Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
Ok, if it's fair game then I'll undo the ban, np. Seemed like a shitty thing to post from a shitty dude, though.

Edit: If, for example, it was OneofOne's information that was posted then there wouldn't even be a discussion. The obvious difference being that we're not "public" figures.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
His address has been known for a while now. Personally, I didn't think it was cool to post regardless of how big his house is on google. Or how much of a weasel he is..


I'm Amod too!
I think it was kind of a cheesy post just because it wasn't really relevant to any conversation. It was just a "huehue, we doxed Brad. Now let's all stare at his house in google maps". Not so sure that it crossed a line or not though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
He posted the address in the hopes someone would probably do something or harrass him. That's crossing the line imo and should just fucking perma ban his ass.


Nothing Frenzic, address and wife's name, that's it. And funny you should mention that Quaid, I did do a quick zillow search for shits and giggles and damn... Brad's got a nice place - huge too - over 6700 sqft. If their estimate is even remotely accurate, dude make a good investment too haha. Bought it in 2000 for $375k, zillow puts it at $2m now. (To be fair, zillow estimates have always seemed too high to me /shrug)
I didn't see which address was posted, but my wife found that a few months ago. I don't think he currently owns that house. I would highly doubt he is "rolling" that big. That house was ridiculous. I would guess the home he owns is the other address. If you look at the pictures from the developers meeting and look at the other houses on the street, that looks about right.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't see which address was posted, but my wife found that a few months ago. I don't think he currently owns that house. I would highly doubt he is "rolling" that big. That house was ridiculous. I would guess the home he owns is the other address. If you look at the pictures from the developers meeting and look at the other houses on the street, that looks about right.
He lives there..

I don't see the purpose of posting it. I also don't think future devs should have to worry about posting here b/c someone might drop that shit in a forum. Although easy enough to find, a lot of folks were not thinking on that level. We discussed his greed, the size of his house(without posting the google image) and we all agreed that he's being a shady, greedy, mother fucker. Brad gives us enough ammo without having to post a picture of his mansion.

P.S. I wonder what his vacation home looks like!?


Musty Nester
That's the wrong kind of stirring the shit.

These pantheon grognards are not well. And a disillusioned one... Brad'll get some mysterious white powder in the fucking mail. You know full damn well there's a borderline type out there that'd do it. Tyen would almost do it if he didn't have the love of his donkey.

The crazy will find a way if it is dedicated. No need to provide the gun AND the bullets Mr Rush, Jr. Brad is doing a perfectly good job of cultivating them all by himself. When he inevitably gets murder/suicided by one of these adoring, obsessed lunatics lets do try to not have blood on our hands.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's the wrong kind of stirring the shit.

These pantheon grognards are not well. And a disillusioned one... Brad'll get some mysterious white powder in the fucking mail. You know full damn well there's a borderline type out there that'd do it. Tyen would almost do it if he didn't have the love of his donkey.

The crazy will find a way if it is dedicated. No need to provide the gun AND the bullets Mr Rush, Jr. Brad is doing a perfectly good job of cultivating them all by himself. When he inevitably gets murder/suicided by one of these adoring, obsessed lunatics lets do try to not have blood on our hands.
Nirrtix.. SWF


Since he's talking about things that are supposed to be private, Beck sent me a PM the first time he got banned whining about how his quote with Salim backpedaling wasn't him trying to raise hell. Basically, he's ignoring any faults of the team while being oddly obsessed with Brad and his reputation.

He also said the great voice of KTAM is done with Pantheon, but obviously that's not the case as he continues to peruse this thread and worry about pinpointing Brad on Google maps.


Molten Core Raider
It's stupid to post obviously, but you can look up anyone's property on just about every county auditor site in the country.


people will fund all kinds of stupid shit and yet Pantheon failed

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Silver Squire
Posting someone's address online is sleazy.

Not surprised someone as far out of touch with reality as Beck doesn't get that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
At what point exactly does it become socially acceptable to post someones personal info? Back on FoH Citten was basically just being an annoying twat in IRC, but people thought it was hilarious when I posted his info and he flipped out over it. Meanwhile, Brad actively scams people out of tens of thousands of dollars, but god forbid someone post his publicly available information.

Seems like a lot of hypocrisy. I bet if it had been anyone but that faggot from KTAM who posted it, people would have thought it was funny.