Payday 2


Ghost feels pretty good around level 30. You move fast, are pretty damn silent, and cant move bodies. Haven't tried the lockpicking yet, but according to Bain's guide, it takes 45 seconds to lockpick safes, whereas most drills are in the 2 minute + range.


I had the game crash twice on card select. >:|

Also, framing frame's day 3 is awful. Simply awful (unless you can stealth).
I've tried Framing Day a few different times now with random people and have yet to complete the 3rd day. We will inevitably trip an alarm and then die while trying to upload the data in the server room because you have to run across the map every 20 seconds to turn the power back on. It's the only mission that I try to avoid when playing with randoms.

Has anyone played the Pro Job "Big Oil" yet? The pay grade looks like nice it seems pretty rare.


Haven't tried it yet.

Only reason I've beaten framing day 3 is because we had people constantly dropping out/being replaced and the replacements would come in with full health and ammo.


Golden Squire
You can actually solo stealth both Framing Frame Day 1/3. The trick is that there's six guards in day 1, and five guards in day 3. Day 1 is actually a little bit trickier, but here's the order.

Day 1:

Get into the security room (ecm overdrive or keycard buy).

Intimidate the guard there (wait for him to go full ! mark on you, shoot him once to wound, spam F to make him cuff himself).

Kill 4 guards and use their pagers (requires smooth talker). Move bodies if necessary.

Convert the guy you first intimidated (to free up your intimidate)

Intimidate the security guard at the very front (let him see you, shoot once, spam F).

Loot everything.

Day 3:

Enter in through the office. Use ECM to block the camera if it can see you when lockpicking.

Wait to take out two guards in the office area (enough should patrol in quickly).

Pick off two other guards as opportunities arise. Keep an ECM handy in case you need to block out a camera.

Intimidate the last guard using the method you used in day 1.

Take out cameras now that there's no risk of a guard seeing them and phoning it in.

Complete the remaining objectives.


FPS noob
does anyone play with a 360 controller or is k/m the way to go? I'm having fun with controller but I kinda feel slow and shitty at shooting. helluva game though, awesome for a quick 30 min session


Got to play this for the first time yesterday. This game is really great, and is better than I was expecting (and I was expecting a lot). I could stand in the street and just shoot at a wall for an hour and love it because of how awesome the gun sounds are. The co-op computer AI is garbage, and feels like a step back from Payday 1, but everything else is just a great improvement. Love all the gun mods and mask stuff too. All in all and amazing game so far and I'm only level 9.


Golden Squire
Got to play this for the first time yesterday. This game is really great, and is better than I was expecting (and I was expecting a lot). I could stand in the street and just shoot at a wall for an hour and love it because of how awesome the gun sounds are. The co-op computer AI is garbage, and feels like a step back from Payday 1, but everything else is just a great improvement. Love all the gun mods and mask stuff too. All in all and amazing game so far and I'm only level 9.
Problem is that the game is really unfinished. You think that the game is building up to some epic heists, and it straight up ends in the middle. No 5 day ultra epic heists to speak of.


I can see that. We're not very far into the game so far, but the level structure and difficulty is significantly different than Payday 1. The first one was difficult as hell, and each level was 20+ minutes with no checkpoints, so you could fail at any point and lose a ton of progress. It was extremely frustrating sometimes, but beating a level felt pretty epic. It's nice that you can actually finish a good amount of the levels in 1 or 2 tries, but it does lose a bit of that feeling when you actually beat a level.

There will be several DLC's in the future I'm sure. Now that they have the game's framework down they have a pretty much limitless potential for what new heists they can make for future DLC's.


Golden Squire
I can see that. We're not very far into the game so far, but the level structure and difficulty is significantly different than Payday 1. The first one was difficult as hell, and each level was 20+ minutes with no checkpoints, so you could fail at any point and lose a ton of progress. It was extremely frustrating sometimes, but beating a level felt pretty epic. It's nice that you can actually finish a good amount of the levels in 1 or 2 tries, but it does lose a bit of that feeling when you actually beat a level.

