Path of Exile


<Silver Donator>
Raider changes, slight nerfs to quartz stuff(movespeed going down on minor nodes and the quartz one), buffs to onslaught, major one being you can proc it on bosses/rares now and it lasts 10secs so it's basically permanent onslaught, should be great for leveling as the first ascendency points.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Nothing surprising with the raider changes, but changing the onslaught tree while not doing anything for pathfinder poison ascendancy is weird.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I am not impressed with raider changes.

Nerf to veil movespeed. why? Raider movespeed was barely competitive with Pathfinder before.
Buff to Chase. eh.. the onslaught on hit is nice. but, still competing with silver flask. it needs a bit more to justify it. The actual chase buffs then, again, ok... but not pathfinder.
The only reason people go raider is Avatar of the Slaughter. Its the only thing that competes with Pathfinder. Nerfing veil doesnt help that. and Chase is not unique or powerful enough on its own to justify it over pathfinder.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Really interested in seeing the Witch ones and Jugg. They are doing a great job with these so far imo. Shit is building the hype thinking of new builds for next league :)
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


<Silver Donator>
Raider changes look good. Now the whole ascendancy is equally worse than pathfinder.
Raider's nicer for a more casual approach, Pathfinder is kinda garbage until endgame when you can actually spam flasks constantly due to high killspeed and map density. Obviously if you're going for like lvl 90+ and what not that's great but lately since I don't bother playing PoE much, I'd much rather make a Raider, Onslaught and Frenzy for leveling, respec out of Onslaught for Quartz defense shit once you hit the maps(depends on build though might just stay with Onslaught), it feels nice and straightforward to play.


Potato del Grande
Hm but the reward is just to the top person only? I can’t imagine I’ll be the only one in the league trying to do this. Which would be the only way I see myself winning a speed run

I think that's why he mentioned doing it on SSF. You won't stand a chance in the non SSF version of the league because you have to compete with stuff like this (2nd place run 11 seconds behind 1st):

  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Blackwing Lair Raider
Was wondering a few magic find related things

- since bisco’s iq just effects normal mobs, what does the effective impact on iq come out to? Since there are a lot of normal mobs per map, but their native iq is lower than magic/rare mobs , wasn’t sure what the ‘effective’ iq was, if anyone has calculated. Trying to determine how much trade off there is with say a 8-10 iq shaped amulet

- normally people dont care about the rarity roll on biscos but I was wondering, since shaped/elder items only drop as rares, does that mean your item rarity bonus will effect how many shaper/elder items you get?


Avatar of War Slayer
Champion enemies can not evade, might be pretty huge for some Summoner builds.
Mirror/blink arrow. dancing dervish. scourge. unearth.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think that's why he mentioned doing it on SSF. You won't stand a chance in the non SSF version of the league because you have to compete with stuff like this (2nd place run 11 seconds behind 1st):

Yeah exactly I suck at speed running lab but I can do 4-5 minutes no problem and that's enough to take SSF easily. Usually the next best times at league starts are like 8-10 minutes. You can also start building your enchant bank and sell all of those when you leave along with the maps and quality gems you get.


Potato del Grande
The biggest problem is actually getting all the uber lab trials. I've had a couple leagues where I get all 6 fairly fast, and i've had others where I just get them off 820 cause i'm 200 maps deep with 2 of 6. They really should set it up so you get one you haven't completed if it spawns until you have all of them done, then go to random.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh I missed that it’s daily. I suppose in hc ssf league it depends on ur drops. If I get that weapon that has mvmt speed to drop and a few of the other right uniques it could make a night and day difference. Otherwise I have no chance, think fastest I could run it is 8-9 mins


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's no way in hell I'm ever making a lab runner. I ran Uber Lab 3 times back to back once, and it was awful. I'll get rich the old fashioned way, scamming people and getting lucky.
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
There's no way in hell I'm ever making a lab runner. I ran Uber Lab 3 times back to back once, and it was awful. I'll get rich the old fashioned way, scamming people and getting lucky.

ditto, I run lab 4 times a league per char to get my perks and I hate every fucking second of it.
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user