PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds


<Bronze Donator>
I actually think gunshot sounds are pretty good now. I don't really have the problems reddit is bitching about, but maybe I'm tone deaf or something idk.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
I think it's the difference that is messing with people. Guns sound a little different too at ranges. I've heard gunshots from a good distance away and it sounds VERY similar to footsteps nearby so it puts me on edge.


Log Wizard
War Mode was fun again. Except I had to download newest GPU drivers to make it run tolerably. Also had 10 crashes (I counted, no exaggeration) in about 11 hours of playtime.

Props to fucking Windows Update destroying my Voicemeter settings and making me try to figure it out all over again. Mic still doesn't work in game for PUBG.


Log Wizard
That's the thing about that mode. 1/2 the people are snipers. If you're a better/faster sniper you're going to do well until an Aug/M249 pushes in your asshole. Felt like watching Shroud when he just k98's people standing around staring at him or not moving at all. I never actually find those type of people in a real PUBG match.

I had 10 hours of stream and my clipper is MIA, so I didn't get any "good" shots, but I had several over 500m and a few over 400m on running targets. Here's one with the garbage can that is the M24:

I love it in the game, but in War Mode it's worthless. 3 body shots or two headshots on a 5 clip bolt-action? No thanks. It does help improve K98 accuracy though.

It's crazy how good the P92 is actually. It'll shred a 3 helmet if you land 3 shots on it. Wish they gave us two clips with it though.
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<Bronze Donator>
Thanks War mode for teaching me to use the AWM. Got some nice kills/downs with it today, including a 558m headshot. FeelsGoodMan

Edit: Also a 319m headshot on a running guy
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Pathetic Reaction Bot
Anyone else feel like a lot more people are tryharding this season(or whatever you used to call it)? Used to bee you'd see half the plain bail on the first major type drop (mylta/power/novo/military etc) and there'd be 50 left in squads before the first circle was done now it seems like it's 1-2 squads per drop the plane flies over. Additionally i feel like people are pulling some weird plays (less experienced players mainly) - So now I've seen a lot of games where it's the last 2 circles and there's 35+ alive.


Log Wizard
I personally can't drop hot zones in squads because of the fps. In some cities I get 35FPS and in action drops to as low as 23ish. I tend to pick medium sized areas or areas near big cities but not dead middle.

Also, the game has been shit in general lately:

The windows update fucked my voicemeter too so my mic doesn't work. Makes me sad because of stuff like this.



Pathetic Reaction Bot
I feel like hot zones aren't as hot anymore and it's just random. I've intentionally dropped long in squads where we have to pull our chutes basically the moment they're avail (or find a vehicle) and there will be 3-4 other squads doing the same for the same spot. Used to be people just dove straight down onto whatever the plane flew over and never bothered going long.

Also had one game where we went mylta kinda long. I fucked up my chute, so to avoid another squad in mylta went to the yellows just west of it. and a squad (asian players, NA server) ran in from farm with just a shotgun and pistol. I picked up an ump but only 1 box of ammo. Downed 3 but #4 finished me with a punch because I was out of ammo. and low HP because of the shotgun.

Was just a big WTF gamble play on their part. No reason for them to go on foot, late into mylta from farm to me. And that just random shit has been happening a lot lately. Plays that don't make a lot of sense.


<Bronze Donator>
I will say though, there has been some serious desync issues. So much getting shot around walls. Or issues of the guy is firing, but apparently his internet sucks so you have no idea, and then all his bullets hit at once. I had it happen multiple times tonight where just multiple bullet impacts in way too short a time frame. To me I die in less than a second, the kill cam tells me they took 3-5 seconds to kill me. Idk, that's super frustrating.

Felt like I had a pretty good day of games though


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Daytime lock seems stupid. If you're going for stealthy shit. Why not make that shit fog/rain. I miss fog for doing predator style shit with a crossbow and silenced weapons.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Because the game barely functions without weather effects, adding them back in just breaks all the loot spawn lag and FPS again.