Path of Exile


<Silver Donator>
The wording seemed to imply it won't be a flashback race. It's possible it'll be actual races, like a mini race season with various events. 1week races mixed in with shorter races maybe? Guess we'll know soon-ish.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It's halfway done. And for most people, it will be done at the end of the month(flashback).

Not to mention MHW coming out is going to kill this league for me.

On another note I got top 10 lab runs yesterday. Thought that was pretty cool. Too bad its #1 or bust.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Got 3 horizon orbs out of the temple. Turned my 3 extra Hyrdra maps into one Minotaur map, one Chimera map, one Phoeniz map, and had on Hydra left over. Out of horizon orbs now. Nice it worked out.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm thinking of trying the shaper. I know nothing about him. I have done all 4 guardians with no issue other than the map couldn't regen life/mana I rolled by mistake, it still went down.

Any rough estimates of what DPS/life I need is there a DPS check. According to POB I have 1.4m effective DPS on shaper boss. 2.1m DPS effective on non boss stuff. 6k life. Mino down again, apparently prophecies can trigger in mino fight, extra rogue exile. I didn't notice but got the pop up mid fight. Something twins.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I think trade macro is drunk again. List this as 4exalts lol. I don't set prices with it I just look out of curiousity.

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<Bronze Donator>
Looking for some recommendations on Indigon builds. Doesn't have to be Poet's Pen, but it seems to fit the build the best. The amount of EHP you can have while pumping out hefty boss dps seems interesting, even if only from a theorycrafting standpoint. I even wrote up an indigon simulator last night, but it's kinda crude.

Arc and VD/DD are obvious candidates.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Shaper down. I can say I did it, once. Probably never do it again. I died once and still just don't see the fun in those fights. Well twice, I died to one of the bosses on the way to him, the one with the spinning deals she one shot me before I saw her.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm done. Not a fan of the stage fights at all. I'll probably wind down now that shaper is dead. I did more than any other league but it's all because of RNG. I didn't make any currency on anything I actually had a hand in. Random bisco's out of the temple sacrificial chamber, windripper from a prophecy I didn't know I had, frostferno from a prophecy I realised I had after I got the windripper drop. So in 2 days I got enough currency to buy some stuff. It was nice, but didn't have anything to do with anything I did lol.

We'll see what the even in a few weeks turns out to be.

I would like to craft something but that appears to be a huge investment in currency and knowledge, which I don't have either.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Shaper down. I can say I did it, once. Probably never do it again. I died once and still just don't see the fun in those fights. Well twice, I died to one of the bosses on the way to him, the one with the spinning deals she one shot me before I saw her.

Its like anything in an MMO or tougher game, the more you do it the easier it gets. You'll be wrecking shaper next time I bet.


Spell cascaded icestorms bring a 1080Ti to its knees too.
I'd hafta look at the gem setup, never had the ground effects get me in this one with new comp

Just a sudden thing like chain herald of ice kill explosions going off even gets just a lil titter

The new shocked ground is weird lookin


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Got 3 of the 4 guardian maps in temple this morning. Grrr may have to do shaper again. Sure I'll get another pair of boots lol


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'd hafta look at the gem setup, never had the ground effects get me in this one with new comp

Just a sudden thing like chain herald of ice kill explosions going off even gets just a lil titter

The new shocked ground is weird lookin
I think the Icestorm issue is transparency related. Stacking multiple storms on the same spot seems to cause an exponential increase in computations, but there's a limit to how many you can stack before the oldest ones fade away. The problem is that Spell Cascade triples the number of storm stacks, that's when the shit really hits the fan. Not sure what gems your totem build uses, I couldn't find a single person using anything but the standard Scorching Ray setup on builds site. Totems could be just as bad if they use cascade for clearing, but they also might not spam on the exact same spot the way Scorching Ray does and it could reduce the transparency overlap.

Either way, GGG needs to fix their shit. Icestorm has been this bad for as long as it has existed. Personally I'd just remove the ground effect entirely and leave the rest as is. Simple change, minimal dev time on a niche item not many people use, and not only is the fps problem fixed but you also stop covering up enemy effects that are far more important to see... win-win. Wish they'd also replace the sound the storm makes, that shit gets so annoying that I end up muting game sound other than the loot filter.

And yeah, Heralds are a problem too. Seems to vary greatly from mtx to mtx; some are terrible while others don't really have much impact at all. I was initially mad that they released the celestial one right after I bought innocence, but now that I've heard celestial is a big fps killer on large packs I don't care so much. Innocence looks pretty good and it has basically the same fps hit as the non-mtx heralds.

As bad as shocked ground is now, this is the "toned down" version.