Rift: Planes of Telara


Avatar of War Slayer
They appear to run a tight ship. No bloody socks there. With the new tax laws coming, trimming your staff saves you money.

Fuckin' idiots who voted Obama.


They appear to run a tight ship. No bloody socks there. With the new tax laws coming, trimming your staff saves you money.

Fuckin' idiots who voted Obama.
Not to get all political here, but cutting overhead (staff) always saves you money ... obviously. </maths> Now, will it make them more money? I don't know.


Yeah if you think business owners are going to hire more on a tax break? Nope.

If you don't think they will fire people to make up for any losses? Oh they will.


Yeah if you think business owners are going to hire more on a tax break? Nope.

If you don't think they will fire people to make up for any losses? Oh they will.
Businesses hire more employees when there is more demand for their stuff than their current employees can handle. Businesses shed employees when there is not enough demand for what their employees can do (major changes in automation/technology excluded on both points). Politics and taxes have very little to do with hiring / firing unless you are right on the edge of a step change (e.g. going from 14 to 15 employees) that would materially impact your business practices. It is about return on investment -- investment in people, training, machines, inventory, office space, whatever.

That said, a tax BREAK at this point might reduce the investment of hiring another employee, making the ROI higher, if the company was close to needing another employee to meet its demand. On the flip side, new taxes won't suddenly make you more able to service your demand, so the likelihood of firing employees is lower (particularly at this point in the business cycle where most companies are already running pretty lean and don't have much room to cut while still maintaining output).

At this point in the cycle, there are very few companies holding on to employees that aren't needed but still employed, unless it is sentimental or there has been something anomalous about their business or the company is facing pervasive decline that they did not expect. As a private equity guy (though I focus on growth rather than "financial engineering), I am plenty versed in when changes in employee headcount are needed. Never once has a particular tax entered into our discussion about layoffs or additional hiring -- it was about what the company needed to achieve its goals.

Don't take my word for it,here is Warren Buffettasking the question at the top of the op-ed.


I was speaking from what I've noticed from personal experience. I'll let the economists make the generalizations.


Doesn't Rift have a free week to try out the expansion? Thought it started on the 12th, but it won't let me log into any of my chars.


Starts on the dec 14th Bro.


Play STORM LEGIONT FREE through Dec. 18

Storm Legion has already been called a "truly inspiring," "gold standard" expansion with "by far the most innovative housing system in the genre." Try it free from Dec. 14-18 when you join the Ascended in a march on the forces of Air and Death! Former subscribers can dive deep into Storm Legion with no restrictions, while anyone, including RIFT Lite players, can celebrate a huge new Fae Yule World Event and build in private or public, personal or guild Dimensions.

Try Storm Legion


Molten Core Raider
uhg, at 39 and pvp XP went from 60k (50% a level) to 7k... And here I thought they were making it bearable to start a new character and get up to speed to play the expansion.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Not sure how your cash supply is, but I got three tradeskills to 301+(not mining,foraging etc) on my tradeskill alt, and get 6 dailies that pretty much net me 1-2 levels a day alone. The weeklies are 80+k. Plus the free mats and reputation.

I am a little sadfaced that they finally added a level requirement to the new zone story quest, and retroactively stripped my level 20ish mage of her level 51 gear :p


uhg, at 39 and pvp XP went from 60k (50% a level) to 7k... And here I thought they were making it bearable to start a new character and get up to speed to play the expansion.
Everything they've done in this expansion and the updates since its release have made the game more of a grind. Reduced exp on pvp events, reduced exp on rift and invasion events, reduced exp and mobs on onslaughts. Paltry 20k exp rewards for 0/16 kill quests and 0/12 collect quests (that turn into 0/24 collect if you're grouped). It was pretty fun to get a billion mobs in an onslaught and barely survive, but they took it out for everyone because some people might level too fast from it.


I played way too many MMO's over the years to the point I was sick of everything, but somehow Rift has kept my interest. It has its issues and isn't the holy grail of gaming, but there is something about it that keeps many hooked. Ive been hard on Trion at times, but they are really dedicated to their game and no other MMO company has ever put out new content at the pace Trion does with Rift. I played WoW for years so my first reaction to Rift was that its basically a WoW clone, but it goes beyond that and carves its own niche in the MMO world. I dont care how many expansions WoW has, I would never go back after playing Rift.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Still on a break fomo the game, Warriors really took it in the shorts and I just have not felt like chasing the carrot again. They are amazing with the content updates though and if/when I get the MMO itch again I will probably head back to Rift.
I'm hoping the FoH guild on Deepwood doesn't require me to keep conquest points maxxed. Pretty much every time I zone into conquest, I have to fight the urge to uninstall.

Also, they....they seriously buffed the gank rogue build damage across the board? Do they even play their own game?
We don't "require" per se, but if you want to be competitive and min/max your damage, which is expected of raiders, you'll need to do it. I hate it so much now that it's just a giant ring-around-the-rosies game. Conquest 1.0 was the best.

And you'll be happy to know they are revisiting rogue damage (for pvp) and will be nerfing most likely.

Beef Supreme_sl

See, with how they made defiler healing, I don't mind Rogues being able to put out that kind of dps because without it, a defiler-healer is nigh-unkillable. Trion needs to bring warriors up with both DPS and tanking with the other souls. Then they need to rethink the whole tempest thing. In short, it sucks and is not on par with Harbinger, Defiler or even Tactician. It's boring and very anti-warrior. I hate to say it, but they need something like WoW's Titan's grip or perhaps a reverse Herald of Xotli where you are the beast/melee and transform into some kind of limited duration rape machine.


I blame it on poor marketing / advertising, no one outside of major gaming forums knew this xpac came out. I have a few friends that when I mentioned recently purchasing it they had no idea what I was talking about. They need new players, and they were only marketing to people that have already played the game, or knew about it and didn't want to play it. And enough with the arrogant messages like "You're not in Azeroth anymore" or "Save a panda play Storm Legion" they are making themselves look bad.