Pathfinder - Pen and Paper RPG Books


I certainly prefer Pathfinder to 4th edition. Their Adventure Paths are pretty amazing. I own many 4th edition and Pathfinder books and I think the Paizo stuff is far better quality.
Honestly, Hasbro doesn't love D&D like Piazo loves Pathfinder. I have always given Piazo props for being a solid company, and genuinely putting real effort into their product. Also they Pathfinder stuff has the advantage of being all about Golaron (or whatever their world is called), while 4e went generic, with setting secondary.

Piazo definitely makes generally better product and supports their game better than Hasbro/4e D&D, no doubt.

However, mechanically, functionally the 4e systems just work so much better than the Pathfinder ones. Much like Warhammer Fantasy 3rd and Dungeon World are probably better than both, but they have a small percentage of support and fan base.


I was a huge fan of Living Greyhawk which was totally player driven but both Pathfinder and 4th dropped the ball in their living campaigns. 4th edition added a couple things that I do love first of which is how they handle healing and I love that some of the abilities arn't turn based and can interrupt another player or npc's turn. What I don't like about 4th is that they said it would be balanced and faster and after a year of playing the system I did not find ether to be true I am also not a fan of skill challenges and was not impressed with the adventures but all of my opinion is based off playing one adventure path (scales of war ) and that was 5 years ago, the game may have improved.


Like most RPGs, 4e improved over time with extra books and Dragon mag stuff.

I think skill challenges were one of the weaker designs, now I can see what they were trying to do, but never did a good job explaining it well. Honestly, 4e suffered from the company not understanding what it was or what to do with it. There were lots of good ideas that fixed 30+ year old problems and really made a good game. It really needed a revision though, to fix some of the problems in the basic classes and mechanics. But they chased off the original guys who designed it and replaced it with people who are awful and now making the new edition.

Balance in 4e is much better than any edition of D&D, and really most RPGs I've played as well. Everyone has something to do in combat (except in rare cases or REALLY, REALLY badly made characters... like, you have to try to be this bad) and all classes had an option to have one or more skills to help out of combat. Unlike previous editions, especially 3rd/Pathfinder skills stayed useful and didn't get made obsolete by magic.

It's funny, I really enjoyed 4e when I played, but never so much as when our group switched and I was forced to play Pathfinder for a year did I realize how much I enjoyed 4e. There are just too many fundamental flaws of the inherent d20 mechanics that get in the way of me enjoying Pathfinder a lot.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was a huge fan of Living Greyhawk which was totally player driven but both Pathfinder and 4th dropped the ball in their living campaigns. 4th edition added a couple things that I do love first of which is how they handle healing and I love that some of the abilities arn't turn based and can interrupt another player or npc's turn. What I don't like about 4th is that they said it would be balanced and faster and after a year of playing the system I did not find ether to be true I am also not a fan of skill challenges and was not impressed with the adventures but all of my opinion is based off playing one adventure path (scales of war ) and that was 5 years ago, the game may have improved.
Skill challenges were dumb but I thought Scales of War was pretty badass. Granted this is all just reading through the books/magazines.


<Gold Donor>
Not going to make a habit of summarizing our weekly game, but our first night was pretty cool. Kuriin did great as a first-time GM, kept us moving along and more or less pointed in the right direction, and I think I can confidently say that the rest of the players had as much fun as I did.

We had one of those moments that we'll remember for a long time too, which always makes a game even more fun to play. It is probably one of those "you had to be there" stories, but I'll tell you anyway. Without too much detail, we had reason to not blatantly just kill members of this town we were in, so there was a lot of grappling and non-lethal combat. When we finally got to someone that was a lot more of a threat, we didn't really realize it at first and were still trying to subdue him, so our ranger had him grappled (since his arrows obviously aren't non-lethal). I had missed literally like 5+ times in a row to hit this fucking guy, so I said fuck it, I'm going normal damage, and I'm going to try to pin his foot to the ground with my spear. Kuriin decides on a negative to my roll, I roll, and once again I miss badly. Not a 1, but probably like a 3 natural roll before pluses. Kuriin decides that I hit the ranger holding him instead, the ranger of course protests, some arguing goes on, and I said here, let me roll to hit the ranger, how about that? Kuriin agrees, and I promise everyone it will be a 20, guaranteed. Well, I got a 19, with a +1, 20. Fortunately not a crit (x3 with spear no less), but still a clear hit, and we just all start dying with laughter (except the poor ranger of course) because, as you remember, I had rolled like shit for what seemed like forever trying to hit the fucker. Even better, when I roll damage I do exactly enough to bring him to 0 hit points!

Like I said, had to be there, but you can bet that throughout the campaign someone will probably express fear about me stabbing them or something, and we'll all laugh again. And those are the things, to me, that make the game something I look forward to every week. I think we've got a good group (the new guy's attempt at a Serbian accent is terrible though!), and Kuriin is a good GM, so I'm glad we got this going.

Get another group going somebody! I want to hear about your moments too.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah whatever. Post the voice recording. I want to hear someone say "I cast Magic Missile at the darkness!"


Just a Nurse
Yeah, typically negative things happen if you roll a 1. However, since I was grappled, actively struggling, I figured it would be a little harder to aim. :p It was definitely amusing everyone, including the ranger say, "Watch you roll a 20," and you did. Lol.

edit: OneofOne: We have no casters, so don't expect magic missiles. I think everyone's spellcraft is also shit, so I don't think anyone could use a scroll. Haha.


Just a Nurse
Giving those an update. Game's going good. We've done three sessions thus far. Almost done with the first module in the campaign. Everyone is OP.


<Gold Donor>
Giving those an update. Game's going good. We've done three sessions thus far. Almost done with the first module in the campaign. Everyone is OP.
I was worried that my Synthesist might be seen as OP even though I'm trying my best to make it pretty generic, but then I listened to that new guy (Doran I believe) talk about all that crazy shit his race does, and I don't feel bad anymore! I shall be a god among men!


Just a Nurse
Giving another update. One more week and we will be done with Module I of Carrion Crown. Everyone has found legacy-type artifact weapons (Celestial Fists, Water Sprinkler, etc.) that will become progressively stronger as people level. The group was able to knock out a CR 11 fight, but, I think that's because I did not know how to properly align the map making rooms not big enough. After the end of module I, the group will attempt to level a mythic in an epic encounter. I will try and record the mythic adventure, and maybe the entire game on Thursday, on twitch (


<Gold Donor>
I will try and record the mythic adventure, and maybe the entire game on Thursday, on twitch (
But they will miss out on hearing Doran's awesome Serbian accent since he's gone this week! That's the highlight of every session for me.


Just a Nurse
Sadly, my lover Chanur has to leave. Is anyone interested in taking his place? Will give preferential treatment for members on this forum. Need a fighter. (you will be taking his character over).


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Its a fun game. Work is just to busy this time of year. The website they use is pretty great for gaming with as well. Plus you get to flirt with Kuriin every week.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I'm sorry. Work keeps getting in the way. I really enjoyed hanging with you all.


Tranny Chaser
Sadly, my lover Chanur has to leave. Is anyone interested in taking his place? Will give preferential treatment for members on this forum. Need a fighter. (you will be taking his character over).


Just a Nurse
Giving this a bump. Would like someone from the board to take Chanur's place (since he can't really make it) and play the fighter. The current replacement is way too serious and believes Davok has an intelligence of 20. Too witty of a fighter is never good.