Path of Exile


<Bronze Donator>
I'll admit this is my first crafting league, I started with Breach. If this is par for course, then bleh. The mechanic needs to be more engaging and finitely(not overall) rewarding. How many people want a league mechanic that pays off weeks from now?


Trakanon Raider

No, it's like saying the beast-crafting is not worse than essences or any of the other crafting that has ever been in this game. If you could just roll up, capture 4 beasts and get a 500ex set of gear from using them, would that make beastcrafting 'useful'?

Crafting is rng just like item drops, always has been and always will, whether that's essences or normal crafting or beastiary crafting.
The launch was shit, afer numerous hotfixes and patches the actual mechanic that is the point of the league has been tweaked so it's actually usable, then you have the point of red beasts being so rare you get one every 5-10 maps or so, which can be up to an hour of gameplay depending on how fast you go, whether you run into zanas/breaches etc. Then you have to look through your recipes, figure which one is worth a try and pull the lever. And hope you don't get oneshot by some funky bug or interaction you managed to overlook, which would render all your league interaction in the past hour completely pointless. See where people might have a bit of a problem with it ? Not to mention extra fun of net management.

Crafting has never been anything but RNG in this game, but when you can try your luck once an hour, unless you nolife it, the amount of attempts at any single recipe is laughable. Oh and don't forget to bring the appropriate crafting base from your HO, because the technology just isn't there yet.

Stop using 500ex gear as a measuring stick, if it was common, it wouldn't cost 500ex you dimwit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Almost there fam!

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Potato del Grande
The launch was shit, afer numerous hotfixes and patches the actual mechanic that is the point of the league has been tweaked so it's actually usable, then you have the point of red beasts being so rare you get one every 5-10 maps or so, which can be up to an hour of gameplay depending on how fast you go, whether you run into zanas/breaches etc. Then you have to look through your recipes, figure which one is worth a try and pull the lever. And hope you don't get oneshot by some funky bug or interaction you managed to overlook, which would render all your league interaction in the past hour completely pointless. See where people might have a bit of a problem with it ? Not to mention extra fun of net management.

Crafting has never been anything but RNG in this game, but when you can try your luck once an hour, unless you nolife it, the amount of attempts at any single recipe is laughable. Oh and don't forget to bring the appropriate crafting base from your HO, because the technology just isn't there yet.

Stop using 500ex gear as a measuring stick, if it was common, it wouldn't cost 500ex you dimwit.

Did you play essence league? How long did it take you to get one essence worth using on a piece of gear to roll the dice? If you say less than an hour, you're full of shit. 90% of the essences were and are literally worthless and trying to craft something with anything but a shrieking or deafening is a total waste of time because you're rolling for shit tiers (couple exceptions with the % damage on jewelry ones). Lets not forget the first month of essence consisted of finding the same tier of essence in maps as you did in lvl 20 zones.

How about beyond league from back in the day when the mobs were shitting all over people for the first few weeks as they made multiple balance changes to stop them from being stupidly OP? How about breach league, i'm 99% sure they spent the first few weeks balancing that one out too, and even after all the changes, I got a total of 1/3rd of a chayula breachstone. That's 0 attempts at that league mechanic. Is that laughable like this league? How about abyss league where they were doing hotfixes and patches so that people could actually fight a lich at some point in the league, also laughable?

Yes, red mobs are fairly rare. So are exalted and divines. Do you need red mobs to craft a 1h sword with crit chance or a dex/int shield with cast speed? Also, "net management"? It's really that big of a deal for you to keep a stack of strong steel nets in your inventory and keep some thaumaturgical's to turn into necromancies in your stash (or on you) for when you need them? But essence management wasn't a league ruining mechanic when there was no essence tab so you had just an entire stash tab filled with 9 tiers of 15 different essences to try and deal with and upgrade them by vendoring?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I wish they would do a league that made crafting (and thus currency drops) more accessible. Would be pretty fun. I mean sure it would fuck standard but does anyone really care about that?


<Silver Donator>
I wish they would do a league that made crafting (and thus currency drops) more accessible. Would be pretty fun. I mean sure it would fuck standard but does anyone really care about that?
They obviously do since they're always talking about the economy and whatever and they do have a fair amount of standard players. The only time they go crazy with shit is when they void the leagues, and tbh the void leagues are often the most fun, because it feels kinda like D3 where you make vast progress quickly in terms of gearing without having to trade at all. I also wonder really how much you can fuck standard when so much there is already 99% perfect gear and legacy uniques and whatever and exalts is the basic currency for everything. Like yeah that item that's worth 20exalts might be worth 30exalts after but I'm not sure that matters a whole lot when the items are already not worth 30exalts, it's just there's so much shit on standard everything is massively infalted.

Honestly what I think I'd like is higher loot+void SSF league, but probably wouldn't happen due to fragmentation of the playerbase and shit. Just it'd be probably nicer.


