Path of Exile


Avatar of War Slayer
4.0 trailer is going to be variable bandit bosses based on act2 choice, into female Duelist with spear, with male Ranger with crossbow. to updated UI, with minion stats, and color blind mode. Launching simultaneously on pc, ps4, xbox, and switch.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've realized I really suck at dodging those buzzsaws in the Ascendancy trials. Holy hell. I just zerg it half the time. Too much life!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
HP, quicksilver flask, leap slam, just zerg thru the trials. At least that's what I did.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I've realized I really suck at dodging those buzzsaws in the Ascendancy trials. Holy hell. I just zerg it half the time. Too much life!

This, too, just takes practice. I was terrible at it in the beginning, but once you start getting a feel for your movement speed of choice and recognize the patterns then you start naturally avoiding them more and more.

Here is something that changed my life for my movement and attack skills. When you are setting a skill on the quickbar at the bottom right of the screen you can choose to make the skill 'attack without moving.' This means that, no matter where your cursor is, the game will NOT try to move to the location before using the skill and the skill will be used automatically. It shines specifically in Labs and Delve when you are in the darkness and stuck by a corner or mobs.

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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Also, newbies, you will see everyone tell you to bind LMB to move only and not a skill. DO THIS IMMEDIATELY.

I resisted for two whole leagues thinking that it didn't make enough of a difference to effectively lose an easy to hit skill button, however, combined with the necessity of movement skills and the trick I just mentioned it is a necessity.

Do yourself a favor and get used to now. Start doing it on your character now so you are ready by the time Betrayal hits.

You're welcome.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Will do! Right now I have movement on left, dom blow on right, smite on side button one, shield charge on side button two. I hate using my wheel button. Golem,HoP, the resistance aura, and relic are on keyboard and 1-5 are my flasks. I could probably drop the aura now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
AladainAF AladainAF Korrupt Korrupt

Can I get in on this guild thing son?

The only thing is I'm not in the FoH guild, I went to one that uses Discord and has much more active members. You are welcome to join, I can invite for sure just send me your character name. For all I know FoH is active and has a Discord too now someone said but not sure its been a year.


<Bronze Donator>
Nah, the "official" FoH guild is pretty dead atm. Activity in the guild follows league retention pretty closely. If you're looking for something that's more active later into the league, probably should go with Korrupt Korrupt 's.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The only thing is I'm not in the FoH guild, I went to one that uses Discord and has much more active members. You are welcome to join, I can invite for sure just send me your character name. For all I know FoH is active and has a Discord too now someone said but not sure its been a year.

Okay great! I am pretty busy ATM so I probably won't set foot back into the game until Dec 7. But I am looking forward to going ham around then. Being in the Discord to shoot the shit and ask questions and stuff sounds like a lot of fun.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nah, the "official" FoH guild is pretty dead atm. Activity in the guild follows league retention pretty closely. If you're looking for something that's more active later into the league, probably should go with Korrupt Korrupt 's.

We're way more active just like any guild in the beginning not just the later part of the league. FoH is a forum guild, were more structured with nerds who play at the higher level.


Trump's Staff
No my argument is that the builds that use stat sticks for melee skills are barely serviceable with stat sticks as it is, nerfing them isn't going to do anything other than make them suck just as much or more than those same skills/builds do with 2handers currently, depending on how hard they nerf stat sticks.

If you're already playing a build that is gimped compared to the strong builds, why does it matter if you lose a tad more damage to use the weapon you want (2h)? You're already giving up the damage/end-game viability/whatever of the strong builds to play those other skills.

Which skills even use 1h + stat stick that could also be done with a 2h? The main melee skill I know of that uses a stat stick is blade flurry and you can't do that with a 2hand and I don't even know which other skills either use main-hand only or also limit weapon type so that stat sticks can work.

Edit: To try and explain it in a different way

Skill X does 1m shaper dps with 1h+stat stick, but only 800k dps with 2h. But Skill Y is meta and does 25m dps and can facetank everything in the game. If you're already choosing to play skill X why does the fact that it has slightly more dps with a stat stick matter so much? Not to mention all the different passive paths you can take to change up builds and min-max...

