Rerolled Pen and Paper Gaming Group


<Gold Donor>
Hah, wasn't aware he did the same thing - I feel better about it now - always feels awkward when she does the "Well... technically..." thing... but Kurt and Goldie have some years on us. (Apparently they've been "partners" for 30 years too)
Hey, don't worry, it is just as awkward being the guy that calls her your wife and instigates that whole line of conversation! I was like, I could swear he said wife, did I fuck up?! After 22 years though, I'm sure you've been through it enough that it isn't a big deal.

As far as character creation, we have one ratman rogue already, two of you mentioned ranged characters, and Goldie Hawn mentioned being a tank...I'm really not much of a spellcaster or healer myself, so I'll probably be melee, but I'm trying to see how the synergy will work with adding in one of the "spell" abilities. It seems like, as with most games, if you don't focus on the spell side of things you're going to be fairly weak in it, but never having played this system I'm just not sure. I'm assuming that you have to make spell checks to cast, probably with stuff like smarts or spirit, so if those are low you'll fail a lot. Which means your strength and agility and vigor won't be all that high for melee. I could see it blossoming later on when you get to add attribute points and edges and such, but early on it definitely seems difficult. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Right now I'm leaning towards a Malakar melee fighter, but I wouldn't mind a little bit of runecasting or shadowmagic to supplement it, maybe even demonology. Or possibly a Human with the Malakar heritage so I can pick and choose which Malakar stuff I want. Just not sure though!

Overwrought sound fairly interesting to me too, but I'm not a big fan of "daily maintenance" stuff like they have to do with the runic recharge every day. I could see that becoming an issue if we're adventuring for a few days, particularly outside the city. And from looking at the equipment list, a 10-charge stone (you have to use all 10 charges each day) costs 100, and 50 to recharge it again. Seems you'd be spending all your money on those stones if you couldn't count on the public recharge wells. I do like the idea of a lumbering badass cyborg though....

I'm almost certain I'll make some sort of melee character though, just for planning purposes if someone else is still trying to decide and it makes a difference.


I was thinking of doing a Shadowpriest, but actually reading the book I'm a bit disappointed. The put all this magic stuff for them in the book but don't have a Novice Professional Edge. More importantly though doesn't really discuss who or what they are, they do or what they believe as a religion. So I've cooled a bit on the idea.


<Gold Donor>
Well, they believe in that old goddess of Shadow chick! Yeah, I noticed there wasn't a lot of fleshing out there.

I'm pretty much decided on the Malakar melee character, now I just have to familiarize myself with all of the standard rules so I'm not missing obvious skills like two-weapon fighting and such that aren't covered here.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Also - did a test briefly earlier - figured out what my "echo" inspired stuttering was, I was apparently hearing my voice through her headset - I'll probably just figure out how to mute myself on hers and v.v. since we're right next to her in the next day or so and should be golden after that.


Golden Squire
For spellcasting, there's usually a skill you roll against. For instance the character I use for my Saturday games has the Spellcasting (Arcane) skill so anytime I cast a spell that's what I roll off of. Spellcasting is generally based off Smarts as the ability.


Golden Squire
Quick note, Re: Guts skill. For all intents and purposes it's been removed from Savage Worlds as a whole. Here's the text from the latest edition of the core rules:

Where did the Guts skill go? We removed
it. It?s important to some settings (and you?ll
find it as a Setting Rule when it is), but rare
in others. Where it?s rare, however, even a
mighty barbarian has to spend valuable skill
points to prove his mettle with the Guts skill,
and that really doesn?t make much sense.

In the core rules and most settings
(especially fantasy and sci-fi) characters
now use Spirit to resist the effects of Fear. If
a character in a previously published setting
has Guts, ignore it. If you?re using a published
adventure that requires a Guts roll, use Spirit

In a few settings (primarily horrific ones,
like Deadlands), Guts is a Setting Rule that
reflects the particular nature of the game
world and remains intact.
The last note, especially after reading through the rulebook, seems to apply here. Guts does not seem to be something necessary to the setting so unless Himeo feels otherwise I think it's safe to exclude this skill from any of the listed skills needed to access one of the premade character types.


<Gold Donor>
For spellcasting, there's usually a skill you roll against. For instance the character I use for my Saturday games has the Spellcasting (Arcane) skill so anytime I cast a spell that's what I roll off of. Spellcasting is generally based off Smarts as the ability.
Oh yeah, I forgot about skills. Still in the process of familiarizing myself with the whole system.

Are derived skills automatically bumped whenever you purchase an upgrade to the base attribute? Like in your example, if your Smarts started at a d4, but your Spellcasting (Arcane) skill has been raised to a d6, if you later buy Smarts to a d6, does Spellcasting (Arcane) automatically bump to a d8? Or is it set at the time you buy the skill and only skill bumps improve it?