Trakanon Raider
I gave up this weekend. I've been playing 40 hours+ each week since league start and still didn't get all my memory fragments. Had more money than in all my previous leagues combined though and got to try out some new builds at least. Gave a newbie friend almost 60ex in gear/$ so he was happy. Bought Vermintide 2 and hope my RNG drops are better there =O


Trakanon Raider
They obviously do since they're always talking about the economy and whatever and they do have a fair amount of standard players. The only time they go crazy with shit is when they void the leagues, and tbh the void leagues are often the most fun, because it feels kinda like D3 where you make vast progress quickly in terms of gearing without having to trade at all. I also wonder really how much you can fuck standard when so much there is already 99% perfect gear and legacy uniques and whatever and exalts is the basic currency for everything. Like yeah that item that's worth 20exalts might be worth 30exalts after but I'm not sure that matters a whole lot when the items are already not worth 30exalts, it's just there's so much shit on standard everything is massively infalted.

Honestly what I think I'd like is higher loot+void SSF league, but probably wouldn't happen due to fragmentation of the playerbase and shit. Just it'd be probably nicer.
Honestly the bigger danger is player expectations, the backlash from this league where the mechanic basically gave zero loot and even nerfed currency drops at launch shows how much of a problem that can be. I'm all for them doing a poor league, but they seriously need to communicate it better and it just makes everybody play RF or summoners. As it is, you are never sure if your drops are a fuckup, RNG or a feature. They even brought back legacy for all the broken shit of leagues past, it's obvious they don't care too much. The past few leagues have been quite consistent with giving broken items that get nerfed once the league is over. Essence was dumpstered, Perandus is Zana only, Abyss gives fewer drops and the uniques got nerfed too etc.


Trakanon Raider
So I'm looking for a general price check on this. Not great with trading, but all the browsing i've seen max life/life %/life recovery rate is pretty rare. Closest thing i saw on trade was a leather belt with 15% life recovery and crafted max life and life % for 3ex. Could use with my jugg but would rather sell if it'd fetch a high price.



Lord Nagafen Raider
I need to borrow you more often when it comes to corrupting t15's into vaal temple. It took me probably 20+ t15's corrupted to get mine. Argh!


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I'm looking for a general price check on this. Not great with trading, but all the browsing i've seen max life/life %/life recovery rate is pretty rare. Closest thing i saw on trade was a leather belt with 15% life recovery and crafted max life and life % for 3ex. Could use with my jugg but would rather sell if it'd fetch a high price.

View attachment 163717

I would probably put that in the 1ex-1.5ex range. No option to craft a prefix or a suffix lowers its value quite a bit, but the good mods on there are pretty nice.


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone play with a degen at red tier maps? I'm having trouble compensating for certain map affixes and I'd rather not just "not run them". Normally, the Oni-Goroshi and blood rage degen is 90% countered by a lot of passive regen. But in the presence of any of these map mods, it becomes a huge pain in the ass:
  • Max minus resists
  • Elemental weakness(I do have a stibnite flask of warding)
  • Vulnerability(increased the degen from Bloodrage)
  • Reduced regen all the way up to no regen at all. These are separate mods, so they come up more than you'd think.
  • Shocking ground. I was a little surprised by this one, but it does increase the damage taken from degens.
I've tried playing a scion slayer to counteract the degen, but slayer leech is less effective than one would assume in this situation. It's quite easy to trigger the degen on packs that don't provide enough leech to counteract it. Feelsbadman hopping from pack to pack at -30% max life, that will get you killed in higher tier maps.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Max Minus Resist and Elemental Weakness can be countered with that 60 ring chest + overcapping resists, shocking ground can be countered by Raider ascendancy, Verusa's Battering Rams...any shock immunity status item really. Vuln can be offset by physical % reduction, grab one of them flasks to pop if you're running from pack to pack. But yeah, other than that you just need to reroll the maps. It's why I never play RF.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone play with a degen at red tier maps? I'm having trouble compensating for certain map affixes and I'd rather not just "not run them". Normally, the Oni-Goroshi and blood rage degen is 90% countered by a lot of passive regen. But in the presence of any of these map mods, it becomes a huge pain in the ass:
  • Max minus resists
  • Elemental weakness(I do have a stibnite flask of warding)
  • Vulnerability(increased the degen from Bloodrage)
  • Reduced regen all the way up to no regen at all. These are separate mods, so they come up more than you'd think.
  • Shocking ground. I was a little surprised by this one, but it does increase the damage taken from degens.
I've tried playing a scion slayer to counteract the degen, but slayer leech is less effective than one would assume in this situation. It's quite easy to trigger the degen on packs that don't provide enough leech to counteract it. Feelsbadman hopping from pack to pack at -30% max life, that will get you killed in higher tier maps.

I did Oni MS Jugg and had zero problem with map mods of all tiers other than no leech (more of inconvenience, but not impossible) or ele reflect (not possible).