Path of Exile


Silver Baronet of the Realm
yes, DD uses its own stats. why would you think it doesnt? like animated weapon, of war glove enchant, etc.
No idea really, I don't play minion builds much and what I learned from playing Soulwrest was that minion stuff in general is horribly documented and what little info PoB has is based on ancient data mining. New stuff like phantasms, forget it. Nobody seems to know a single thing about their actual stats. I assumed DD was the same but I guess PoB is able to come up with a decent dps number for them.

This build seems super solid. My issue is... its an herald of agony build, with DD for giggles. Now, the idea of combining the two is of course terrific. agony is spawn on hit, so, one of the main problems with DD is solved, very easily. (it spawns on kill, after rampage.)
But this build doesnt actually gain anything I can see, from using DD.
Yeah, that's what it looks like to me as well. Compared to the dps numbers for the best DD build, the one I linked has its DD doing maybe a tenth of the damage. Unfortunately Herald of Agony is like phantasms and people can barely even agree on what the damage split is between phys and chaos (some ZiggyD video from before the league started said 60/40 and the GGG people in it didn't argue with that so it's assumed to be correct... no way to see that anywhere in game though). It's impossible to gauge how much damage the agony crawler does beyond the simple fact that the dude got to delve 650ish.

The other DD build is probably stronger. Bella, who made the guide for it, got to 700 fairly easily too. Instead of the crawler, it has animated guardian and two spectres, and it is much closer to being an aurabot thanks to using Shav's for LL so everything gets buffed a lot more. Downside is it's ES and I bought a bunch of ridiculously expensive phys dmg minion jewels with life on them. At this point, that's a build for next league.

I looked for ideas from other herald of agony builds people have done too, and even though the linked one uses DD as something of a novelty, he's still gotten further in the mine than anyone else running it as a pure pet build. There's two that got deeper but they are hybrids that use viper strike or rain of arrows and don't even use minion jewels to buff the crawler at all. For budget and convenience with the gear I already have, I think the first one is my only option.

Or I could just stick with my Soulwrest build and try to figure out what I can do to make it uber elder and depth 300 viable.


<Bronze Donator>

Is the majority of delve mob damage physical? I can't imagine just being a jugg will stop you from getting raped by mobs at 500+ when they have a damage mod or 2 and maybe some pen but maybe i'm wrong? How deep are people going that aren't playing zerphi's PP builds or maybe LGOH molten strike?
I don't plan on going that deep, but I'm past 400 and not having a problem yet. I'm sure it will get into one shot territory before 600 but if 600 is your goal for end game grind, you're likely willing to avoid some biomes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There is types of every mob and you just use purities + Flasks if youre going to stand in things. Main thing that killed me because i am programmed to look at my feet was the ice bombs corpse things that come down from the roof.

I avoided a lot of rooms and areas which costs a ton but i was scared to die.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I need all of you to figure out what the card is and let us know.

We can easily get one made just need people to be engaged. Now that this “season” is slowly wrapping up you all probably have more time to discuss if.

I must have atleast 50$ or more of currency and other junk on standard to put towards this if anyone wants to bother trying to rmt it all.
Whatever it is it needs to be ridiculously chase so everyone knows about it, and the lore has to tie in atleast 3 foh memes(abyss would be an easy one for starters ) in poetic fashion.

My suggestion is 10x timeworn reliquary keys from 5cards! We’re pretty ‘timeworn’ as far as gaming communities go these days so we could play on that


Avatar of War Slayer
I need all of you to figure out what the card is and let us know.

We can easily get one made just need people to be engaged. Now that this “season” is slowly wrapping up you all probably have more time to discuss if.
my imagination is completely drawing a blank on what would be fun ideas.


Triggered Happy
Got to level 96 and I must say I have no idea how you guys managed to get to 100 - it must be thousands of maps and coins and stuff with all the mods you need.

It is a complete and utter bastard when you die too - I just think fuck that's like 30 maps or something. God know's what that feels like at 99...
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Its really just running the same map over and over again. I wanted to get 100 this league, but honestly, just got too boring. I thought I could do it, but I was wrong. :)


<Bronze Donator>
Does anyone remember where they found their Underground Stash, if at all? It's the encounter with the strongbox icon. It's the last thing I need for 37 and then I can be done with this league.

I really hate that the challenges are souring my opinion of the league instead of adding a nice finality to it like they should. Just barely defeating Uber Elder last league added great punctuation and was a good hurdle to finally over come. My last 5 challenges have been buying completions at ridiculous prices and spending sulphite on trivial content hoping for certain encounters to spawn. I would have bought Delve Encounters II(Strongbox) and Delve Encounters IV if I could have.

