Path of Exile


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So far bladestorm is just vortex with a version that moves...

May try sweep. I’m doing champion right now, but I have a strange feeling it’s cyclone or nothing.


<Silver Donator>
One of the achievement involve ranking Jun and Alva to the max, but I have no fucking idea what I'm supposed to farm to do so. Why don't they track that shit properly. The masters themselves have "suggestions", but I'm fairly sure the suggestions are just random shit that could work, because I have done some of them already and they still pop in the suggestions(for example Mastermind pops for Jun, even though I've killed her twice this league and once in Synthesis). So at this point I kinda have to make a list myself and just randomly do shit until I get the achievement or can narrow it down, it fucking sucks. It should happen organically but whenever I have x bad room versus y good room in temple, or bad betrayal chars, obviously I'm gonna favor the good ones, so I'm kinda going to have to look them up. At least for Betrayal I kinda know what lvl 3 I've done before so I can more or less tell which one I need still but it's such a shit system. As for Temple I have no fucking idea what room I have cleared or not, I mean I know some(I know I did poison, life, atziri this league for example) just don't know which one I'm missing, although it's probably the omnitect buffing ones since those are garbage.

How hard would it be to have a checklist on that shit.


Molten Core Raider
So far bladestorm is just vortex with a version that moves...

May try sweep. I’m doing champion right now, but I have a strange feeling it’s cyclone or nothing.

I tried bladestorm, seemed a bit weak, perforate was better for me. Sweep is pretty similar to sand stance bladestorm but should have a bit better aoe size and hit harder. It’s also comparable to a slow attacking, non movement cyclone, just remove all the stuff that makes cyclone smooth and you have sweep. It’s a good skill though and worth playing. I used it on a berserker, not sure how it would feel on a lesser attack speed/dmg build.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I tried bladestorm, seemed a bit weak, perforate was better for me. Sweep is pretty similar to sand stance bladestorm but should have a bit better aoe size and hit harder. It’s also comparable to a slow attacking, non movement cyclone, just remove all the stuff that makes cyclone smooth and you have sweep. It’s a good skill though and worth playing. I used it on a berserker, not sure how it would feel on a lesser attack speed/dmg build.

Blood storms, properly positioned, hit hard. Sand is weak but I’m like 45 so not yet a mature build.

I’m actually using both perforate and bladestorm using a 6L 2H. Drop three storms. Spam perforate. Stack impale. We’ll see. I don’t enjoy berserker when running Rite of Ruin. I felt squishy as fuck. Running champion now but early enough I don’t have the flavor yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
UberDans Jugg with HH is the tankiest and has gone the farthest in delves on HC. The ice shot raiders are abusing frost wall to hit 2500+ and using 0 defense or hps and are mostly SC.

WTB blighted maps and sulph scarabs pls


<Bronze Donator>
Someone else tried earlier and said they were still shit.

I would guess the max block dude will give you issues.


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone know if Greater Spell Echo from Pledge of Hands has the same tag restrictions that regular Spell Echo has? I'm guessing so, otherwise CoC PoH would have been a thing already.


Molten Core Raider
Blood storms, properly positioned, hit hard. Sand is weak but I’m like 45 so not yet a mature build.

I’m actually using both perforate and bladestorm using a 6L 2H. Drop three storms. Spam perforate. Stack impale. We’ll see. I don’t enjoy berserker when running Rite of Ruin. I felt squishy as fuck. Running champion now but early enough I don’t have the flavor yet.

Berserker can be pretty irritating and perforate requires some amount of face tanking which doesn’t mix well, plus losing rage if you ever stop attacking for any reason is lame. The gladiator perf was a beast but the clear in sand stance is pretty weak, on the other hand having to take extra time to kill high hp targets doesn’t matter too much when you’re not going to die anyway.

I never really saw the point of bladestorm, it didn’t clear any better than perforate, had less aoe area and didn’t have better single target either. It single hits harder but perforate hits a million times a second. It might have an edge in being able to get on target in blood stance since perf requires perfect positioning. Probably also better for a fight like Uber elder where sand stance perforate isnt going to kill shit and blood stance is hard as hell to utilize due to the extreme close range.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If this doesn’t work well, I’ll about-face to maybe flicker strike then scourge arrow or elemental hit on slayer.

