Sons of Anarchy


Molten Core Raider
I don't watch dexter anymore because of the tv watching time I have, it's not worth watching or following anymore. I don't watch soa anymore either.


Still a Music Elitist
I don't think it's that bad, but chaos is right. The external conflicts are never as interesting.


FPS noob
isn't that the weird thing, robocop is playing a dirty cop, if he just talked like robocop with that voice and timber, i would forgive soa for everything! be like "dead or alive, iranian you're coming with me".

which new black guy? the new pope? isn't that the second in command?
haha, i would forgive everything if Robocop just acted like Robocop without the armor, and kept getting fucked up when bad guys beat the shit out of him and kept trying to draw a non existant sidegun. He could wear cool shades that have a heads up display painted on, it would be epic. Everyone in their 30s and 40s would watch and love this show.

and yeah, new pope is the black guy JaxBro keeps meeting, since pope died he took over pope's empire. i dunno much about whats going on though, hard to really pay attention anymore. the only thing that really bummed me out was the fat prospect (member I guess) getting headshot, he was the only cool guy left. RIP, fat guy, you will be missed


<Prior Amod>
man, we was just talkin about how we wanted more side character action and they go, nope headshot. quite honestly, the worst telegraphed scene i have seen in a while "hands off". ugh the irish are so boring. can't we just give chibs an arsenal and he'll take out the irish army? that'd be cool.


Gunnar Durden
Maybe I'm a moron, bit I hardly saw hands off my club going down exactly how it did. Sure some kind of blowback was telegraphed I don't think they were trying to hide gaelans intent. But what we saw was unexpected.

I actually enjoyed this episode.


Gunnar Durden
Im wondering if Samcro folds this season. They need 6 voting members to stay open. Currently at 5. Although since Bobbies Nomads arent official yet Bobby might count as a 6th since his Rocker is still samcro.

Seemed like Robert Patrick didnt like what he saw from Samcro, wonder if SamBern will come into play the rest of the season.

a few ways I could see this go down:

1) Bobby Brings the Nomad charter to vote and Jax harpoons it because Bobby leaving would fold samcro. this leads to more friction with Bobby and the table voting Jax out as president. Hes losing Chibs, he lost bobby, Tig is starting to see what is up and Juice seems to still not agree with what happened to clay and how Jax used him, and Happy will just scowl in the background.

2) Bobby Patches out to Nomad, Samcro loses enough members and the charter folds.

3) They Patch in Ratboy and nothing of note happens.

Yeah probably going to be number 3.


Gunnar Durden
I was just reading that Logue had to leave the series early for his other work. So they had to write him out sooner than planned, and now the DA is going to be pushing alot of the same agenda to take his place.

I definitely think alot of what he set in motion still works. the DA is going to press Clay to turn. She is still going to go after the sons for the school shooting. Nero is going to go down for the murder. He forced Tara into a place where she is preppring for jail time, and when the Divorce / Custody is found out shit is going to hit the fan.

I had hoped he would be a really BIG BAD, but I did like the way he went and the things he did, even if it was a few episodes too soon.

And people forget wit hthe length of these episodes we have covered like 7 normal episodes already, rather than the 4 it feels like.


The DA doesn't have quite the menace or the drive to make it interesting though.

Especially the sheriff now looking into the marhsall won't make any sense.

Did they not lock him down in a contract?


<Prior Amod>
i'm pretty sure no one had the pull the marshal had, he arranged daily rapings for otto and showed clay he was next, i mean how much pull did he have left? he said he was out of favors, but i guess bringing in the ass raper isn't a big deal. what i didn't like was when he was just waiting outside when nero was bought to the station, why do that? that's like borderline stupid. i'd still like to see a "life in charming" and how the MC affects charming, and like wth, there is seriously no heat after episode 1 after the kid shot up the place and they off'ed the mom, it's like "duh" mom's gone, oh well.


Gunnar Durden
I dont think he had anymore favors and was bluffing Clay. Thats why his expression changed when he left Clays cell, and thats why he went back to Otto. He knew without Clay or Otto turning he has no more clout with the DA and was desparate to get Otto to turn and instead gets killed. thats why he was saying things like "I want this to end to" and faking empathy for his sisters murderer.

I do like that he said "I didnt see this coming". Made me giggle.


<Prior Amod>
thing is, right until he died, he never showed any sign of not having any favors left. We never saw the warden or guards go... "ok this is the last time, favors only go so far" this only happened with the fbi guy who only introduced him to the DA that gave him a license to intimidate.

poor otto, in the end he was still used by clay to the end.


Buzzfeed Editor
I saw it more like Clay finally gave Otto some satisfaction before giving him what he wanted. That was a pretty good episode, minus Phill getting whacked. What the fuck, Phil was awesome.

Seriously though, they have like no members left and Jax is all "lets go to war with some Nazis." I'm pretty sure they aren't in danger of the charter dissolving since they are the mother charter. But damn, it just makes no sense. Every season there is a person playing the role that Chibs plays now. Last season it was Bobby, Opie before that, and every season Jax doesn't listen to them and everyone suffers for it.


<Prior Amod>
well that's the thing jax has always been reactionary, he's never thought anything past one episode. even the cliffhanger he's like "wow i got clays gun" i'mma kill black ppl and dump the gun really close, everyone's like "wtf, 20 year old veteran criminal clay decides to dump a register gun 10ft away? ok" jax is just lucky enough everyone is following along for the lulz.