Pathfinder: Kingmaker


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I honestly can't tell if flurry of blows is working. It doesn't seem like it

it is, it took me a while to figure it out. there's no mention of it in the combat log or anything. all it does is give the monk an extra attack as long as they are using "monk" weapons. the game doesn't actually TELL you what monk weapons are though. so the problem may be that you aren't actually using a monk weapon. if you go unarmed you'll notice it as long as you focus solely on that one character. they also have to make a full attack, which basically means you can't move/use potion/use an ability/etc. you have to use the entire 6 seconds of a round to only attack. PnP rules allows you to move 5 feet around a target, but i haven't really been able to get that to work because the game isn't built on a grid like a PnP game would be.


Trakanon Raider
I gave up. I ended up with over 60 hours on my main play through and a 2GB save folder just to ensure that when I ran into a game breaker I didn't lose that much time.

Will hopefully pick up again when it's not still in beta.


<Bronze Donator>
Dear Pathfinders, the update that fixes save files corrupted by 1.0.6. will go live in about an hour.
Please keep in mind that the first loading of your save file could take time (from 3 to 7 minutes, as our tests show), as the game will convert it to fix the stacked bonuses problem.


<Gold Donor>
Well that's something at least. I played all freaking weekend and didn't read the boards, so had no idea I was potentially wasting all that time.

Someone needs to make a character builder that I can fuck around with at work or when I can't play the fucking game due to bugs.

Still absolutely love this game though. I feel like a battered wife.

EDIT: I have Hero Labs, but since not everything is the same, I can't accurately make a character with it.


Molten Core Raider
Can't read tooltips on 1.0.5. Started displaying the exact same text on all of them after I got to the Outpost where you rest and can hire mercs.


Avatar of War Slayer
Hmm so any 3.5 or Pathfinder experts can suggest the ultimate 6-pet party? Only thing I know is you need to be nearly pure-class for pets to be decent. Not sure there is any way around the scaling? Was thinking something like:
  • Melee Ranger + pet
  • Mad Dog Barb + pet
  • Bow Ranger + pet
  • Nature Cleric + pet
  • Sylvan Sorcerer + pet
  • Sylvan Sorcerer + pet
Access to most of the good buffs plus 3 summoners.


<Bronze Donator>
From a practical point of view is not worth it. Things have trouble moving and getting in position to attack. Even with only 2 pets i frequently get bottlenecked in combat. If you summon things it gets even worse


<Gold Donor>
With how flanking works, multiple bow/crossbow users is pretty good to supplement your front line and maybe one pet or so. I'm using a druid with a smilodon for my pet class.

Really wish they had included summoners, but I guess all the eidolon feats get complicated.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Really wish they had included summoners, but I guess all the eidolon feats get complicated.
They included inquisitors without actually including inquisitions, the whole class selection seems rather random.


Tranny Chaser
So I had to disable Kingdom Failure as shortly after finishing Chapter 3 my Kingdom up and failed. I suspect it is due to a very unlucky streak of outcomes that crippled my stability score but that was actually mostly due to having a hard time finding the end to Chapter 3 due to some of their fucked up progression bugs.


Trakanon Raider
So I had to disable Kingdom Failure as shortly after finishing Chapter 3 my Kingdom up and failed. I suspect it is due to a very unlucky streak of outcomes that crippled my stability score but that was actually mostly due to having a hard time finding the end to Chapter 3 due to some of their fucked up progression bugs.

From what I have seen on streams, for the Kingdom events, it looks like you kind of have to savescum because if not it will turn into RNG if your playthrough will suddenly fail. You can set up the events, save, then pick one of missions to level up an advisor that automatically forwards you 14 days. If multiple events fail after that, reload and try again. Especially fails that give a negative score to stability. Failing a mission that gives -1 loyalty or military isn't a big deal, but when you critically fail something that adds -3 to 5 on multiple stats, that can be several months worth of progress for your kingdom lost in one event.

That will also give you a buffer to load if a hidden event suddenly pops up in those 14 days and autofails. Watched DansGaming talk about that and he said there are tons of hidden timers as well that can fail just by being out exploring and resting. Failing those is one thing, but if you also just rely on the RNG for regular events and never savescum, you run a very high chance of ending your playthrough in the middle of the game. And the game is huge, he is over 95 hours into it and not even close to done.


Vyemm Raider
If you want to do a lot of summons, I've found using reach weapons helps a lot. My eldritch knight uses a glaive and stands behind the front line most of the time.


Trakanon Raider
From what I have seen on streams, for the Kingdom events, it looks like you kind of have to savescum because if not it will turn into RNG if your playthrough will suddenly fail. You can set up the events, save, then pick one of missions to level up an advisor that automatically forwards you 14 days. If multiple events fail after that, reload and try again. Especially fails that give a negative score to stability. Failing a mission that gives -1 loyalty or military isn't a big deal, but when you critically fail something that adds -3 to 5 on multiple stats, that can be several months worth of progress for your kingdom lost in one event.

That will also give you a buffer to load if a hidden event suddenly pops up in those 14 days and autofails. Watched DansGaming talk about that and he said there are tons of hidden timers as well that can fail just by being out exploring and resting. Failing those is one thing, but if you also just rely on the RNG for regular events and never savescum, you run a very high chance of ending your playthrough in the middle of the game. And the game is huge, he is over 95 hours into it and not even close to done.

New patch addresses exactly this:
• Kingdom
o It was unclear and confusing that after defeating the main threat of the chapter, all of the kingdom events associated with that threat remained active. Resolution: after defeating the main threat of the chapter, all of the kingdom events associated with that threat are removed from the barony. In case there are too many of such events, the kingdom is considered damaged and its development is slowed down. This state can be removed with special new barony project.
o It was not always clear that some events can destroy the kingdom if not addressed. Resolution: a more detailed description added for the events that damage the kingdom and projects that remove these events.


Tranny Chaser
Well the new patch is an utter failure. Not only are the 'kingdom events associated with that threat' NOT removed from the barony but new ones continue to spawn even after the conclusion of the chapter. Furthermore the 'special new barony project' to clear that up takes 60 days during which the kingdom is guaranteed to fail.

Worthless garbage. I'd encourage anyone and everyone to avoid the game for at least the next 5-6 months until they fix this mess.


Throbbing Member
Got a slow start, but how time consuming is this Kingdom stuff. I just got it all started and if it is gonna just get in the way of me just continue questing and shit I may auto the kingdom.


Vyemm Raider
Got a slow start, but how time consuming is this Kingdom stuff. I just got it all started and if it is gonna just get in the way of me just continue questing and shit I may auto the kingdom.

I read a review which said that putting your kingdom on auto results in missing out on some story stuff.

To be fair, you can shut off Kingdom management entirely. Due to my desire to finish the game and begin this review I did in fact do just that. Unfortunately, I realized very quickly that you miss out on half the game’s major story points and that while not handling your kingdom stripped the game of its tedium, it also had the unintended side effect of removing its personality as well.

Full review: Pathfinder: Kingmaker Review - It's My Destiny to be the King of Pain - Niche Gamer
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<Bronze Donator>
How do you heal someone when you are walking around out of combat? Every time I try and heal it just heals the person casting the spell.


Throbbing Member
Hit the spell then mouse click on the persons icon in the party window. I am sure you are probably doing that though. It works for me though, so not sure if you are double clicking maybe?