Red Pill: Bitches Are All the Same / MRA Circle Jerk


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The Rickshaw plays by its own rules.

But yes, I think he fell in love with one of his plates and of course it didnt work out.

Edit. Found it

It is beautiful:

"I fell in love with one of the girls I've been seeing.

I can't stop thinking about her. About the way she smiles, the smell of her hair, the feeling of her lying next to me at night.

I didn't know I loved her until I broke up with her. The look on her face, it just destroyed me. I've been going in circles the last couple days trying to forget about her but I can't.

I'm not cut out for this Red Pill shit. I can't handle casual sex. I want more than that. But, I'm not crazy enough to get into a long term relationship or give up my freedom.

I don't know what the fuck to do. It might be easier to go back to celibacy.

Fuck my life."
So he completely failed at the most very basic anti-pedestalization aspects of RP, then preaches anti-marriage obnoxiously all over the board. Precious.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah I am, but I'm not anti-all relationships. I just think people should be more careful not to fuck themselves over. Like a_skeleton_03's stories, Himeo is right those guys needed to see somehow the mistake they were making. But I'm not saying, "well, its hopeless! relations with women is stupid, give up". a_skeleton_03 giving relationship/dating advice is still ridiculous though if he really married his highschool sweetheart and they've never had sex with anyone else.

Saying marriage is a bad deal for most men is different than telling everyone what's up after you just tucked your tail between your legs and ran home at the first sign of heartache. I've been married, I've been divorced. This dude is some kid hiding behind the keyboard telling everyone how to view their wives and girlfriends while refusing to open a single detail about his experiences arriving at those conclusions. Give us a break with that is all.

Its basically like Mist, cherry picking whatever stats support her while admittedly having next to zero real world practical understanding of the in-and-out daily life aspects of the shit being preached about.


Got something right about marriage
The number of people I know in their 20's in open relationships or just dating with no intention of marrying is pretty staggering. There's a shit ton of people having kids in their late 30's to early 40's now because they didn't take a relationship seriously when they were younger.
I honestly think that's a good thing. What the fuck does a 20 year old know about what they want in life or how serious a responsibility having and raising children is?

The Ancient_sl

It's not a great thing for population growth, but we don't really need that anymore.

Although our economic system will eventually have to change.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I honestly think that's a good thing. What the fuck does a 20 year old know about what they want in life or how serious a responsibility having and raising children is?
Eh I'm not really putting a value judgment on it. It's fine with me.

But the hispanics, bible thumpers, and poor people aren't stopping having kids in their early 20's. Reasonable people are going to get bred out.


<Gold Donor>
The problem I have with all this shit is that marriage and family is the driving force behind a thriving civilization and economy. Soon as that starts breaking down, like it is right now, thats some scary shit to think about.

Think about it. Every divorce leads to nearly double the resources it took to sustain a family to keep two split families going. And think about how much resources you need as a single not giving shit about marriage and family. You simply dont need to be as productive. I know I could sustain myself comfortably on a pittance of what I make right now to sustain a family of 4.


Got something right about marriage
The problem I have with all this shit is that marriage and family is the driving force behind a thriving civilization and economy.
No it isn't, but in our society it's a cornerstone. Divorces don't require double the resources, it involves the same amount of people already within our economy. Your argument is that somehow divorces create a new need for more resources for children that already exist. Children who require those resources either way. Being married when you have children doesn't magically make those children cost less and even after divorce they still need to be taken care of the same as if you were still married.

You can co-habitate and pool resources regardless of marriage status.

Marriage is a social construct and it makes people feel safe and secure but it's not a requirement for civilization nor a thriving economy.


Avatar of War Slayer
No it isn't, but in our society it's a cornerstone. Divorces don't require double the resources, it involves the same amount of people already within our economy. Your argument is that somehow divorces create a new need for more resources for children that already exist. Children who require those resources either way. Being married when you have children doesn't magically make those children cost less and even after divorce they still need to be taken care of the same as if you were still married.

You can co-habitate and pool resources regardless of marriage status.

Marriage is a social construct and it makes people feel safe and secure but it's not a requirement for civilization nor a thriving economy.
2 adults 2 kids "in a live in relationship" same house, shared food etc. costs less than 1 adult + resources for those 2 kids at X days/ time intervals and another 1 adult + resources for those 2 kids the Y days / time intervals -- cant pull the 1br studio apartment and live off ramen like your college or single days while you are to create and foster an equal environment for "your time" with the kids while one side usually also has to pay support so the other side can "maintain" the environment while then somehow being expected to maintain similar environments again for themselves and their time with the kids... often this literally doubles "growing up" resources that the kids need- furnished bedrooms, clothing, food etc. to be duplicated at both residents.. this is all assuming that the people where self supporting to begin with... it is also why wealthy have not as much "issue" with divorcing as they can sustain it the same as those government supported as the government support often moves on to both sides now being supported (causing more strain) while "middle" cannot usually sustain this and do not get divorced until after kids


<Gold Donor>
Yes, children cost the same, but now you need two houses, or two living spaces instead of one, now the wife needs to work or is reliant on state aid. In esscense you need more resources now that the family is split up. Maybe not double, but for sure more than before where resources were more efficiently used. Sure you can cohabitate and have kids without marriage, but then you are pretty much under the same burden of aid when you split up anyways in most states so its like being married just without the paper.

