Saints row 4


Avatar of War Slayer
To review.

Game is fun as hell. A successor to SR3. and really, if you were concerned that this was just a glorified DLC... You... would not really be wrong. Its an expansion more then an entirely new game. that doesn't really hurt the game much though. There is a ton of new content. enough to easily justify the price.

SR1 and 2 vs sr3. Despite some attempts to market the return of characters, and acknowledging the more serious tone in 1 and 2. 4 is even more outlandish then 3. I would say its dropped all pretense, and gone full parody. If I were being cruel I would probably compare it most to Scary movie. It comes dangerously close to "references are not jokes" territory. that said, I think it stays just shy, and at no point have I found the jokes and references to be tiresome.

Activities I have found more enjoyable so far. SR3 quickly got to the point of tedious on more then a few. Climbing towers in this one is pretty dumb, and should have been cut imho.
TK mayhem, should have been more involved. "throw alien wrecking balls" Now, I don't know if I am doing it "wrong". but throwing didnt work so well for me. What did work? playing katamari. holding the ball, running over people to build up multiplier, then running into cars. (too fast, and they blow up, knocking you down. although getting no ragdoll, etc probably solves that)
now, either they didnt even THINK of that. and missed out. or did, and didn't embrace what could have been amazing to run around and do.
Pacing on them does seem better though. Your homies send you out to complete "side quests", which 90% of them are just sending you out to do the random activities. If already done, they just auto-complete.

As I noted earlier. I think superspeed and jump shouldn't have been given so early. again, cars, and planes are almost pointless. it feels weird. and as if legacy from DLC. as if, the planned on giving you these powers in the DLC right away, because you had just played SR3 and wanted them right away of course.


SR1 and 2 vs sr3. Despite s
TK mayhem, should have been more involved. "throw alien wrecking balls" Now, I don't know if I am doing it "wrong". but throwing didnt work so well for me. What did work? playing katamari. holding the ball, running over people to build up multiplier, then running into cars. (too fast, and they blow up, knocking you down. although getting no ragdoll, etc probably solves that)
Yo-yo it. Throw it and almost immediately pull it back in. Throwing it into crowded areas or even better, chuck it at multiple cars as it will rack up ridiculously high combo multipliers fast since cars take 4-5 hits to explode.


Trakanon Raider
You can beat TK mayhem in 30 seconds. Just grab a ball, run down the sidewalk killing people, build up a huge combo. Done. No cars involved.

A few of the activities are easy to break, some are a little challenging at least.


Tranny Chaser
Spoilering the SR4 singalong, skip to 1:05 for the full version:

and yes real men use Booker fuckin Dewitt as their main character voice.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Pretty much echoing what everyone else says. Feels like a SR3 expansion, lot of truly hilarious parts, the sing along was fantastic. Overall a worthwhile pick up, if you were a fan of 3

Lost Ranger_sl

I love the direction they have taken this series. As a generic GTA clone it would of failed I think, but now I enjoy it FAR more then GTA. It is just outrageous fun from start to finish.

Looking forward to future games.


Molten Core Raider
Good to have some stupid, dumbass fun with. But overall too expensive in my opinion, this game is pretty much what Blood Dragon was for Far Cry 3 and that one came at a much better price.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I highly suggest not doing any activities, or really anything else besides plowing straight through the story missions until you have all your homies. If you do them you miss out on funny dialog when doing the sidequests, because you've already completed the goals and the quests just get closed automatically.


Good to have some stupid, dumbass fun with. But overall too expensive in my opinion, this game is pretty much what Blood Dragon was for Far Cry 3 and that one came at a much better price.
Sounds like a lot of fun, and I have zero problem waiting for it to either be free on Playstation Plus or 80% off on Steam. It honestly seems ridiculous to me to ever pay full price for a game again.


Yeah, I'm regretting paying full price for this. It's fun, but the Blood Dragon analogy is an apt one. A little more than an expansion, a little less than a full game.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, I felt like I needed to comment on it.
I feel like I am getting my moneys worth personally. But I also came into it knowing what I was getting into.
Having seen MANY people comment on how they feared it was just an expansion or the like. I do not feel like my experiences in game, would change their opinion on that. If you don't think SR 3.5 is worth the ticket price, then yeah. the game itself probably wouldn't change your mind. I think it is. But go ahead and wait for the sale otherwise, if you can avoid spoilers.


Avatar of War Slayer

Saints of rage kindof blew my mind. I want to be able to go back in, wearing different cloths.


I'm Amod too!
I highly suggest not doing any activities, or really anything else besides plowing straight through the story missions until you have all your homies. If you do them you miss out on funny dialog when doing the sidequests, because you've already completed the goals and the quests just get closed automatically.
I wish I had known they were going to do it this way before I started playing. First damn thing I did, before even getting the spaceship, was run around and do all the activities I could.


Avatar of War Slayer
I wish I had known they were going to do it this way before I started playing. First damn thing I did, before even getting the spaceship, was run around and do all the activities I could.
I also just noticed your homies have party banter if you bring them out while running around. This is easy to miss as the game is so easy, and you may not ever bother to call up the characters and have them help.
(did sr3 or earlier do this? seriously never bothered since its so easy to just solo everything)


Just finished it. Amazing that a game that involves super powers in an alien controlled, computer simulated world would have more "serious" moments than SR3 did. I got my moneys worth from the game simply based on the fact that they didnt forsake the old stories that helped build the franchise in favor of more dildo bats. The interaction of the characters, even if it was just a line or two of banter when a certain pair were your homies while running around gave them more depth and even some closure in some cases. I was really apprehensive at first when I read the games synopsis but I ended up enjoying itmuchmore than SR3.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
SR4 became my new favorite for one reason... Roddy Piper in Keith's nightmare.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
SR4 fov fix:

if you can't see these example images just go to my link.
