Scottish Independence

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
i dont think anyone is holding guns to the scots heads to vote their way.
Are you implying someone strongarmed Crimeans into voting in a particular way in Crimea?

I'd love to see proof as Im sure the rest of the world would.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Are you implying someone strongarmed Crimeans into voting in a particular way in Crimea?

I'd love to see proof as Im sure the rest of the world would.
Well the people living there said it was not safe for them to vote no. That is about all the proof you will ever need. Check and mate. Move along Brosar.

Also Chris I never implied he was Scottish. I was implying your post was terrible and it's no wonder they want to separate from you.


Potato del Grande
Pretty much the definition of splicing hairs.

Is it a Scottish Army and Scottish Police Department supervising those elections?

As one great document once stated:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
Usually it's retired school teachers or something looking after the ballot boxes. I wouldn't think that the army would be deployed to a british city, nor the police be anywhere near the voting places.

Obviously the exact same happened in Crimea!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Usually it's retired school teachers or something looking after the ballot boxes. I wouldn't think that the army would be deployed to a british city, nor the police be anywhere near the voting places.

Obviously the exact same happened in Crimea!
The locals (not soldiers) were also manning the ballot boxes in Crimea, you retard.

Who is the legal law enforcement authority in the location where these elections are taking place? Is it police furnished by United Kingdom?

What a fucking joke.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Well the people living there said it was not safe for them to vote no. That is about all the proof you will ever need. Check and mate. Move along Brosar.

Also Chris I never implied he was Scottish. I was implying your post was terrible and it's no wonder they want to separate from you.
All the proof I need is unsubstantiated, unverified anecdotal evidence? That's odd, considering there was a huge turnout that voted in favor of joining Russian Federation.

I love how you want me to "move along" because the subject matter is so laden with UK hypocrisy and you want to just sweep it under the rug


Trakanon Raider
The Crimean referendum didn't even contain a "status quo" option. The only choices were both essentially separation. So you know, that's a bit of a problem if you want to compare it to the Scotland thing. Also, Putin later admitted that Russian soliders were indeed present in Crimea, while denying it at the time.

Putin's remarks raise fears of future moves against Ukraine - The Washington Post

In early March, Putin denied that the well-equipped troops operating on Ukraine?s Crimean Peninsula and wearing green uniforms without insignia were Russian. Anyone could buy those uniforms, he said. On Thursday, when asked about the soldiers widely known as the green men, Putin acknowledged that they were Russian. Their presence had been necessary, he said, to keep order so that Crimeans could decide their future in a referendum.

?We didn?t want any tanks, any nationalist combat units or people with extreme views armed with automatic weapons,? he said. ?Of course, Russian servicemen backed the Crimean self-defense forces.?
So yeah, that's a bit different than what's going on in Scotland.

Not to mention that the referendum result of 96% in favor of joining Russia was laughably inflated compared to what previous polling indicated:Crimea Referendum: 34 Percent, Not 97 Percent, Says Former Russian Government Adviser

Sounds legit.


Unelected Mod
Comparing the Scottish election to the Crimea debacle, come on bro, it isn't good trolling when it becomes so obvious. Not even you are this dumb.


The Crimean referendum didn't even contain a "status quo" option. The only choices were both essentially separation. So you know, that's a bit of a problem if you want to compare it to the Scotland thing. Also, Putin later admitted that Russian soliders were indeed present in Crimea, while denying it at the time.

Putin??Ts remarks raise fears of future moves against Ukraine - The Washington Post

So yeah, that's a bit different than what's going on in Scotland.

Not to mention that the referendum result of 96% in favor of joining Russia was laughably inflated compared to what previous polling indicated:Crimea Referendum: 34 Percent, Not 97 Percent, Says Former Russian Government Adviser

Sounds legit.
Should I have made them a proper poll?


Potato del Grande
Who is the legal law enforcement authority in the location where these elections are taking place? Is it police furnished by United Kingdom?
Well... no it's controlled by theScottish Government.
In the UK we don't have a national police force as a coup/corruption countermeasure, each region controls it's own police and we don't have an FBI equivalent to act as "UK Government Police".

I'll say again that we don't have the army manning checkpoints, taking over buildings or on the streets at all xD

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
No one is trolling here. Are these questions too uncomfortable for you?

So who pays the Scottish Police? Who's treasury does the funding come from?


Potato del Grande
Why would I be uncomfortable on questions about the security and democracy of one of the most historically stable countries on earth?

No one is trolling here. Are these questions too uncomfortable for you?

So who pays the Scottish Police? Who's treasury does the funding come from?
I'm no expert but some quick googling seems to suggest the Scottish Treasury, they have full control over the justice system.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
God damnit! ANOTHER topic trolled by Araysar, just stop talking to him.



Still a Music Elitist
My assumption is that if you have any talent at all, you'll inevitably be a hit in the place you were born first before moving on if you desire more fame/money. There is a top tier of British Comedians/Actors who did this (and they often come back and do things in both places). If you are only a hit after moving on, it's because you fell just short of entertaining people and being foreign is now pushing you over the line.
Jimi Hendrix didn't have any talent at all, folks. Chris hit the nail right on the head. That crap guitar hack had to move to UK to get famous.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Er, they have the best musicians in the world. A fucking insurgent from a homophile city can't really have an opinion on this, sorry.