And like I said, if the men dont marry they dont need to be as productive as they can be. Or better yet, reaching their full productivity potential. i.e. Why get that awesomesauce career and be enslaved to the system if im going to live out my life single anyway? I can support myself on shitty jobs just to get by and get my surf on and still get pussy. Youre already seeing it in the colleges. Less and less men getting degrees than women. Ask yourself how much do you need just to get by? I for sure dont need my $90K job if I was single. I could probably get by on $$30K-40K and live a pretty comfortable life with all the amenities I have now.

Marriage is the cornerstone of getting men to be productive and do shit within a society other than literally enslaving them like they did in the past. We dont need to do shit if single. Fuck some men can go to woods and live off land if need be, lol.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The original point was to stop focusing on other people and start focusing on yourself.Selfishness is an integral part of happiness and fulfillmentand happy people are more attractive. So be at least moderately selfish while you work on your own shortcomings and things will start falling into place. Then it got twisted into some weird cult of gender opposition and a study on psychological warfare.
I think you meant self interest, not selfish. There's a huge difference between the two.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No it isn't, but in our society it's a cornerstone. Divorces don't require double the resources, it involves the same amount of people already within our economy. Your argument is that somehow divorces create a new need for more resources for children that already exist. Children who require those resources either way. Being married when you have children doesn't magically make those children cost less and even after divorce they still need to be taken care of the same as if you were still married.

You can co-habitate and pool resources regardless of marriage status.

Marriage is a social construct and it makes people feel safe and secure but it's not a requirement for civilization nor a thriving economy.
It isn't Double but it clearly cost more.

2 houses
2 cars
2 cable bills
Extra childcare costs.
Extra travel costs.


Got something right about marriage
It isn't Double but it clearly cost more.

2 houses
2 cars
2 cable bills
Extra childcare costs.
Extra travel costs.
You guys are missing the point. You don't need to be married to co-habitate and pool resources. Marriage isn't a pre-requisite for any of that. It's just considered unsavory or impolite in many cultures to "live in sin out of wedlock"

Also, a lot of what you guys are saying is a stretch and actually helps stimulate the economy. I mean... married people don't need two cars? Why does childcare cost more for divorced people?

You can also make the argument that single, childless people have more time to spend to be more productive. More time to invent and create, more time to learn and do. Less worry about saving disposable income thus injecting it into the economy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You guys are missing the point. You don't need to be married to co-habitate and pool resources. Marriage isn't a pre-requisite for any of that. It's just considered unsavory or impolite in many cultures to "live in sin out of wedlock"

Also, a lot of what you guys are saying is a stretch and actually helps stimulate the economy. I mean... married people don't need two cars? Why does childcare cost more for divorced people?

You can also make the argument that single, childless people have more time to spend to be more productive. More time to invent and create, more time to learn and do. Less worry about saving disposable income thus injecting it into the economy.
Most marriages with children have one person working full time while the other person is ether not working or working much fewer hours while also focusing upon raising the children. The daycare costs for that scenario is much less then for two parents both working full time.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Most marriages with children have one person working full time while the other person is ether not working or working much fewer hours while also focusing upon raising the children.
Do you have a source for that? Almost every couple(with kids) I know have both people working full time.


Got something right about marriage
Most marriages with children have one person working full time while the other person is ether not working or working much fewer hours while also focusing upon raising the children. The daycare costs for that scenario is much less then for two parents both working full time.
What country do you live in dude? Do you have a time machine you use to post from 1950?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Most marriages with children have one person working full time while the other person is ether not working or working much fewer hours while also focusing upon raising the children. The daycare costs for that scenario is much less then for two parents both working full time.
I know lots of people that both work full time, and lots where one doesn't. Long way from "most" and certainly not "most marriages"


<Gold Donor>
Ok call it whatever the fuck you want to call it, its the same shit. Merger, alliance, consortium, its still the same thing, thats not my point. My point is that men are turning away from whateverthfuck you want to call it.

Your second point is moronic. Ok, lets say you have a bread earner and a stay at home wife. Now the wife has to go to work, so you need childcare. If the wife and man both work, well then obviously its a moot point. Its still around 30% stay at home mothers as of 2012 based on pew research polls. Marriage might not effect the upper middle class or the rich the same way it effects the poorer folks which already have strained resources. Which means, you guessed it, state aid for one or both parties.

Your third point I guess I could see so ill give you that one. It could happen, we shall see if it does. I guess Japanese men are still productive so there is that. But thats a different type of society. Americans are fucking lazy for the most part.
