Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)


Vyemm Raider
If we remade the original star wars today some of you guys would be LOSING your shit. Leia is a princess in a dress but now she has a blaster slaying trained combat troops and shit talks the two male leads constantly?!?!?! SJW FEMINAZI BULLSHIT! Mon Mothma?!?! A WOMAN is in charge? SJW FEMINAZI BULLSHIT! Rabble Rabble Rabble.

Again from a guy that has star wars tattoos on his fucking head, some of you assholes take this shit WAY to seriously.

I'll let you in on a secret. Listen close, Big Screamfeeder. If you follow my advice, you can MAGICALLY transform any of the STRONG EMPOWERED WOMEN into palatable characters for western (and foreign) audiences.


Make them sexy (feminine). Give the audience fan service.





Oh shit, we cracked the fucking code.

Why aren't movies doing this anymore?

Because Feminists complained.

This one simple trick that connects male and female audiences to BIG STRONG EMPOWERED FEMALE CHARCTERS?

Show them as beautiful, feminine, and emotionally vulnerable at times. That way your audience will give a shit about them and, I can't believe I'm man-splaining this, ROOT for them when they act heroically.

And maybe, just maybe, you don't have every female character on screen be the same personality type. Because it's hard to tell characters apart when they're all identical.

I think that's called... wait, hold on... diversity?

No way.
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Vyemm Raider
It's that easy.

Fuck it. I'll make my own Star Wars screenplay with Blackjack and Hookers.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Saw it, not as bad as TLJ but, Deathstalker II is better than TLJ

I was happy to see Lando was tired of SJW druids shit all the time.

Rest was fine and fun, mother of dragons didn't act a stiff board so that's good

Han actor was fine for young Han, not Han. Lando was lando.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If we remade the original star wars today some of you guys would be LOSING your shit. Leia is a princess in a dress but now she has a blaster slaying trained combat troops and shit talks the two male leads constantly?!?!?! SJW FEMINAZI BULLSHIT! Mon Mothma?!?! A WOMAN is in charge? SJW FEMINAZI BULLSHIT! Rabble Rabble Rabble.
This kind of generalization is irritating. A bad script and plot can sabotage any actor. Natalie Portman, who has been incredible in other movies, didn't stand a chance as Padme.

I didn't mind TFA as much as others here. More to your point, I thought Daisy Ridley as Rey was fucking bad-ass and that Abrams did a great job of capturing a survivor/scavenger/toughness vibe while also giving her some emotional depth. I also thought Christie as Phasma was perfect casting, though I felt she was largely wasted. TFA's biggest sin was a lack of conceptual originality, but given the stakes (i.e. franchise reboot), I at least respect the decision to not take too many chances in terms of plot.

Contrast to TLJ - I legit feel bad for Tran that she was given Rose Tico to play. The script pushed her into one of the most awkward and non-believable love subplots I've ever seen in a movie and on a 30 minute (and ultimately fruitless) diversion in an already too-long movie. It didn't help that the Johnson ham-fisted a "save the animals" arc as part of her screen time during the whole Canto Bight fiasco. Her story was disjointed and insincere, to the extent that when she saves Finn at the end but jeopardizes what's left of the Resistance while delivering the cheesiest of lines, I was far from alone in whispering "what the fuck" in the theater.

I don't even want to waste many words on Holdo. The novelization does a better job of building on why she couldn't help but act like a fucking moron, but that's where Johnson fails in spectacular fashion - the movie on its own should convey her distrust and stubbornness in convincing fashion. This was also my gripe with Grumpy-Luke. I have NO problem with the idea of a disenchanted and detached Luke, but Johnson did a piss-poor job of building that narrative in the movie - completely not believable in the moment. And similar to Portman, I fucking loved Laura Dern in non-SW roles - especially Jurassic Park where she was a strong member of the team that went into the park and more than held her own.