There will be several DLC's in the future I'm sure. Now that they have the game's framework down they have a pretty much limitless potential for what new heists they can make for future DLC's.
The DLC argument feels really bad though. It's like buying a Mario game and getting told that you can't fight Worlds 6 through 8 (and Bowser) until you purchase the 19.99 Mario Finale DLC.


Molten Core Raider
Can you actually get "clean" heists in this game? I was trying out a quick single-player mission (to get used to the controls) the other day and the little jewlery store turned into a warzone with dozens of dead swat guys.

Eventually i crouched down next to the safe i was supposed to drill open (it took the damn machine 10 minutes to do that) and sat it all out. All things considered, an incredibly messy affair. So, does it get better with more skillpoints and human players instead of the AI?

Lost Ranger_sl

I'd love to try solo "clean" heists at some point. The multiplayer is a blast, but 99% of all the games I play just turn into shoot outs. I think I can do most of them completely stealth, but would need a ton more skill points before I try.


The DLC argument feels really bad though. It's like buying a Mario game and getting told that you can't fight Worlds 6 through 8 (and Bowser) until you purchase the 19.99 Mario Finale DLC.
This is a $30 game with more content and replayability than 95% of the games you can buy for $60. What you're saying is similar to what some people said when Starcraft 2 came out. They were mad that it only had 1 race's campaign and felt cheated because they would be forced to buy 2 expansions in order to play the whole campaign. This was despite the SC2 campaign having more content than all 3 campaigns in Broodwar combined.

Unless the company flips from how they operated for the first game (and they very well may), it should be pretty fair. They released 2 heists free of charge, and then had a $10 DLC with a new heist and tech tree.


Unfortunately no.. there is a mission called Watchdogs where you start in a truck and literally 20 seconds later cops are shooting you


If anyone is thinking about picking it up my steam name is schnarkie.

Group of us have been playing quite a bit. We can help get you started and get some easy levels and walk you through some stuff.

It is alot less painful to start if you play with people you know.


I've tried Framing Day a few different times now with random people and have yet to complete the 3rd day. We will inevitably trip an alarm and then die while trying to upload the data in the server room because you have to run across the map every 20 seconds to turn the power back on. It's the only mission that I try to avoid when playing with randoms.

Has anyone played the Pro Job "Big Oil" yet? The pay grade looks like nice it seems pretty rare.
Did it yesterday.
Well, "tried" it. First day is pretty simple, storm the biker hideout, get info. Shaped Charges make that a 3 minute run (the electrical fence is hilarious). Day two has you infiltrating a villa to find a fusion engine prototype in a lab. Our cover got blown, first shoot out was a walk in the park, we got into the lab and there we were, 12 different prototypes and not a single guy with any idea about physics. You have to find the right one (we got lazy and googled after the game: you have to calculate PSI/bar with help of the computer screens, check the numbers on the engine, find a note which says which chemical component is stable and look at a white board which color relates to that chemical and then pick the engine with the correct number AND the correctly colored tank) and carry it out to the landing strip. Thing weighs A TON. And the heli will only pick up ONE, fly it to Bain, who checks it and then sends the heli back for another one if you got the wrong one. We had a 25 minutes shoot out with the cops, in the end we pro boxed our way through the cops and got downed because all four engines were wrong and we got swarmed by Dozers, Shields and Heavies and there simply was no way getting back into the lab.

In case you weren't looking for a walkthrough and just wanted to know if it's worth it: if you get the right engine right away, I'd say yes :p


A nice asshole.
If anyone is thinking about picking it up my steam name is schnarkie.

Group of us have been playing quite a bit. We can help get you started and get some easy levels and walk you through some stuff.

It is alot less painful to start if you play with people you know.
Agree! Went from level 9 to 30+ in a few hours with this group. C4 is the bomb, pun intended.


Which heist are you doing early on to get levels quick; Jewelry Store? We've just been doing the toughest ones we can handle rather than trying to power game it, but would probably be better to get a few quick levels and money.