Political Affiliation


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Seems like a cop out if someone votes R or D for every major election of the last few cycles yet chooses centrist or libertarian. If you voted for Obama twice and a Dem for Senator and House Rep. then own that shit.

I always vote straight ticket D, but that's because the R's are fucking crazy and can't be allowed in power. Now, that being said, this very morning I find myself listening to NPR and hearing about some gun control laws being passed by the Colorado House and there's an R Rep on there saying that "These are bullshit, they're not gonna stop anyone from being killed, and all this is is feel good legislation that's not gonna change a thing," and I agree with him.

Just because D is the centrist party now doesn't mean that there aren't centrists. Make no mistake about it, if the major political parties were actually on either side of the center line, I wouldn't be voting straight ticket D.


Other. I have never voted and will not vote in the near future.

I dislike the current association between politics and government as I believe that they require very different skills. I would be in favour of a system based on merit, which people applying for each government position in the same way that people apply for corporate jobs.

I know that people are going to say that I am disrespectful to those who died to give me the right to vote. My opinion is that voting is disrespectful to these people as they did not fight and die to give us what we have, they fought for something better and we settled for a shitty version of democracy.


Registered Hutt
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the other methods that have been tried." - Winston Churchill.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Social Liberal, Fiscal Conservative. As a result, I have voted straight D for the last decade or two, with a couple specific exceptions. Until we get an actual non crazy version of the GOP back, that is how it is going to remain.
serious question, why would anyone formally register as any political party? they send you a free shirt or some shit? having your name on any list sounds like bad idea in general to me.


Silver Squire
Primaries are a good reason. Better to have more middle ground people there than the crazies that tend to vote in them. Balances things out some over the long term.


Musty Nester
serious question, why would anyone formally register as any political party? they send you a free shirt or some shit? having your name on any list sounds like bad idea in general to me.
State primaries. Some states let you vote in party primaries you are not a member of, some don't.


I'd consider myself a centrist. I definitely have no problems voting for either party. I think both parties bring good things to the table and help balance each other out when they compromise. Of course the big caveat is that I won't vote for the GOP in its current form after they ran out all the moderates. The hard line approach I feel is destructive and ensures that no one (in both parties) really gets what they want.


I tend to be empirically minded and a bit of a nihilistic, so I reluctantly vote Democratic. Unfortunately, with our 2 party system, it's less about voting for who best reflects your interests than voting for whichever polished turd is the most viable/marketable product.


Trakanon Raider
I consider myself centrist, but it's all relative. In Canadian politics I'd be centrist, in American politics I'd be liberal/progressive, in European politics I'd be conservative. In provincial and federal elections I've voted primarily for the Liberal party Federally, and a mix of Liberal/Progressive Conservative in provincial elections. I signed up to a week long membership with the provincial PC's just so I could participate in the leadership vote 5 or so years back (they win all the elections anyways, my vote counted for much more there), but otherwise have never been an active or declared political party member. For the most part, that kind of thing is very rare in Canada. The average person does not consider themselves to be "Liberal" or "Conservative" the way Americans do.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I consider myself a centrist, though I put D in the poll because that is how I've largely voted the last 10 years. I was a hard core Republican through high school, college and my time in the military; it was only after I left the military, and realized that I had only heard one side of the story for most of my life, that I began to explore the other side's arguments and started changing my views.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I voted Libertarian in the last 2 elections. But since I live where I do it doesn't really matter who I vote for.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
flat tax is the bomb! last I knew Japan was 17% and they throw in awesome public trans and shitty free healthcare.
Liberal supporting a flat tax? You haven't thought that through yet. Probably like most of the stuff that comes out of your mouth. Here I'll give you a hint. The people you claim to care so much about IE poor people, people with no health insurance, get hit the hardest by flat tax.

You can thank the republican party for our current very progressive tax system, which ensures that somewhere in the neighborhood of the lower 50% do not pay federal taxes, and we can thank the democrats for things like jim crow laws.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Actually... tax tiers (not rates) are pretty static. Income isn't. If rich corporations weren't hoarding billions and billions of dollars "earned" off the backs of the working people, average income would be higher, and far far more people would be paying more in taxes than they do now. When you have a small percentage of the population earning a huge chunk of the income in this country... guess who gets to pay a huge chunk of the taxes?


Extreme social liberal here, moderate fiscal conservative. I'd consider myself libertarian if they weren't taken over by the crazies too. I'd currently go democrat because they are lesser of two evils. I'd totally hang out with Obama, smoke some weed, play Street Fighter with him, I dunno.


pure anarchist (I dont even really know what that even really means!!!) here, I believe 70% of us should walk into the ocean!