So with due respect, I kindly say fuck off to people who equate dislike of TLJ with a hatred for women. It's shitty movies that I hate.

As for Solo, I finally saw it yesterday and ... I actually really liked it. Granted, I went in with low expectations both of Ehrenreich and the plot (eg. I thought it would feel like two movies spliced together given the production history), but I think it was legit good and feel bad that it's being punished by shitty "main" movies.

Small point related to something I said above:
Even fucking Lando + L3 was a better love story than Rose + Finn
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The Dirtbag
So with due respect, I kindly say fuck off to people who equate dislike of TLJ with a hatred for women. It's shitty movies that I hate.
I wasn't generalizing. Notice I said some of you guys which explicitly makes it, not a generalization. Sorry if you felt that was directed toward you.

Other than that, good write up. It's still a movie I enjoy.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
saw this again friday as a tagalong to Deadpool 2 at drive-in

I'm not sure where the modifier came from, a) drive thru, b) second viewing, but the pace seemed much faster the second time around and the scenes that bothered me at first had already come and gone to not even be of note on the second viewing while the things I liked got better.

It has its flaws, but it's good and I crave moar.
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Buzzfeed Editor
If we remade the original star wars today some of you guys would be LOSING your shit. Leia is a princess in a dress but now she has a blaster slaying trained combat troops and shit talks the two male leads constantly?!?!?! SJW FEMINAZI BULLSHIT! Mon Mothma?!?! A WOMAN is in charge? SJW FEMINAZI BULLSHIT! Rabble Rabble Rabble.

Poor Scream. Hollywood still can't understand how and why those "evil white males" that "hate all women" ended up loving those characters? It's almost as big a mystery of how all the rest of the evil white male nerds somehow don't want to let women into their hobbyist circles and yet when you talk to the evil specimens of evilness patriachalness, it turns out they fawn over women and have always pushed to have women enjoy the things they like.

It's so hard to see! Or I guess it's hard to see for people with zero life experience talking about shit they have zero clue about, and passing judgement on people they clearly do not know because appearing virtuous in front of a few fart sniffing assholes is more important than actually solving the above issue.


The Dirtbag
Or I guess it's hard to see for people with zero life experience talking about shit they have zero clue about, and passing judgement on people they clearly do not know because appearing virtuous in front of a few fart sniffing assholes is more important than actually solving the above issue.
So true man. I have zero life experience. I also have like no idea what the fuck I am EVER talking about (probably based on my zero life experience). Like none at all. You hit that right on the head. Ball Out Of Park.

What is your next sentence? Something about passing judgement on people they don't know? Man it's hard for me to keep up with you all the time when I am so high on farts and being such a no life experienced, zero clued dolt all the time. I'm sure whatever you said was spot on though.

Either way, I hope you liked Solo. Remember that part where they shot off the life boat and it stopped looking like the YT-1300 from that one game and into the Falcon. I liked that part.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Remember that part where they shot off the life boat and it stopped looking like the YT-1300 from that one game and into the Falcon. I liked that part.

I wondered how it transformed shapes. I thought it was battle damage and was like, how come they never fixed that later? As a momento?

For some reason I was thinking the Falcon was originally a fork lift equivalent that moved around space pods.
When Lando was bulletpointing the upgrades he made, I had wished he mentioned something about the front.


The Dirtbag
I wondered how it transformed shapes. I thought it was battle damage and was like, how come they never fixed that later? As a momento?

For some reason I was thinking the Falcon was originally a fork lift equivalent that moved around space pods.
When Lando was bulletpointing the upgrades he made, I had wished he mentioned something about the front.
I think it was Xwing alliance where they show you some blueprint for a yt-1300 with and without lifeboat. I could be misremembering. I know its in the technical layout books.
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Throbbing Member
I wondered how it transformed shapes. I thought it was battle damage and was like, how come they never fixed that later? As a momento?

For some reason I was thinking the Falcon was originally a fork lift equivalent that moved around space pods.
When Lando was bulletpointing the upgrades he made, I had wished he mentioned something about the front.

