Path of Exile


<Bronze Donator>
XP doesn't really slow down until 94-94ish. Instead of playing stash of exile or looting bad base yellows you focus on grinding when going for 100. I prepare a tab full of maps for example by pre-rolling them to what fits my build. I also pre-block my atlas so once I'm ready to grind I only have to sextant instead of rolling sextants. The grind to 100 was only bad for me because I didn't use to focus on chain mapping. If you focus on mapping in properly sextant'd poorjoys or properly rolled and sextant'd shaped shores instead of pleb strands or other bad maps it also makes your grind much easier and faster.
I've never had the currency to sextant like that. A Dying Sun is the most expensive item I've bought.


Molten Core Raider
A game that is centered around the flow of killing packs of monsters, slowing your overall kill speed(because you're cautious) and stopping to read the tiny text on every rare is a much bigger problem than you make it sound. You can do it, sure, but it makes the overall experience much worse.

I disagree. This is mandatory otherwise you just zone-out farm -- consider it a speedbump required for sensible play.

What about builds that must be in melee range to kill? How do they avoid volatiles?

Hit and move -- one volatile shouldn't kill any melee character. A bunch of bearers will but... hit and move.

I tried an 8-mod vaaled Waterways map for the first time on Sunday. Got to boss, died twice. Couldn't even get into melee range to start leeching. I assume the boss is doing some sort of cold damage aura, but fuck if I know, nothing was telling me that. Not even the external website has details on him.

Uh, show me the mods on the map and I could probably instantly tell you what happened. Somewhere on the 8-mod list is probably -max player resist or some other totally dangerous shit. That's a hard map.

All of your complaints are either solved by L2P or "this isn't the game for you." I don't mean this as an insult -- I've been playing PoE since 2012 and I'm still improving. I take a lot of stuff for granted. You've been playing for less than a year -- of course we're going to have different perspectives on the difficulty.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've never had the currency to sextant like that. A Dying Sun is the most expensive item I've bought.

Yeah man sextanting is very expensive.

What Eidal is saying above is the TLDR about PoE. The game tries its hardest to kill you in thousands of different ways, I died A TON until I learned over the course of years why. As you get more experienced you're going to fly to level 90 in 2 days or less. The same thing will happen with the games raid bosses, youll rush them immediately for profit early on or rush lab for time runs and get rich. Its a lot like an MMO where the first ones to get to the end make the most money.

I'm at the point where I rush 1 mirror maybe 2 max in a league by doing Lab shenanigans early on. There is people in my guild who make 5 mirrors in the first 2 weeks by rushing Chayula, Shaper, and Uber Atziri.


<Bronze Donator>
I appreciate the responses, I'm not trying to be combative. It's just frustrating to die and you go...ok, how? And if you figure out the how, can you figure how you could have reacted to that.

That's the crux of my argument and I don't think you're necessarily disagreeing with me. I want tools to react to dangerous situations and you're saying you should instead anticipate them. They're both valid, but I think reactive gameplay has a much smoother learning curve than anticipatory, especially with an expensive death penalty.

Just repeating myself at this point, so, uh...have they given any details what the next league will be?


This game needs a combat log or at least an explanation of what killed you for sure.

Pal's ranger got one shot by Daresso cruel and was way over geared with belly of beast etc. Immortal call didn't trigger so we would love to know what did it. Pretty sure Daresso can drop a massive crit from time to time?


Trakanon Raider
Well good news is Volatile is a bit of a joke in 3.0! I Can't complain about dying to that shit afterwards.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think a death recap would be awesome in this game; I definitely have died a bunch of times and never knew why. But also, I've definitely learned to die much less the more I've played, even as melee. All my chars this season are 93+. My chars have been pretty defensive focused regardless of build. My mjollner discharge has 5800 health and +80% max resist with up to 70% spell block and 8 endurance charges. My lacerater has 6900 health and slayer leech. My starter essence drain guy(who has maybe 3ex of gear) has 11k ES. I prioritize defenses over many offensive stats just because I know that there are going to be times where I am going to be hit by something and die. I would rather not die and slightly lower my kill speed.