Stat sticks are broken because of how conversion in PoE works, and it's something a lot of people don't know about. When you have a mod that says "Deal X% of (non-chaos) damage as additional chaos damage," it applies to each conversion step. So if you only do physical damage and have a "20% of non-chaos damage as additional chaos" mod, you basically do 100% physical and 20% chaos damage, so the mod is a 20% more damage mod. But if you convert the physical damage to elemental damage, the mod applies to each element you convert it to. So if you convert all your physical damage to cold, you get 20% more on the physical and then you get 20% more on the cold damage again, so the one line on your stat stick increases your damage by 40%.

This of course also applies to all the sources that add x% of physical damage as elemental, like Hatred or the other stat stick mods that add x% of physical damage as elemental. This is why physical damage builds are all shit, you can literally multiply your damage several times over simply by converting to elemental and using a stat stick. It doesn't even need to be a good stat stick, anything with "20% of elemental damage added as extra chaos damage" works. Something like Glacial Cascade where it starts as physical, converts to cold, and then cold to fire + pyre can be used to convert the cold damage to fire will triple dip these mods. Blade Vortex with Hrimsorrow to convert physical to cold and then cold to fire operates on the same principle. Once you've done this you can use stuff like Atziri flask, which also applies at each conversion step, and literally doubles your damage while active.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hit 59 and Act 8 last night.

Hoping to do Ascendancy 2, hit lvl 66 or 70, and get up to Act 10 tonight.


Avatar of War Slayer
its a combination of things.

Stat sticks were op since the beginning. due to DW passive, and mainhand only skills.
The shaper mods, and %phys gained, or converted, took the OP statstick and made it completely broken.

Adding those shaper conversion/gained mods imho was one of the most bafflingly/short sighted things GGG has done. Power creep was already a big deal, and a huge complaint. then they added those things...

And they have also added, a great many more sources of flat added damage. Jewels, buffed added cold/icebite, steel rings, etc. flat added damage also, clearly benefits DW way more then 2h, and even more then 1h/s.

But the DW issue is also a large part of it.
10% more attack speed, 20% more attack physical damage, and 15% added block chance while DW. global.
This should be made to apply directly to skills, not as a global character buff. well, sure the block global.
But, it should be 10% more attack speed with attack skills that use mainhand, and offhand weapon. and same with the 20% more attack physical damage.

This way, mainhand only, attack skills do NOT benefit from the attackspeed and damage boost.

And while at it. 2h melee weapons should get their own innate buff. probably something like Ruthless.
100% inc stun duration, 10% chance to knockback, and 50% more attack physical damage on first hit, and every 3rd hit after.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Show me the PoB where Atziri's Promise doubles your dps.

If you're converting multiple stages like light --> cold --> fire its going to also apply at each step and not only on the base physical and elemental damages. PoB will show it doubling damage but you have to be converting multiple elements.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's not really a good way to convert phys->lightning->cold->fire without losing something in the conversion tho.


Trump's Staff
Also, newbies, you will see everyone tell you to bind LMB to move only and not a skill. DO THIS IMMEDIATELY.

I resisted for two whole leagues thinking that it didn't make enough of a difference to effectively lose an easy to hit skill button, however, combined with the necessity of movement skills and the trick I just mentioned it is a necessity.

Do yourself a favor and get used to now. Start doing it on your character now so you are ready by the time Betrayal hits.

You're welcome.

Alternatively, you can bind move to spacebar, so holding down spacebar will cause your character to move towards where your mouse cursor is pointing. You can then use the skill bound to LMB via shift + left click, which forces use of the skill even if you target empty ground or something out of range and will thus never move your character when you don't want it to. Bind your movement skill to RMB and get used to using it via shift + right click. Once you've got this down as muscle memory you can rely on your movement skill to always get you out of danger, because shift + right click forces you to use the movement skill in that direction even if the targeted location is out of range. If you just right click something like Flame Dash on an out of range spot, your character will attempt to walk to a spot where the targeted location is in range and then flame dash. If you're currently swarming in shit and your character can't move, this will result in your movement skill never activating and you dying horribly. Shift + right click, however, will always work no matter where your cursor is.
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