Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I am triggered by Brahma talking about racism, saying Wakandan in a public store "and not meaning anything by it" and then having a Tookie Williams avatar. Head might asplode
Oh I'm 100% aware of how my 1st impressions come across. I am also 100% aware of the effect that me saying Wakandan in front of a bunch of people from Cambridge Massachusetts will have them calling for justice for black folk. I just really get a kick out of how easily people are offended and come to MY defense, as if I of all people in the room need defending. Not because I am bigger and stronger than you...But I just don't care enough to give a shit that you called me some racist shit. I have dragons to slay bitch!

I'm also aware of the irony of having Tookie Williams as my avatar.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I think a lot of people are conflating prejudice with racism. I am going to pre-judge a black ghetto rat the same way I am going to do it to a white trash hillbilly red neck. Its not racism, its looking at the available information and playing the odds. Its certainly be possible to be prejudiced based on race, i.e. I want to have an Asian doctor and a Jewish accountant. And not all prejudice is inherently wrong, but really just a starting point for forming an opinion about someone in the absence of other information. If I see a middle eastern woman in a burka, I am going to make certain basic assumptions and modify my behavior to avoid offending this person and causing a bunch of issues. As I learn more about a person, that base template becomes modified.

This "treat everyone the same" stuff is basically victim culture. They are waiting for a reason to complain and its not even usually the aggrieved party but some concern troll SJW type looking to be offended on someone else's behalf. As a fat white nerd, people initially treat me a certain way based on past experiences they have with other fat white nerds. I am fine with that and its up to me if I want to demonstrate that I need to be treated differently than that. Same as when I see someone in a turtle neck with emo glasses and a starbucks coffee in their hand, I immediately identify that person as a hipster douchebag that I should avoid. Prejudice (the non racist/sexist kind) serves a valuable role in keeping a civil society.

Tribalism, actual hate of people simply because they are different (of which Racism is the most obvious form), has no value and needs to be quashed.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
OK here's a serious answer: racism is when you're shitty to another person because they're not like you.

Anything else and you're over complicating things just for the sake of putting a label on someone's motivations.
I don't like communists, am I racist?


Buzzfeed Editor
My son has no racism in him. Nor do his friends. So soon this racism shit will fade away I am sure.
My oldest daughter is 6, one day in preschool she came home asking if she could be brown. We asked wtf she meant, and almost all of her friends at school were black or hispanic, so she wanted to be brown like them. We had to break the news that skin color doesn't change lke that and she bawled for like half an hour talking about I WANT TO BE BROWN! None of my kids are really aware of race, as far as I know. Like they understand that people have different skin color, but beyond that none of it gets through. It's a nice thing.


Registered Hutt
@OP, yes Tarrant, you're right. These people, we often call them SJWs, have redefined racism within their cult, and practice selective acceptance of racial bias against the majority culture (whites in general, men specifically). They have no basis beyond their echo chamber for their redefinition of racism. They just cite one another and fill all discussions with feelsdata rather than facts. Individuals of the same ideology have even edited wikipedia several times to adjust it to their concept of reality 1984 style, and the position of the wiki operators has slowly grown resistant to their antics.


<Bronze Donator>
Definitely thought Soy was Asian.

Edit: Because of Soy sauce or something equally as horrible, I'm sure.


Buzzfeed Editor
Erronius is really a super hot asian woman, Soy just pretends to be asian for the privilege.


<Prior Amod>
Good lord am i only professed non-whitey on here? Where my pplz who can get a tan and not burn in the sun like a lobster at? It'd also be nice to see who the Arabs or Muslims are, the majority of my negs come from the Islam thread, or maybe that's just from the cray cray SJW's.


A Mod Real Quick
Soygen, or Soyjen as I like to call her is a 40 year old morbidly obese short asian woman. She will suck your dick for $0.30 a load.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Black people are surprisingly distinct on the phone..I've never talked to a black woman on the phone that didn't let out a big mmmmmhmmmmm and make me feel like a piece of shit. No racist-o