Star Trek: Picard


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
midnight's edge did a video today and they said there is a space trump in there. he looks pretty awesome.

Finally watched this. What he presented is worse than I thought. I thought they were going to be subtle, but Stewart came out and said they're butthurt about Brexit and Trump so they've made Star Trek:Triggered. TDS so bad its going to ruin Jean Luc Picard. Ah well. I wonder what old IP they're going to dig up and metoo next. Babylon 5 with trump as the leader of the Shadows? Battlestar Galactica with Cylon orange man? Farscape with puppet evil orange man? Stargate:TDS with Goa'uld orange man?
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<Bronze Donator>
Finally watched this. What he presented is worse than I thought. I thought they were going to be subtle, but Stewart came out and said they're butthurt about Brexit and Trump so they've made Star Trek:Triggered. TDS so bad its going to ruin Jean Luc Picard. Ah well. I wonder what old IP they're going to dig up and metoo next. Babylon 5 with trump as the leader of the Shadows? Battlestar Galactica with Cylon orange man? Farscape with puppet evil orange man? Stargate:TDS with Goa'uld orange man?
How about Hercules, or Hercules in space (Andromeda)
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Andromeda was 3 starkly different shows through its run. Sort of how SG-1 shifted when Richard Dean Anderson left and then I always pretend the last two seasons don't exist.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I still need to power through the last couple seasons of Andromeda. That show is rough.
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<Bronze Donator>
I still need to power through the last couple seasons of Andromeda. That show is rough.
I can't imagine it's aged well, it was okay enough entertainment at the time. And the computer chick was great
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Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
How about Hercules, or Hercules in space (Andromeda)
I heard they will be rebooting Buffy too, but this time with a diversity hire Buffy so dont worry those two will get the "current year" treatment too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I did the first two seasons recently. I would have to say it was probably always considered bad. But it makes a decent show to go through while playing an MMO because it's full of really weird shit. Way weirder than Star Trek but not quite Farscape weird.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Andromeda was 3 starkly different shows through its run. Sort of how SG-1 shifted when Richard Dean Anderson left and then I always pretend the last two seasons don't exist.

But last 2 seasons of SG1 had prime hotness Claudia Black
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Finally watched this. What he presented is worse than I thought. I thought they were going to be subtle, but Stewart came out and said they're butthurt about Brexit and Trump so they've made Star Trek:Triggered. TDS so bad its going to ruin Jean Luc Picard. Ah well. I wonder what old IP they're going to dig up and metoo next. Babylon 5 with trump as the leader of the Shadows? Battlestar Galactica with Cylon orange man? Farscape with puppet evil orange man? Stargate:TDS with Goa'uld orange man?



Golden Baronet of the Realm
But last 2 seasons of SG1 had prime hotness Claudia Black
Here's how it all went down. Michael Shanks (Dr Jackson) knocked up the TV actress for Sha're (the one who did the full frontal in the pilot episode) but he later guest starred on Andromeda and hit it off with Lexa Doig (Andromeda ship AI), who he married and brought over to SG-1 after that series ended. Then after Farscape wrapped up Ben Browder + Claudia Black came over but both Michael and Ben were happily married so Claudia couldn't shack up with anyone.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Man there was a Claudia Black isn’t hot diagram out there years ago but Google is failing me at 6am.


Buzzfeed Editor

Bro, the literal directors and writers spelling it out and then clear SJW shit in the shows, even characters stopping to LITERALLY preach about political issues, doesn't mean it really exists. Its all in your head. You're as bad as the SJWs for seeing it everywhere; even though the SJWs see things everyone denies exists overtly and they can't provide direct evidence for and thus have to claim things like implicit bias controls all of society to produce these sins that they see and you are simply seeing things people are ACTIVELY SAYING YES WE ARE DOING THIS. Its totally the same!

Sheesh, this forum. How dare you guys see shit right in front of you?! 2+2=5, toe that fucking party line and accept it.
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FPS noob
Bro, the literal directors and writers spelling it out and then clear SJW shit in the shows, even characters stopping to LITERALLY preach about political issues, doesn't mean it really exists. Its all in your head. You're as bad as the SJWs for seeing it everywhere; even though the SJWs see things everyone denies exists overtly and they can't provide direct evidence for and thus have to claim things like implicit bias controls all of society to produce these sins that they see and you are simply seeing things people are ACTIVELY SAYING YES WE ARE DOING THIS. Its totally the same!