Also for levelling, solo power farming maps and not picking up trash yellows or poorjoy rotations I've found to be the best and most efficient way.

For power farming maps, this was mentioned before, but pre-roll your maps all at once, put them in a stash tab with the correct amount of league stones you plan to use. Have a separate stash tab for loot you pick up and just dump them all in there at the end of your map(you should never have more than 1 full inventory of stuff per map). Try to pick only linear or open/circular maps to farm to reduce the amount of back tracking. Don't be greedy with your potions; use them as much as you can. If you're clearing fast your potions will fill up faster than you use them(even as a non-pathfinder). Sometimes altering to gem set up nets you better results when farming maps versus killing bosses. For example, I switch my lacerate gem with cyclone to farming maps fast on my slayer. Even though it's a huge drop in DPS, the DPS is still good enough that I can literally spin in a straight line and everything dies.

Also, get a headhunter. That legit fixes all map farming problems. :D


Trakanon Raider
Currently lvl 88 myself. Still doing the warchief/dual totem build, and I died a TON. I'm new to this game so not worried about it because I'm still learning about game mechanics. For instance, up until last month I was doing mapping content up to t5/6 with only 3k hit points. Also I was using a tabula rasa for the 6l, so my mitigation was crap. Things were one-shotting me a lot and it was frustrating to say the least. Fast foward now, I am doing t10-12, I use a brass dome armor now for chest piece (5l), and I have 4k hit points now. My hit points are still very low, but I learned from my previous play how to dodge shit a lot so I don't get hit that often. When I do, my brass dome can mitigate most of it.

Still, I die one in a while, and dying is a pain in the ass of course. I still think it's a very nice mechanic in the game. Basically the game is telling me either I suck or my gear sucks too much to advance further. Even though it hurts, it is the truth, because once my gear improved I died a lot less. I like this better than everyone being able to reach level 100 just based on playtime. Realistically, I may never reach 100 on this character because of the choices I have made, and I'm OK with that because once I do reach lvl 100 on a toon it will feel like a real accomplishment.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is there a minimum level to spawn Abaxoth in a low level zone, is he my level or zone level? I've never fought him before and with the xp penalty for death, I'm a bit tired of what this game calls a "challenge".
he spawns in maps only.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Currently lvl 88 myself. Still doing the warchief/dual totem build, and I died a TON. I'm new to this game so not worried about it because I'm still learning about game mechanics. For instance, up until last month I was doing mapping content up to t5/6 with only 3k hit points. Also I was using a tabula rasa for the 6l, so my mitigation was crap. Things were one-shotting me a lot and it was frustrating to say the least. Fast foward now, I am doing t10-12, I use a brass dome armor now for chest piece (5l), and I have 4k hit points now. My hit points are still very low, but I learned from my previous play how to dodge shit a lot so I don't get hit that often. When I do, my brass dome can mitigate most of it.

Still, I die one in a while, and dying is a pain in the ass of course. I still think it's a very nice mechanic in the game. Basically the game is telling me either I suck or my gear sucks too much to advance further. Even though it hurts, it is the truth, because once my gear improved I died a lot less. I like this better than everyone being able to reach level 100 just based on playtime. Realistically, I may never reach 100 on this character because of the choices I have made, and I'm OK with that because once I do reach lvl 100 on a toon it will feel like a real accomplishment.

