Pussification in America: Political Correctness is Gay


Any culture with broadly based practices that increase human suffering and decrease well being are not valuable. Get the hell out of here with your liberal bullshit that all cultures are valuable. Actions and beliefs that are directly tied to a culture should be scrutinized. It is insane to say human civilization would not be better off by assimilating and ultimately disintegrating some cultures and their practices.

Sam Harris does a really good job explaining this and how truly stupid it is to put cultures and their practices on a pedestal immune to criticism.
How did you weirdos get the impression I believe all cultures are of equal value? I really don't, but I'm not interested in teaching Muslims not to hit their women, but good luck with that. I hear it's not going that well.


Musty Nester
How did you weirdos get the impression I believe all cultures are of equal value? I really don't, but I'm not interested in teaching Muslims not to hit their women, but good luck with that. I hear it's not going that well.
I think part of it is you have to convince the women they don't deserve to be hit in the first place.

Muslims aren't all bad.


How did you weirdos get the impression I believe all cultures are of equal value? I really don't, but I'm not interested in teaching Muslims not to hit their women, but good luck with that. I hear it's not going that well.
In your previous post you said "all cultures have the right to exist". I am not saying you think they are equal, but stating not all cultures should have a right to exist due to the fact that practices so integral to some cultures serve no purpose other than to cause human suffering. The sooner cultures like that are in the annals of history the better all of us will be.



Rape culture something something patriarchy.
these things just worsen rape culture. people are going to blame victims before helping them out first. this sort of thing creates doubt in people's mind. don't take this as something we should accept. these are very very rare and not all women do this. these are just sick people who make things worse for the victims of rape culture.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
these are very very rare

it's complicated but

"American, British, Canadian, and New Zealand studies that converge around a rate of 8 percent to 10 percent for false reports of rape."

that's way more than "very very rare", that's enough to always have some rational doubt, and in a truly equal society you wouldn't always take a womans word for it without doing due diligence.


In your previous post you said "all cultures have the right to exist". I am not saying you think they are equal, but stating not all cultures should have a right to exist due to the fact that practices so integral to some cultures serve no purpose other than to cause human suffering. The sooner cultures like that are in the annals of history the better all of us will be.
I like Sam Harris, even though his books are incredibly boring to read and he has the globalist perspective in a multicultural liberal society. I'm a nationalist. Muslims don't want my advice on how to treat women in their part of the world. I don't want their advice either. If they want to slap women around to appease their God, I truly don't care.



it's complicated but

"American, British, Canadian, and New Zealand studies that converge around a rate of 8 percent to 10 percent for false reports of rape."

that's way more than "very very rare", that's enough to always have some rational doubt, and in a truly equal society you wouldn't always take a womans word for it without doing due diligence.
i am not saying don't do due diligence. i am saying this kind of attitude makes it harder for women to come out of their shell and seek help! We put so much social pressure against women with attitudes like sluts and other difficult insults that makes life hell for them. We shouldn't make it feel as if it's their fault and fear any social consequence from failing to prove rape charges! Rape is not so easy to prove and some cases do go without getting proven. fall out from this is devastating for rape victims!


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Then you would agree that we should train and arm woman with handguns so they can protect themselves because the law and culture is fallible?


no. we should foster a society where guns are not needed anymore. there are other ways for women to protect themselves. guns are not the absolute means to an end in a civil society!


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
no. we should foster a society where guns are not needed anymore. there are other ways for women to protect themselves. guns are not the absolute means to an end in a civil society!
guns made society more civil my friend. it's an irony isn't it, like nuclear weapons have made the world inherently much more stable.

The murder rate before the invention of the gun was dramatically higher and immediately preceding cheap guns proliferation on the planet the entire worlds murder rate started rapidly declining.

read this paper, specifically page 678


It's naive to think we will ever change human nature without changing our genetics. History is where you learn that you can change technology and culture but human nature shines through the ages.

that's what people like tanoomba don't understand you can't change peoples dna we will always have flawed biases in our nature and we have to account for them not pretend they don't exist.

it's like the rape thing, woman don't really rape men do they? but the reverse is definitely true, why is that? aren't men and woman equal?
do any of my fellow office dwellers ever miss busting their ass doing some real work every now and then?

my dad rode me so hard for chores and yard work.. it's ingrained in me.

still living in the city with the wife & cats.. looking for that home to put some sweat into.


Musty Nester
Well, absolute freedom is the ability to kill absolutely anyone you want to.

It's fucked up, but that's how humans work. If everybody can then we all have to agree to "not be a dick".


Musty Nester
do any of my fellow office dwellers ever miss busting their ass doing some real work every now and then?

my dad rode me so hard for chores and yard work.. it's ingrained in me.

still living in the city with the wife & cats.. looking for that home to put some sweat into.
dat protestant work ethic, it'll getcha.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
not sure if comparing a nuke to a small fire-arm is a good idea~
why not? it's the same concept on a macro scale. It's called deterence, the threat of force is enough for people to reconsider action(and deterence is useless if they aren't real threats to the other party). Not everyone is "good natured" and we will never have a 100% "good natured" society without changing our dna.


why not? it's the same concept on a macro scale. It's called deterence, the threat of force is enough for people to reconsider action(and deterence is useless if they aren't real threats to the other party). Not everyone is "good natured" and we will never have a 100% "good natured" society without changing our dna.
i don't think guns help to that end~ there are many countries that have strict gun control and they are doing fairly well without one!