Complete your Bestiary, Use these Devices(double gem corruption), and now 5 challenges this league are all gated behind uncontrollable RNG bullshit. It's a really bad trend and I hope they are doing it for that stupid player retention campaign. Otherwise,it makes no sense outside of some sadistic or idiotic tendencies.

I can't wait for delve to go core and defeating a random rare encounter shows up on the challenge list in a future league.

Oh, forgot to mention, I have close 15 ex just sitting in my bank and nothing to really spend it on. That is completely fucked up in this type of game. I have gear upgrades, but nothing I'm doing requires it. I'd be happy spending it on the challenges but I can't.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got to level 96 and I must say I have no idea how you guys managed to get to 100 - it must be thousands of maps and coins and stuff with all the mods you need.

It is a complete and utter bastard when you die too - I just think fuck that's like 30 maps or something. God know's what that feels like at 99...

Its thousands of chaos per death at 99 but at that point when you reach the 1/2 way mark you should be very experienced about how your build works with the amount of hours spent to get there. Plus I preroll all the different types of maps ill be running at 99, youll be doing A LOT of maps to control elder influence so I stayed doing Elder UGS, Elder Ramparts, Elder UGR, and Shaped Belfry.

Deathwing Deathwing Haunted Stash looks like this -


I used this for the higher tier rooms which helped me immensely


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My stash was at depth 53. Runed cavern is the one I can't seem to find.

Probably a longshot, but does anyone not playing anymore have a Taste of Hate I could borrow? I'm pretty much done when RDR2 comes out, but I still want to try to get Uber Elder and a few more challenges done before that. Ran out of currency before I could buy one myself. Got one, thanks Kythik.
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<Bronze Donator>
And done with the league, got my 37. Almost wound up buying Delve Boss III(if anyone was selling it) but happened upon an Underground Stash after 5k of sulphite at very low levels(as in, the top of the mine). I'm considering making a post on reddit(shocking!), I know they read it, but they really need to have it hammered home that the challenge design has been going in the wrong direction. Give me more skill-based challenges based on easily accessible content. Avoiding Esh's Shocks is a perfect example. And if you can't do it, since it's easily accessible, some one will eventually sell it.

I never saw Aul fight yet I did almost all his challenges. How fucking stupid is that? I seriously want to learn these fights but nope, too valuable and rare to waste.

That said, giving away all my shit. Got 3 ex, 1k chaos, smattering of maps and sextants and other useful currency. A pretty well geared MS Jugg, with even better gear waiting, just couldn't craft a MS proj helm to make them fit. Let me know if you want any of it, otherwise I'll be dumping the good shit in the guild stash soon. Except the chaos, fuck that much single left clicking.

View Profile - Path of Exile - Deathwing6


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Spent some time on Standard with that Dominating Blow guy cause I bought a Headhunter, super fun item. Drops Shaper easily enough, but I had a hell of a time trying to keep Shaper alive on a T15 Elder and just said fuck it and killed Elder without Shaper alive anyway. I'd bet if it was a T11 Elder I coulda saved the Shaper, but not sure about my chances on Uber Elder given the struggles on a T15 Elder.


<Bronze Donator>
Don't worry, shaper is supposed to die in the uber elder fight.

How easy is it to get your minions to focus on adds instead of portals? You shouldn't be killing the portals, just the adds.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's basically impossible, they follow me around from add to add and as soon as they leave an add it goes back to pew pewing at the Shaper. I might have had my Holy Relic out, but I'm not sure how much that affects my minions. The damage is pretty solid, but not enough to drop the adds in a hit or two.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Is there more than one way to make 30Q uniques? I know about using perfect fossils on a base until you hit 30% then do scour and chance spam, but I saw a 30%Q Atziri's Reflection so there must be another way since you can't chance Atziri items?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Atziri's Reflection is made from upgrading Atziri's Mirror with a prophecy. Atziri's Mirror is not an Atziri-specific item, so you can chance it. Prophecy upgrades simply add rolls to your existing unique item, so base stats/implicits get carried over when you upgrade it, thus allowing 30%/item sells for much more to vendors/Shaper/Elder on an Aztiri's Reflection.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ah, I knew about the rest but I thought Mirror was Atziri only for some reason. Was hoping there was an easier way to get a 30% Dancing Dervish to upgrade to Duo, but screw that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You know if I had a level 4 Empower and a +1 gem levels corrupt on my chest I'm sure the adds would be cleaned up quick. Anyone have a 5r 1g +1 gems Loreweave and level 4 empower on Standard they're not using?!?!/1//1