but really most of it was simply time.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
when you have a certain level of skill you tend to know exactly what it takes to achieve certain goals, the whiners were usually the people who never really had those skills to begin with, but wanted the best results anyway. no sympathy from me at all.
While you're terribly missing the point, let me go further and point to all of the emus and P99 where pretty much ALL of the players were EQ1 vets, many of whom were trying to return to their glory days of being #1. Now when most/all of your players are this kind of player yet they're all in an EQ1 environment, there will always be 'losers' and 'winners'. The game design makes this unavoidable to a degree. So are all of the EQ1 vets who happened to end up on the 'losing' side on the emus/P99 suddenly become 'little timmies' because of happenstance?

Far too many EQ1 vets have an inflated ego, especially when you consider how long it's been since EQ1 was in it's heyday and what those players did even mattered. These people tend to want to believe that they are some sort of MMO ?bermensch and they will furiously defend themselves should anyone ever question their reasoning. Yes, of course every other single player could have "been a winner" too, if only they had dedicated themselves to the art of poopsocking, or better yet, simply hopped from guild to guild! NM that the core design of EQ1 set the playerbase up to become fractured and create a have/have not paradigm that skill was rarely a part of. Which is exactly why people who espouse this kind of thinking should be ridiculed at every opportunity. It was shitty design and the only people who liked it tend to be the people that happened (yes, happened) to rise to the top. And this kind of asshattery is also why Blizzard changed the contested content design parameter across the board: they knew full well that they weren't going to be able to make a successful game if it was designed around a proverbial 1% of gamers cockblocking and shitting in the mouths of the other 99%. People can make fun of Blizzard all they want for being the Special Olympics of the MMO world where everyone is a winner, but I'll take that over this faux"SKILLED GAMERZ BREAKING ZONES!"poopsocking content cockblocking faggotry. Both are terrible but at least I don't have to listen to a bunch of delusional EQ1 has-beens who somehow think that anyone who missed out on being a zonebreaker was...somehow...a 'little timmy'.

That's their issue, not the game's. If they don't want/can't put in time, then they shouldn't be seeing places or items from those places. There should never be a 'LFR Fear raid'
Hearing you make a sort of a"they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps if they want to see content"post just tickles me to death. You, of all people...holy shit, that's hilarious. Next up: Dumar tells us that homeless people wouldn't be homeless if they'd just knuckle down on aluminum can recycling.

The MMO industry is a bunch of greedy capitalistic assholes that are denying Dumar his dream game, but within the game...bootstraps.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Far too many EQ1 vets have an inflated ego, especially when you consider how long it's been since EQ1 was in it's heyday and what those players did even mattered. These people tend to want to believe that they are some sort of MMO ?bermensch and they will furiously defend themselves should anyone ever question their reasoning. Yes, of course every other single player could have "been a winner" too, if only they had dedicated themselves to the art of poopsocking, or better yet, simply hopped from guild to guild! NM that the core design of EQ1 set the playerbase up to become fractured and create a have/have not paradigm that skill was rarely a part of. Which is exactly why people who espouse this kind of thinking should be ridiculed at every opportunity. It was shitty design and the only people who liked it tend to be the people that happened (yes, happened) to rise to the top. And this kind of asshattery is also why Blizzard changed the contested content design parameter across the board: they knew full well that they weren't going to be able to make a successful game if it was designed around a proverbial 1% of gamers cockblocking and shitting in the mouths of the other 99%. People can make fun of Blizzard all they want for being the Special Olympics of the MMO world where everyone is a winner, but I'll take that over this faux"SKILLED GAMERZ BREAKING ZONES!"poopsocking content cockblocking faggotry. Both are terrible but at least I don't have to listen to a bunch of delusional EQ1 has-beens who somehow think that anyone who missed out on being a zonebreaker was...somehow...a 'little timmy'.

Hearing you make a sort of a"they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps if they want to see content"post just tickles me to death. You, of all people...holy shit, that's hilarious. Next up: Dumar tells us that homeless people wouldn't be homeless if they'd just knuckle down on aluminum can recycling.

The MMO industry is a bunch of greedy capitalistic assholes that are denying Dumar his dream game, but within the game...bootstraps.
Saved for posterity and later arguments in the EQN thread.


Molten Core Raider
heh, no shit. I've been playing Dragon Age Origins for the better part of a year. I might find the time to put in a 2 hour session once or twice a week, at this point.

But really, that's what the whole EQ nostalgia thing comes down to: most of the people wanting a return to EQ's ethos are those that can spend 40+ hours a week on a video game. And that's an extremely small demographic. Hence why no developer or investor is willing to put tens of millions of dollars towards an AAA game of that nature. And as Erronnius was arguing, that's really what it came down to for the "top end" people in EQ: time. Sure, there was some element of skill and knowledge, but really most of it was simply time.
Seriously? there are a TON of things from EQ that have been NOT brought forward in current titles that have nothing to do with spawn timers...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Emcumbrance....high level mobs in low level zones......a great faction system (i.e. any race just can't walk into any city)....need a group for general overland content sometimes....dungeons off the beaten path....spell components (skele bones anyone?).... Just to name a few.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Encumbrance is fucking stupid. World of Warcraft has or has had every single other one of those things, although I guess you could argue that alliance vs horde isn't what you meant by a faction system.


Encumbrance seemed pointless because it was never really a problem unless you played a monk, and was just an occasional annoyance if you did tradeskills and were farming 10 pound ore bricks or whatever.


Are you people that retarded? It's like you never fucking played EverQuest.

SOCIAL dungeons, hello, McFly? Deep, dark, & cavernous. A death penalty that mattered. Items that mattered, not treated as disposables. NO FUCKING GPS, no god-retarded waypoint flight system that litters way points every 5 fucking feet. A better leveling system (i.e., much fucking longer). Clickies that actually made a difference. FUCKING CLASS UNIQUENESS: not complete & utter bland homogeneity across all of them.

I could go on and on.. and on.. and on. It's not just about what EverQuest had; it's about what turd shit it didn't.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Social dungeons were a product of respawn timers and long ass regen. Death penalty was also a huge time waster. The discussion was about things not in other games that didn't revovle around having more time.


That's stupid. Everything on the entire planet Earth 'takes time'. You want to get a better free throw %? Well, you stand at the rim for hours at the FT line throwing balls in a bucket.

You want to get better at mathematics? Well, you sit your arse at a desk and do math problems everyday.

The idea that a game can't 'take time' is the complete antithesis of what makes a game good. You should want to spend lots of time in a gameworld.


The discussion was about things not in other games that didn't revovle around having more time.
Raid mob spawn racing.

My server rarely was ever spawn camped. Once it popped people started mobilizing. Was the greatest thing ever watching a competing guild running next to you and setting up on the other side of Kael arena. I swear my heart would race.

It took coordination and skill in multiple ways to race another guild and win. If you didn't know your way through a zone your guild lost. If you rushed too quickly or weren't good enough with less people, you lost. There are tons of reasons how racing for raid mobs was skill.


Molten Core Raider
Glad I put my money towards SoTA than padding Brad's account. Wish we could get the old EQ team back together sans McQuaid.