EDIT: Nevermind, finally reviewed that section, and I guess it doesn't work like that at all.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
My second choice after a ranged character of some sort would probably be some kind of magic user. So I can do that if we want.


Golden Squire
Oh yeah, I forgot about skills. Still in the process of familiarizing myself with the whole system.

Are derived skills automatically bumped whenever you purchase an upgrade to the base attribute? Like in your example, if your Smarts started at a d4, but your Spellcasting (Arcane) skill has been raised to a d6, if you later buy Smarts to a d6, does Spellcasting (Arcane) automatically bump to a d8? Or is it set at the time you buy the skill and only skill bumps improve it?
There is no corresponding raise to any attached skills. For the most part the best benefit to raising an attribute is the ability to take better Edges as you level up and of course better die rolls for anything having to do with that attribute.


<Gold Donor>
There is no corresponding raise to any attached skills. For the most part the best benefit to raising an attribute is the ability to take better Edges as you level up and of course better die rolls for anything having to do with that attribute.
Yeah I just reviewed that section and edited my post above as you were posting this. I had the whole system wrong, but I see how it works now. I was confusing it with stuff like parry and toughness.

Thanks for the clarification.

Now let me just make sure I understand skill choice completely before I get too far into this. We get 15 skill points at the start (barring hindrances), and since I have no skills to start with, I can spend one point to buy a brand new one at a d4, correct? Then it costs me one more point to raise it each die type until I equal the base attribute. After that, it takes two skill points to raise.

So in theory, at character creation, I could have 15 skills at a d4(disregarding how useless that probably is), right?


Yeah I just reviewed that section and edited my post above as you were posting this. I had the whole system wrong, but I see how it works now. I was confusing it with stuff like parry and toughness.

Thanks for the clarification.

Now let me just make sure I understand skill choice completely before I get too far into this. We get 15 skill points at the start (barring hindrances), and since I have no skills to start with, I can spend one point to buy a brand new one at a d4, correct? Then it costs me one more point to raise it each die type until I equal the base attribute. After that, it takes two skill points to raise.

So in theory, at character creation, I could have 15 skills at a d4(disregarding how useless that probably is), right?

My question (as I still don't have the main book yet, slow-ass FLGS), is what happens to your parry if you have no Fighting skill? Is it 3 (2+(1/2 of 1d4-2?))?


Golden Squire
Based upon what I'm reading on the listed Archetypes, those without a least a d4 in Fighting end up with a parry of 2.

And Vvoid, that is correct. It's 1 point to "buy" a skill, then 1 point to "level" it up to the die of the attached attribute. i.e. if you had an Agility of d8 then you could "buy" fighting at d4 for 1 point then raise it to d8 for 2 more points. If you also wanted to raise it to a d10, that would be 2 additional points since going to a d10 would exceed your Agility die level.


There is no corresponding raise to any attached skills. For the most part the best benefit to raising an attribute is the ability to take better Edges as you level up and of course better die rolls for anything having to do with that attribute.
The one general exception to this is Vigor, which directly increases your toughness and thus your survival. The second is strength if you're going to be a melee focused character as that will increase your damage (most weapons are str + dx). Keep in mind that is "cheaper" to buy skills at character creation as they only cost 1 point. After character creation to train a new skill it costs two points (your whole level up). Usually I'll take a d4 in a number of skills just to have them, and only raise a couple of key ones for my character (spellcasting, shooting, fighting, etc).

Moontayle is correct on parry, if you don't have fighting your parry will be 2 and horrific things can happen to you if anything gets to melee range as a raise is easy to get at that point especially with gang up bonuses.

Black Sun Wizard

Silver Knight of the Realm
If anyone would like to use it, I have been paying for a 10 Person Ventrilo server. I've used that in the past to host these sort of DnD nights because of the little extra features you get with Vent - Private Rooms for characters separated from the group, Push-to-talk, Less Skype-esc background noise, mute-ability, very easy to use, etc.

Server address is: : 49177

Password: trannies (sticking with typical Rerolled etiquette here)

Go nuts and enjoy. I've been paying for it for a long time and hardly ever gets used.

Edit: Forgot to add where to get software:Ventrilo - Surround Sound Voice Communication Software


Golden Squire
Okay, as far as my character goes I have decided on being melee and utilizing the Sellsword archetype. The benefit there being the free Level-Headed Edge which means during Initiative I get two cards instead of one and can take the higher of the two. Will get a full run down after I flesh things out a bit more but put me down for "melee DPS".


Ugh, just found out I won't get my Savage Worlds book until next week. Punishment for trying to support local retailers and friends

I still would like to make a support/heal character, but I'm not caring much for the options available. I'll take another look tonight at it to see if I can get into something, otherwise I'm thinking of making a Merchant (rawr!).