Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


The Sigil forums (as in before Vanguard even had a name so that Jason guy is way off) were great, all theorycraft all the time. Like that guy, I forget who it was, that came up with the idea about campfires that if visited would evolve into villeges>towns>then cities. Then if they were not visted devolve back all the way to a campfire, but whatever. The devs even commented (maybe Brad?) about it being a great idea and should be implemented but it was all smoke.

Questions for ya Nirrtix.
1. Is there anyone actually coding at Pantheon? Database? Connectivity?
2. How often did the team hear from Brad? A weekly meeting? Or did he just go through Sparklytroll if anything?
1. coding... Brad claims often he is MIA in codeland.... I cannot say I know if he is or not...
2. Well we talk to him on skype most of the days he is there on text (we usually talk thru text,) but he is hard to get a hold of when you need him.
If there are weekly meetings I was not privy to them like when we had a Teamspeak channel and Frenzic was on the team. Before Sparkle Brad talked to us pretty much weekly. I think unless shit hits the fan on an issue he usually goes through sparkytroll.


I have heard about his drug history.... As to him being ultra religious unlike sparkle he rarly talked about his religion. He does some on facebook, but you have to be a friend to see it.

I know Brad has a history, but I have no knowledge of it now. I do believe he is more religious than he lets on as he hired sparkle.... how can you know her and not know what she is like....

one former dev said

"I remember saying that level designers need to study dark souls for level design theory,

utilization of space, and all this other stuff

and she said that game is not aloud anywhere near her house"


Millie's Staff Member
I do not now...

Before I was told things about you that were not true... we had a campaign as moderators not to post on the PAntheon site to "bore" you guys to death... most of us got bored of that.

In the kickstarter many of the members that seemed hell bent on derailing the kickstarter were from Sad thing is they were right. I am willing to admit I am wrong.

Originally I thought you guys were having your jollies trying to make fun of hte kickstarter and the PAntheon site. Then I started to see how much of a joke it was. Even Tom did not fix half the stuff in that poorly made website. I gave Brad benefit of the doubt over the funds... then entered Sparkle... again you talking about her as the Jesus Freak and Cult Family seemed exaggerated. When I got to know her more I realized more and more how things did not add up. As I read your site you guys seemed more right than they did. I could tell they were covering stuff up as well I am not that stupid.

Why did I support the game so long? Well I do like the original dream with Brad and the original Dev team, the problem is that dream changed and changed. Now it is a totally different dream, or shall we say VISION. I stuck it out for a long time simply becuase I Idolized Brad Mcquaid... that faded months ago. I was feeding information to you guys through a person whose name sounds like Canada. A lot of that info Frenzic got came from me. I was on a mission to expose Sparkle for who she is. The facebook posts were the motherload and the final straw. I was as infuriated as I was eager to expose her. I was baffled Brad defended her.

Both of them are a joke. I do not understand why some of the Dev team stick around. Some I respect still like Joppa and Kyndread, but most of them are Sparklebots or have been MIA for months (yes the team pads their numbers.)I also would not be surprised if the site member count is padded with fake accounts.
thanks for responding, its true a lot of us are angry 'jaded' bastards, im likely one of those, but some things like gaming, we got the inside curve on. we also have quite a few game devs posting here, some subtly, some not so subtly. anyways, welcome to this board, we have been around as long as EQ has more or less. i came here (old foh board) back in 2000 and never left, unless i was being banned for calling out manginas.

oh can you tell us how much work being done is actually work or just people buying Unity assets and inserting them in game? because every "movie" looks like pure Unity.


Lord Nagafen Raider
AHA! Called it a few pages back.

Have you heard the allegations that Brad was all weird about ultra evangelical Christianity too? Did you ever sense anything to back that claim (made by former Everquest and VG colleagues) up? How about his drug history?
Brad made religious comments to me on skype a few times. Honestly that kind of stuff doesn't bother me one bit. If someone tells me God bless you or some other adage, i don't get all upset about it. Most of my family growing up were pretty religious people and I respect all the religions for what they are. Sparkling is an example of something good taken to the extreme. I don't believe Brad is nearly as crazy from my talks with him, at least when it comes to Godly things~


Do you guys remember the voice acting I had her record for me? It's equally as bad as those trolls LOL. I have several audio clips of her trying to voice act.
I would love to hear that.... it might cause pain from hearing her voice, but I know it would be as hilarious as the Visions 2009 trailer for KS and her son doing Shakespeare with a tablecloth as a cape.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Did anyone else notice that the fuzzy troll is holding a sickle? I bet it is an Amish troll...