I agree with this. While I think most players can hit level 90 without much trouble, going to 95 and beyond is a whole new skill set, being patience, and not zoning out. It is an actual prestige to hit 100 since so many people just can't. I find that the zoning out part is the cause of about 75% of my deaths, 20% being greedy(trying to uber izaro on a fresh character the moment I found all 6 trials with 3k health. Do not recommend. Another favourite greed move of mine: Vaal cycloning in a breach with double beyond. Fuck you Bameth). The last 5% I would consider BS, but they will be fixing a lot of it soon(hi volatiles and reflects). Some things still kill me and I don't know why. For example, twice I have zoned into shaper after dying in phase 3, but the moment I click a direction to move I instantly died. No particles on my screen. Shaper wasn't on my side of the arena. I just...died. The bullet hell phase was over, no extra adds on the screen, was not standing on any of the vortexes, no beams or slams occurring. One day, if we ever get a death recap, maybe I'll learn why.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's really not that bad if you have the currency to support the proper grind. Maps with 7 types of extra packs of mobs because of sextants in a high % map has really changed the grind.

Not to mention if you do Poorjoy's which is just as good or better for other builds you make money each map. Poorjoy's drops chaotic disposition cards which turn in for 5 chaos each. You tell your friends in the group all cards go to you and then you can basically sustain one of the highest XP maps in the game for free and make some extra chaos.


Trakanon Raider
Here I am wondering what's so magical about Act 10
10 and 9 won't be in beta, so it will be a surprise and probably a bug city. I have a feeling the next big league after 3.0 will also bring in the polish for the new acts.


<Gold Donor>
I played about 6 months, maybe less. A buddy of mine gave me a few exalts to start with (he quit the league) and a dude from here @jeydax (thanks bro) gave me some nice equipment that was pretty good too and taught me a few things. But my final build, that I essentially came up on my own got me to lv 88. I could of went higher but it started to be boring, diminishing returns type of thing. Never even saw end game, but I dont think my dude was the caliber to go there anyway without like 50-100 ex more in gear. Good gear is just so fucking rare in this game its silly. I think the entire time (multiple characters to 80s) I think I found like 5-6 pieces of good gear, not great, just good. Rolling gear is just pulling the one arm bandit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The first time I killed shaper I had about 10 ex of gear(probably less), at level 91 But he is definitely more of a mechanics check than a gear check. When fighting him, it is entirely possible to not get hit by him once(the in between phases are a bit of a different story). It does get a bit boring when you don't have a clear goal of what you want to accomplish. Doing maps for the sake of doing all maps is pretty lame. This league I had a goal of killing all the bosses and completing my Atlas. I've done all the bosses and I'm just missing 1 map for the Atlas(Perandus Manor). I know Harble wants to kill the shaper before the league ends.

Good gear is very rare in this game, but there are many ways to make currency even if you are not completely decked out. Selling maps, lab enchants(on certain days when its easy), some prophecies, and just selling tons of rares in the 1-5c range is how I earned the 10ex of gear I used to kill Shaper. Since I put shaper on farm status I've probably killed him around 20something times, and he has made me probably 40ish ex. Once you've become good at killing specific bosses that becomes a new source of reliable revenue. Once you have that revenue stream you can make whatever new build you want or just deck out your guys so hard that you can finally faceroll everything.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I played about 6 months, maybe less. A buddy of mine gave me a few exalts to start with (he quit the league) and a dude from here @jeydax (thanks bro) gave me some nice equipment that was pretty good too and taught me a few things. But my final build, that I essentially came up on my own got me to lv 88. I could of went higher but it started to be boring, diminishing returns type of thing. Never even saw end game, but I dont think my dude was the caliber to go there anyway without like 50-100 ex more in gear. Good gear is just so fucking rare in this game its silly. I think the entire time (multiple characters to 80s) I think I found like 5-6 pieces of good gear, not great, just good. Rolling gear is just pulling the one arm bandit.

You probably did yourself a disservice by getting welfare. I honestly have the most fun in this game when I fresh hit Merc Lakes during a new league and I slowly get the chaos to buy decent rares then get the chaos to buy build defining uniques. Getting gifted all that really ruins that build up and you just go dick first into the map grind.