I always thought that the appearance was on purpose. You'll underestimate a ship that looks like a p.o.s. Hell, Luke calls it a piece of junk when he first sees it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I always thought that the appearance was on purpose. You'll underestimate a ship that looks like a p.o.s. Hell, Luke calls it a piece of junk when he first sees it.
I remember seeing/hearing/reading that there are many ships with that same design - like with Corellian Corvettes


Buzzfeed Editor
So true man. I have zero life experience. I also have like no idea what the fuck I am EVER talking about (probably based on my zero life experience). Like none at all. You hit that right on the head. Ball Out Of Park.

What is your next sentence? Something about passing judgement on people they don't know? Man it's hard for me to keep up with you all the time when I am so high on farts and being such a no life experienced, zero clued dolt all the time. I'm sure whatever you said was spot on though.

Either way, I hope you liked Solo. Remember that part where they shot off the life boat and it stopped looking like the YT-1300 from that one game and into the Falcon. I liked that part.

You guys will figure it out eventually. Might only take a few more billion dollar franchises getting a serious haircut from their profits before the sting teaches some people.

As for Solo, I have a TV that is bigger than my fucking couch and a surround sound system that rivals any theater with insulated walls and excellent lighting. I go to the theater more because I can't wait, than because of the experience. Very few franchises now have my attention enough for that--Star Wars became not one of them during the last film that got shit out. If Solo and the next two are good, I will reverse this. From what I've heard, Solo is a decent flick...So we're 1/3 of the way there. But until then, Star Wars is a rental.
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Avatar of War Slayer
TLJ - we are going to sit here at non-hyper speed and chase these fools down till they run out of gas! haha not like we could do anything else right? no way to over take them
SOLO - look short range hype space jumps
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The Dirtbag
You guys will figure it out eventually. Might only take a few more billion dollar franchises getting a serious haircut from their profits before the sting teaches some people.
I get what you are saying, but here is what Disney has to say...

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Golden Squire
The love story and the motivations of Solo were so poorly developed that it felt like I had missed the first half of a decent movie. They failed to strike any sort of balance between an overarching narrative and Solo's smuggling origin/exploits. On top of a really flat performance, the dude was basically a supporting character in his own film.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Outside of feeling like the movie started a half hour too early and that someone felt the need to hamfist as many referances as possible... it was alright. /shrug

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I caught this at a matinee today while on a family shore trip. It was fine. I mean, it should have been released in 1985 as an ABC Sunday night special, but it was fine.

Han was completely miscast, but the dude did all he could to make it work. I was expecting much worse out of him.

Also, are penis jokes gonna be a thing now in Star Wars movies? I was not planning on penis jokes.
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<Gold Donor>
I finally saw this yesterday. This is the first Star Wars movie I have not seen on opening day/mid-night of my adulthood, I was so angry about Ep 8 that I did not care enough about this movie to see it right away. I honestly think that is why the reviews have been mediocre on Solo, people are so pissed about Ep 8.

This movie was 10,000 x better than Ep 8, but that is not saying much. It was a decent movie and I think for the most part it did Han justice. My only real complaint was the SJW Droid, but it was not that bad and they did kill her off so it was not that big of deal. The SJW Droid was used a plot device to move the story forward and the whole nav system thing helps explain why the Falcon is such a special ship. I know people are/were angry about Maul but I liked it, if you watch Rebels and Clone Wars you would like it too. Maul is one of the better characters in the SW Universe and I like that he is getting some love.

I hope they do continue this trilogy I want to see more Han and Chewy and the way Don Glover killed it as Lando.

Also, I did hear good news last week that Kathleen Kennedy will likely be stepping down/forced out, talk about A New Hope!
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Still a Music Elitist
I know it probably wasn't the intention, but I honestly interpreted the SJW droid as a parody. That's how over the top it was. I found it funny.