Brad made religious comments to me on skype a few times. Honestly that kind of stuff doesn't bother me one bit. If someone tells me God bless you or some other adage, i don't get all upset about it. Most of my family growing up were pretty religious people and I respect all the religions for what they are. Sparkling is an example of something good taken to the extreme. I don't believe Brad is nearly as crazy from my talks with him, at least when it comes to Godly things~
I did not havea problem with saying "god bless you" it was when she started taking it over that. IT is also bad business to mix work with personal stuff... that is all she does.

I am sure you guys noticed in the "Three Strikes Thread" started saying "Buddha Bless You" at the end of my posts. I was trying to irritate her. She went viral on the posters there causing several people to cancel their accounts... Blue claims I do not know the community, but I got so many goodbyes messaged to me it was ridiculous. No one made them do that and they did not have to look up to me because of my Mod status. That was gone. Several even facebook friended me.

Blue claims she knows the community better than me. I doubt so, as all she does 99% of the time is mod. I talked to the community I also tried to be a voice for them in the dev channel.

Brad has said some religious stuff to me... as you said he seemed religious, but not to the crazy level like her...


thanks for responding, its true a lot of us are angry 'jaded' bastards, im likely one of those, but some things like gaming, we got the inside curve on. we also have quite a few game devs posting here, some subtly, some not so subtly. anyways, welcome to this board, we have been around as long as EQ has more or less. i came here (old foh board) back in 2000 and never left, unless i was being banned for calling out manginas.

oh can you tell us how much work being done is actually work or just people buying Unity assets and inserting them in game? because every "movie" looks like pure Unity.
That I know of they are making zones... Kyndread has a few done, but Radash and Sparkle are overriding him on his design and stuff.... I respect Kyndread I think hte main reason he sticks to PAntheon is he has so much invested timewise in it. I am not sure Sparkle has invested an hour... She spends time working on Visions too.... apparently a lot. Add that with Facebook... and well that is why there is no lore since May... But she gets paid for it apparently.

Yeah the first movie looked ok... But all the others showed little to no improvement. In fact when they showed zones made by Radash the zones looked crappier. Montreseur is very good.

This is his current work...

As far as assets all are unity. Supposedly they plan to replace them once they are able to with graphics made by a graphics artist. Problem is that position will cost a ton of money so.... who knows. The only real improvement in the videos I really noticed is the movement looks "better" the original movement was so horrid I am surprised they made a video with it.

They are about to release a new video... we will see if that looks any better than unity skeletons and the same cave walls...


Trakanon Raider
I would like to know where these people go to church or if they have some type of society or gathering because I have never seen people that act as odd as Sparkling. I just think these people manifest their craziness and insecurities into religion. Next thing you know, they'll all be wearing the same clothes and mixing kool-aid.

I will say this for them. They have managed to make their inner workings of the company (if you want to call it that) more entertaining than any game they appear to be capable of making.


I would like to know where these people go to church or if they have some type of society or gathering because I have never seen people that act as odd as Sparkling. I just think these people manifest their craziness and insecurities into religion. Next thing you know, they'll all be wearing the same clothes and mixing kool-aid.

I will say this for them. They have managed to make their inner workings of the company (if you want to call it that) more entertaining than any game they appear to be capable of making.
I do not know she lives in Oregon and her address is on her Resume, which she kindly left available online.It is linked by Frenzic in an earlier thread.
As to her intelligence... as you noticed she cannot spell simple words. She was home schooled and he children are too. She feels public schools manifest evil.

As to her feelings about zombies Everquest had zombies, but she only played because she has pregnancy related insomnia (shrugs.)

I am sure if Pantheon has Zombies they are Amish...


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
^^^ For a moment I thought it might be an elaborate Salty troll....

Glad I got a screenshot of that post before he Godly Purge.

Time to screenshot fucking everything.
I can just hear the phonecall now.

"Hi, Ian? Yeah, this is Brad. Sorry for calling you so late, but we've got a big problem here. We're at the point that we can't delete new threads fast enough because it's only Sparkling and me. Oh, yeah, her family is at bible camp or something or they'd help I guess. Uh huh...yeah,, I don't really want you to back anything up. I kind want...I kinda want you to pull the plug. Nuke everything from orbit. I just want to erase everything, kind of like you did with FOH."

Sparkling. What a stupid fucking name.
Sounds like the name of a Christian Brony.


