Puzzles and Dragons


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So which do you do use for +Skill? double ROnias?
I don't use anything. But yeah, it seems like everyone using Shiva has 15-20 Ronia's on call. Plus Belial/Rodin/Freyr etc etc.

Don't think she's used for Twinlits if you don't have one of the ridiculous REM heavy teams.

To be fair, you can get lucky first wave. If one of the Mythlits is on 2 turns for example you could end up with 1 up and stall like normal, or any you leave alive decide not to bind right off. It's just a roll of the dice.

These guy's strat seems pretty workable.

Unbindable light color healer seems like a good workaround, so I guess I spoke too soon.

Unfortunately L/L Archangel only has 1 bind resist so I guess she wouldn't work in place of the Light Meta/AmatO in those vids. Don't think anyone else has 2 bind clear active plus self bind resist either. Could use Tamadrapurin I guess and just wait out the binds=) Not sure what all monsters have full bind resist.

Ceres would work great.


I don't use anything. But yeah, it seems like everyone using Shiva has 15-20 Ronia's on call. Plus Belial/Rodin/Freyr etc etc.

Don't think she's used for Twinlits if you don't have one of the ridiculous REM heavy teams.

To be fair, you can get lucky first wave. If one of the Mythlits is on 2 turns for example you could end up with 1 up and stall like normal, or any you leave alive decide not to bind right off. It's just a roll of the dice.

These guy's strat seems pretty workable.

Unbindable light color healer seems like a good workaround, so I guess I spoke too soon.

Unfortunately L/L Archangel only has 1 bind resist so I guess she wouldn't work in place of the Light Meta/AmatO in those vids. Don't think anyone else has 2 bind clear active plus self bind resist either. Could use Tamadrapurin I guess and just wait out the binds=) Not sure what all monsters have full bind resist.

Ceres would work great.
Finally got devil Shiva up. With that and fully awoken Ronia, all I need is like 3 Rodin and I'll finally have an endgame team!

Ran out of dragon flowers for baby tama evos of all things. How random.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
2nd one seems more realistic to me, but screw the Red Sonia requirements, chances of me pulling one now that I'm pretty much done Godfest rolling are very low. I have an Ama O with like 70 plus eggs but have never even bothered evolving it past base.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Made my Shiva, which was of course followed by 3 no Dublit runs on normal sprites trying to get one to make D/L Yomi. =P

edit: Went to edit the friend list thing in the first post and it said the file is in the owners trash and will be inaccessible soon. Fazana hasn't been here in months. I made a copy of it

Rerolled PaD Superfriends

Let me know if everyone can edit it and there's no problems and I'll get a mod to edit it in to the first post. Also if your shit is out of date or some of your accounts are out of use edit them out please.

edit2: So much of it is so out of date, we should just start a new one.
Managed to get my free Tama with this setup:

Bring on my Score Challenges. I'll be waiting to cheese them all with Anubis.
Not sure what happened to the picture, but at least it's visible.

I would love to have Twinlit/Tri-Fruit on farm status with 0 stones. I always needs more Tamadras, and I really need Red fruits to skill up my Ronia.


I havent even bothered rarity cheesing the Score dungeons... Just anubis or robin cheese :p

D/L Anubis + R/L Horus when I am out of Robins/Anubis also easy enough.

Also... Looking for Robin and Anubis friends!

Some saved pics from JP/US server I have on my phone
Kunishade is my alt jp account
[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> *//PF is my main JP and main US account.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Until I get the awakenings on my Shiva team my Horus should still be up like 95% of the time and am about to dump another 50 plus eggs on him.



Who cares about rarity when you get 231,000pts for averaging 10.4 combos

Edit: Yes, I know getting above 9 average combos is all about luck... but if you can do it consistently is it still luck?


Trakanon Raider
I don't think its that much luck, it really just depends on how many combos you can pull out of whatever active board you have, if you can clean it up so the junk orbs can possibly cascade + get a 7 or a 8. It doesn't take too much to get that 10. Getting to 10 is rare for me, because I need to get 3-4 skyfall and I leave those excess 9/12 gems in positions that can't remotely cascade - like they alternate and shit.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Did my king carnival 4 times (thanks to leveling), 2 red, 5 green, 3 blue, 4 gold, 2 metal. Pondering if I want to drop stones.

edit: dropped 1 stone for 2 more runs...
3 metal, 2 gold, 2 green, 1 blue

Totals for 6 runs:
2 Red
7 Green
4 Blue
6 Gold
5 Metal

Really shocked the red was so far down and the gold showed up so often. I only saw 1 super (blue) and it didn't drop.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Hour and a half until mine. Already switched back to vodka after switching to beer from vodka... Not sure I'll make it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
8 runs, 1 super(green). Another green showed up but didn't drop, and one Dark showed at the end but didn't drop.

Fed a couple king golds to my snow globe dragon, that felt weird. Of course now my Kirin doesn't need 1.5 million so I guess I'll feed THAT to my Valk. Her, Zeus, or Verche...


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Wait what.. King gold to the noel? Bro you drunk too?

I guess at the base it is just XP and is the same


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Geesh must have had the worst luck possible on King carnival.
Zero red, zero gold, 1 Blue, 2 green, 1 super green, and 8 metal kings in 3 runs. What a waste of a stone.