I continue to be overall disappointed in anything that isn’t bow or spell. Minions are fine. I’ve always enjoyed minion builds but melee is the thing for me and the melee just sucks ass in this game. It almost feels intentional. Nobody could play this and think it’s ok.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sire of Shards/gloomfang Cyclone with CWC Magma orb is actually pretty strong, and not too expensive. It's like a 1.5 screen cyclone, and it is pretty flexible as far as tailoring it for preference (I did assassin, but pathfinder and trickster are also good). I ran it at the end of last league and would have rolled it again this league if I had more time. Ideally you eventually use 2 6l sire of shards (one with slower proj for bosses, other without for map clear).


<Bronze Donator>
How do you deal with the dead time with CWC? It doesn't sound like much, but 0.35s of nothing happening after you start channeling is pretty jarring since, as far as I know, nothing else operates this way. Every other skill or trigger is immediate activation followed by "cooldown".


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How do you deal with the dead time with CWC? It doesn't sound like much, but 0.35s of nothing happening after you start channeling is pretty jarring since, as far as I know, nothing else operates this way. Every other skill or trigger is immediate activation followed by "cooldown".

It honestly didn't bother me. Here is a sample clear video from the guy I got the build from:

Here is his 2 minute uber elder

mbxtreme recently put out a MF variant:



<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, that's what I expected. Just always be spinning with Cyclone 30% less movement speed. Trade one inefficiency for the other.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Huh, looks a lot like the weird nats/grenade strafe build in D3, just less shitty.

Would be funny to play that with the 60 point reach in 3.7 (if it worked the same way)


<Silver Donator>
Huh, looks a lot like the weird nats/grenade strafe build in D3, just less shitty.

Would be funny to play that with the 60 point reach in 3.7 (if it worked the same way)
If you mean cyclone aoe, doesn't really matter for that build since balls do damage and cyclone is just there to trigger and triggers even if you don't hit(one of the big advantages of CwC versus CoC). It was somewhat popular in 3.7 for emblem farming though from what I understand and what prompted the build, it did 5ways pretty well.

Finally finished my 90 HC achievement grind, only took 2 chars.

First one died at 80 in a trial like a retard, didn't even need uber lab and wasn't planning to do it but figured I could sell the Offering, which was a terrible idea. As soon as I saw how much dmg I was taking from these traps I should have gotten the fuck out, I feel they did a lot less damage on my usual necros, probably because of stone golem life regen.

Anyway after that champ cyclone failure I rolled dom blow guardian since I was interested in it and it was very easy. I had some currency saved up so bought some decent gear pretty quick, had 6k+ life by 70, 7k by 82, with perma fortify with increased effect nodes, a bunch of damage reduction passives(soul of steel, silent steps, brinksmanship), juju for another 10%, good block via Guardian stuff+Rumi's along with meh-ish armor(20k with flask up) so really the only thing I was scared of were traps(didn't run uber lab/any trials, didn't need them anyway, only thing I would have gotten is 3end charges), bearers and detonate dead boxes. Considering I had even less damage nodes than usual, Dom blow+herald of purity damage was pretty damn impressive, melted everything easily until T10+ stuff.


<Silver Donator>
Did you solve the issue with your minions killing shit fast making it hard to maintain them?
I mean it always happened but it wasn't that bad. The "solution" is to just quicksilver of adrenaline into the next pack really fast and hit shit before the minions get there(and not convocation first, cause then everything dies). Basically if you play fast, it's not that bad. I did have Faster Attacks as a link on my dom blow even though it wasn't optimal damage wise because the melee hits felt sluggish otherwise especially when my frenzy charges dropped/at the start. I pretty much had max minions all the times in maps unless I stopped to loot shit from blight and stuff like that, on a necro it wouldn't have been an issue with the 70%duration from mistress but I only had Enduring Bond on Guardian so only 46% duration, 30ish seconds. It was also annoying in delve nodes but I just basically stopped my ass near a spawn point and spammed dominating blow to tag stuff as it spawned.

Overall it wasn't too clunky or annoying to play I found, but it offered no real advantage over traditional minion builds(besides I guess getting fortify naturally and having some leech, but being melee kinda offsets that). Having various mob auras was pretty cool though, not as cool as getting a dozen of them like the old dom blow, but the zoom zoom aura is pretty fun.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Cyclone with HH and 200ms is bearable but its old as shit and unless you’re new we’ve all done 10 cyclone builds so it’s a pretty stale.

I would love to see a return to the prolif meta even though it was in for a long time :)