Trakanon Raider
I do not know she lives in Oregon and her address is on her Resume, which she kindly left available online.It is linked by Frenzic in an earlier thread.
As to her intelligence... as you noticed she cannot spell simple words. She was home schooled and he children are too. She feels public schools manifest evil.

As to her feelings about zombies Everquest had zombies, but she only played because she has pregnancy related insomnia (shrugs.)

I am sure if Pantheon has Zombies they are Amish...
I guess there's just all kinds of people in this world. Of all the odd people i've met or known, I don't think I have ever met any one person that possess all these qwerks. We have a small, conservative homeschool uprising in our area and they remind me of her a bit but i'm pretty sure they would scratch their heads at her.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Just doing the spy thing, and it's funny. If you look at the homes around her, they are all tidy and well kept. Her's looks like some old 97 year old man lives there and can't afford help. She obviously doesn't believe her kids need to get their fat asses outside and do some yard work. Lord knows (har har) she could use the exercise.


I would like to know where these people go to church or if they have some type of society or gathering because I have never seen people that act as odd as Sparkling.
Oh, believe me, they're out there in larger numbers than you would believe, and at the 'normal' churches to boot. This post is nothing but "Holy shit these people are nuts" so feel free to gloss over if that doesn't sound on-topic enough.

When I was in high school I got expelled and homeschooled my way through the last bit. My parents joined this social group that seemed like the least fringe in the area, and it was FULL of insane people like you wouldn't believe. One thing I noticed is they all use the same "language" as sparkles. It's almost like constant affirmations. They pretty much brainwashed my mom in that one year with all sorts of the craziest shit you can imagine. Everything was an end of days conspiracy, Bill Clinton was the antichrist, and y2k wascertainlygoing to be the start of the tribulation. Everyone who didn't agree with them was possessed by demons or under spiritual warfare. They literally all bought decades worth of survival food and believed stuff that made pat robertson and crew look moderate. This was in fact, the most moderate group of the ones we looked at.

One day, I brought over final fantasy 3 (6, nerds) to the most secular-seeming kid in the group's house, because he had said it sounded cool. He played it for a few minutes while I did some homework, and suddenly he turned to me, looking pale (the exact moment was when the moogles appeared. I think he must have associated them with demons) and asked "wait, is this a role-playing game?". He excused himself. 5 minutes later, his entire family showed up (including the tiny dog), and had a crisis mode intervention on the level you see heroin addicts subjected to. Like they formed a chair circle around me and they hadpamphletsabout how these games teach people to cast spells. Where the fuck did they even get pamphlets from to whip out on demand in a role-playing-game related crisis? I'm impressed by that shit to this day. They had this long prayer intervention that lasted like 2 hours. It was truly insane and if I wasn't in full on teen-defiant-to-everything mode I might have been taken in.

I was later kicked out of that group, because I refused to denounce and relinquish a megadeth CD of my own free will, and they were worried that the demons that had hold on me would influence the other kids. They were right though, I throw 3 million damage chaos bolts with the power of warlockery, now



Millie's Staff Member
for a time my dad decided he was born again, i guess this was after my parents had divorced and he wanted to get remarried without a guilty conscience. anyway, he had this new church and one of the weekends i visited him, he wanted to take me to the born again church. before i left, my mom took me aside and said "dont you let those nuts make you pray to anything or take anything they offer you". so i went to this church and it was really different than the catholic church i went to before that. it was like a rock concert. lots of music and a full band busting out christian rock and people were dancing around making fools of themselves.

when it came time for communion my dad pushed me forward to get in line and when their priest handed me the piece of bread that was supposed to be the body of christ, i said thanks and put in my pocket without eating it. i walked back to my pew and my dad was so pissed. he wouldnt talk to me on the way home. to this day 30+ years later, my dad still gets on my case about that. the last time he did that we were in a phone conversation, i say, "dad, you know im an atheist and that was just a moldy piece of bread. i didnt care then and i dont care now". he hung up on me and we didnt talk for a while.

the kicker is, my dad is like the laziest born again christian, he probably hasnt seen the inside of a church in almost 30 years unless it was someone's funeral and he watches all kinds of horror movies and plays video games with demons and eats that shit up. i think the extent of his religion now is he busts my balls about the "communion incident" and of course he still has one of those lame jesus fishes on his car.


Triggered Happy
Nirrtix, welcome and thanks for joining and giving us the inside viewpoint.

Do they have any plans for another kickstarter down the line? I would assume that as they are paying living expenses that they would require an income in the future.