PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds


The whole game is lag. What's the point of pretending they can fix anything at all latency related? Great, so my bullet registers on my screen .02sec faster and is still eaten by the server.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was gonna post about shot registering then i saw that vid that was just posted. The shooting in this game is very fubar.

The worst registering you can experience on bullets is when your target is running sideways from your position and by that i mean you have to move your cursor from either left to right or right to left. Shots that should land just vanish in the lag. If your target is moving up or down The server usually register them.

Anyways, what a mess. Add china on top of all that.


Log Wizard

Hit registration MAY be off. That's the INSTANT I'm knocked, you can see his bullet hit my butt and I'm still standing but with knocked status. Fuck that shit. This plus the 40 K98 shots that've been eaten lately is getting pretty annyoing.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I just dont understand how any of these so called « pros » see esport being possible in this game. The randomness of loot plus shoddy engine / server just go agaisnt everything that is a serious competitive game.

Am far from an overwatch fan but i can appreciate the tightness of controls the game gives plus its depth and aknowledge it has a competitive game.


Vyemm Raider
Picked this up on Xbox because my buddies did. I have an Xbox X so it's not quite as bad as their experience, but the game runs like total ass. The final battles are always intense and fun, but I am so looking forward to a good developer like Blizzard making a Battle Royal type game.

I tried Fortnite Battle Royal, and while it runs a lot better I prefer to be able to ADS, and the Sniper having such a slow trajectory and massive drop is lame as fuck. It's basically guess where they are in 5 seconds if they are at any kind of distance.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Or just don't spawn at all. I dove military last night and the entire place spawned nothing but clothes and melee weapons. We're talking every barrack, the radar building, the big warehouses, jails, all of it. You had like 20 people with crowbars and pans and fists all running around like fucking headless chickens trying to melee each other.
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Molten Core Raider
Picked this up on Xbox because my buddies did. I have an Xbox X so it's not quite as bad as their experience, but the game runs like total ass. The final battles are always intense and fun, but I am so looking forward to a good developer like Blizzard making a Battle Royal type game.

I tried Fortnite Battle Royal, and while it runs a lot better I prefer to be able to ADS, and the Sniper having such a slow trajectory and massive drop is lame as fuck. It's basically guess where they are in 5 seconds if they are at any kind of distance.
you see people using the AR's in fortnite over the snipers because the ar's are basically laser beams while the sniper has mad drop. lol

First 5 minutes of fortnite is fucking awesome, after that, imo, it sucks. I hate the end game building. its lame as fuck.


<Bronze Donator>
Or just don't spawn at all. I dove military last night and the entire place spawned nothing but clothes and melee weapons. We're talking every barrack, the radar building, the big warehouses, jails, all of it. You had like 20 people with crowbars and pans and fists all running around like fucking headless chickens trying to melee each other.
This was my experience lady night after the patch as well. I got second in a solo only having shotgun and mini. It felt real bad.

It just felt like they fucked up spawns. Lots of shit just empty


FoH nuclear response team
Spawns have been fucked up for a long time, I still don't understand why you wouldn't want weapons everywhere in a game focused on killing. I can understand making the better guns more rare but lately it's only pistols and shotguns everywhere.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
There were a couple of periods on the test servers where clothing didn't spawn at all and the games felt vastly less laggy during landing. I'm not even actually sure why clothing still exists as ground spawns? The tables haven't been updated to include any of the new cosmetics they add, so it's just literal trash adding to the server load.


That guy
Never go full potato with your throws. All 4 kills in the game were with a fully kitted out Uzi, though I had knocked both of the guys at the end once each with the AWM I got from last kill before them. Played like shit at the end there but a W is a W.

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Log Wizard
Hit reg is really, really fucked. Like .5 seconds desync. I've now been hit behind cover two days in a row and went to replay and yep, sure as fuck, shooter had no sight on me and I was behind cover. Super infuriating especially in FPS when you get caught and you can't peek your shooter to see their position. It's just a death sentence when they can hit you after you peek and during your peek. Maybe the cheaters left TPS so I can go back.


Vyemm Raider
you see people using the AR's in fortnite over the snipers because the ar's are basically laser beams while the sniper has mad drop. lol

First 5 minutes of fortnite is fucking awesome, after that, imo, it sucks. I hate the end game building. its lame as fuck.

Yeah the building is lame as fuck, but I guess it's their niche... I think the next few years will bring some much funner, and better performing battle royal games, but until then I guess these are the two we get to live with.

I always liked the idea of having a battleground in WoW where you start at level 1 and accumulate gear/levels while playing against another team. I got the idea when playing DoTA back during Vanilla.

This would be a bit different in that you'd have roaming groups of 2-4, or a solo players. You could even have little mini-bosses that drop the best items, or whatever. Obviously there are a lot of potential issues, but I'm sure given Blizzards resources they could figure it out.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
you see people using the AR's in fortnite over the snipers because the ar's are basically laser beams while the sniper has mad drop. lol

First 5 minutes of fortnite is fucking awesome, after that, imo, it sucks. I hate the end game building. its lame as fuck.

The AR in Fortnite isn't 'basically' a laser beam. It straight up is. All guns in Frotnite aside from the sniper are hit-scan. They have graphic for the projectile, but it's just a tracer. The sniper is a projectile weapon like PUBG's are and it's slow as fuck with massive drop.

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