Sheesh, this forum. How dare you guys see shit right in front of you?! 2+2=5, toe that fucking party line and accept it.

i honestly can't understand what you are trying to say

mass media always tries to portray Christian religion as bad, conservatism as bad, liberals as good, immigrants as pure and good, white people as bad, Western powers/history as bad, women as better at everything than men, male leaders as bad, capitalism as bad, commies as good, don't teach kids values just let them absorb whatever from social media, and the world will be perfect if you let lesbian black tranny women run everything?

yeah no shit, we all know that. all we are doing is trying to carve out shit within that echo chamber that we can still enjoy, like Mr. Robot or Succession or Watchmen or The Expanse or Once upon a Time in Hollywood or whatever. Nobody on Fox News believes what they are saying, they are also peddling bullshit but its not even entertaining.

when you do get conservatives making entertainment you get total crap like all the "What if God was real" kinda christian movies. The Romans figured it out long ago, to create real entertainment you need to hire degenerates. The west has just made the mistake of thinking the degenerates opinions about anything other than entertaining us matters, even people here do it. Who gives a shit what Patrick Stewart thinks about anything, all that matters is whether his new show is entertaining or not and so far the signs are not good.
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Musty Nester
I don't even know if I wanna try to watch this. I don't want Patrick Stewart and TNG ruined for me.

I'm giving it a pass unless Mike and Rich tell me that they were surprised at how good it was.

I put the odds on that happening quite low.
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Musty Nester
I couldn't make it through the first season of Andromeda. It was brutally bad.

Oh god it was awful. But that was part of the charm. It was soooo baaaad. Remember how robotech had the protolotus? The 1990's had Proto VinDiesel.

It's like Sparticus, if you've watched that. At a certain level you understand that the show is fucking terrible and should probably have been destroyed rather than broadcast. But god damn is that show fun.

I also can not imagine Andromeda has aged well. I think Sparticus will live for as long as boys like titties and bloodshed.


Buzzfeed Editor
i honestly can't understand what you are trying to say

mass media always tries to portray Christian religion as bad, conservatism as bad, liberals as good, immigrants as pure and good, white people as bad, Western powers/history as bad, women as better at everything than men, male leaders as bad, capitalism as bad, commies as good, don't teach kids values just let them absorb whatever from social media, and the world will be perfect if you let lesbian black tranny women run everything?

yeah no shit, we all know that. all we are doing is trying to carve out shit within that echo chamber that we can still enjoy, like Mr. Robot or Succession or Watchmen or The Expanse or Once upon a Time in Hollywood or whatever. Nobody on Fox News believes what they are saying, they are also peddling bullshit but its not even entertaining.

when you do get conservatives making entertainment you get total crap like all the "What if God was real" kinda christian movies. The Romans figured it out long ago, to create real entertainment you need to hire degenerates. The west has just made the mistake of thinking the degenerates opinions about anything other than entertaining us matters, even people here do it. Who gives a shit what Patrick Stewart thinks about anything, all that matters is whether his new show is entertaining or not and so far the signs are not good.

I'm making fun of people on this forum who insist its not real. There isn't a week really that goes by without someone making that claim, and then trying to shame people out of talking about it. So no; clearly there are those among you who do not know that. Also, no, when you get conservatives making entertainment you get things like Flags of our Fathers, American Sniper, Braveheart, Hacksaw Ridge, Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River, A man for all Seasons, . Openess, and creativity, as a trait is only biased toward Liberals; its not an exclusively Liberal--that is absurd. Hollywood used to be ground zero for conservative media that could be considered raw propaganda; for fuck sake there was a time when someone like John Wayne and Charlton Heston were the foundations of Hollywood. (The idea of degenerates in entertainment comes from a lot of factors there don't really coincide with "the left"--the biggest was that entertainers often had to travel).

That said the post was not some advocacy for conservative entertainment, or even commentary on Left/SJW idiocy. It was simply making fun of people that STILL refuse to call this shit out, or at least refuse to let others discuss it without interjecting their 2+2=5 bullshit. A huge part of the problem is this belief that this stuff can't be discussed, or its poor form to discuss it. Its an absurdity that continues to be pushed on this forum even, constantly (And this forum is about as biased against that as you'll find); everywhere else its almost taboo to bring up the fact that ideology is ruining entertainment.

And that is precisely PART of the reason its ruining entertainment. Because audiences have been shamed into not telling these people they are fucking stupid, for fear it might make them seem like they hate women, or are racist or any number of stupid reasons that are clearly just cover for a bunch of religious nuts who don't want their dogma criticized anymore. Its the lack of criticism and discussion which has emboldened their hysteria as their ideological views fail to pan out despite their clear social dominance now; because they need to create devils and preach against them in order to explain why their ideology is failing despite said social dominance (IE we can't find any overt sexism/racism to explain the lack of progress, thus it now must be UNCONSCIOUS bias that conveniently no one needs evidence to prove!)...That hysteria/fervor why their injection of ideology into entertainment has jumped from subtle, symbolic insights into human behavior and potential improvement (Which were good), into overt preaching and dogma (Which is dog shit). And this is working for them; because no one is around, outside of now a few comedians, who will call them stupid for it. The kind of hysterical, delusional displays of ideology that we are seeing can only really work as long as no one is around to point out the Emperor's dick is showing; these kinds of things really are perpetuated by lack of communication (Which is the whole reason for those fables or books like 1984). It's that reason that I find the idea of people who stop discussion into obviously apparent things to be, well, the worst.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's like Sparticus, if you've watched that

Yeah? well lets watch something else.

Picard premiered in London this week.



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