Soccer 2013-2014


What's the logic behind giving a yellow to Boateng but a red to the keeper? We had a good match on our hands and after that we got 45min of handball. Lame. Bayern's 2nd goal was brilliant though with Robben dragging a defender with him to open the space for Mueller.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
What's the logic behind giving a yellow to Boateng but a red to the keeper? We had a good match on our hands and after that we got 45min of handball. Lame. Bayern's 2nd goal was brilliant though with Robben dragging a defender with him to open the space for Mueller.
Ozil still had Dante and Neuer to beat, Robben had nobody to beat and would have for sure scored if he wasn't taken out by the GK. Granted there is no transparency on decisions so who the fuck knows.

And I don't really get that argument that it ruined the game, so a ref shouldn't call fouls based on the rules but whether it makes a game fun to watch or not? I heard the same thing yesterday in regards to ManC's red card and on the weekend when Howard Webb that shit cunt didn't give LFC a 2nd stone cold penalty because it would ruin the game giving us 2 PK's in 5 mins. It's just a retarded fucking argument.

LOL, did you hear Wenger after the game this past weekend where he said Suarez dived instead of Ox just fucking running him over? How about today when he's making diving motions to Robben? Wenger can be just as insufferable as Mourinho or SAF when shit isn't going his way.


I understand that, with the current rules, a foul as last defender (or one before last if you include the keeper) results in a red card and a free kick (or penalty kick if it happened in the box). I feel it is often a double penalty that is disproportionate with the nature of the foul. I mean if you deliberately stop the ball on the line with your hand as a field player or if a defender trips an attacker from behind when he has no play on the ball; I am fine with a red card and a penalty kick, but when a keeper makes a legitimate attempt at stopping an offensive, misses the ball and fouls the attacker, why a red? It's not an aggression nor a deliberate anti-sportive action. A yellow and a penalty kick is punishment enough.

I am curious to watch Boateng's foul again because I am not convinced Dante was between him and Neuer so, depending on the ref', it could also have been a red.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Szila don't let your angst over your superior Aryan brothers to the north, such as Quineloe, cloud your judgement over foul calls


Molten Core Raider
It's actually a triple penalty since there's also the suspension afterwards.
Definitely a rule that needs to be looked at and adjusted.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I blame the islands "secret water ingredient" or something.
Also top notch refing in yesterday, the rules may be dumb or not but the ref did excellent calls.


Molten Core Raider
2-0 up and I was thinking we were cruising. 5 min later and its 2-2 out of nowhere


Molten Core Raider
That was so much harder than it needed to be and out defence continues to shoot themselves in the foot with stupid mistakes.

Can't decide if we would be better off if Carragher has stayed this season since he's prone to the odd brain fart moment as well, but can't help but think he'd do better at getting everyone focused.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Meh, the goals against were quite bullshit. I've yet to see a ref call a foul in the box like that all season as otherwise you'd have to call penalties non-stop yet now is the time to call one? Other than that it was Shelvey with a pretty unstoppable shot and a bullshit deflected free kick.

Here's to Spuds dropping points today and our 4th place looking more and more secure with a chance for better.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Spurs should be absolutely nowhere near where they are or in contention for 4th. Bar a couple of results they have been fucking shit all season and shit to watch to boot.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
David Moyes is still the manager of Manchester United, fuck it feels good to say that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ah fuck it I was hoping Moyes wouldn't be so shit so he could last until summer and fuck em up with more Fellaini like transfers.

Sacked in morning, you're getting sacked in the morning, sacked in the mooooorning.