Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I enjoyed the shit out of it. If I had to place it amongst the rest in terms of enjoyment the order would go 5-4-7-6-3-2-1 from favorite to least.

Definitely rate it a solid 8/10 as well.

My kids and the wife loved it as well.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Better, and I tend to favor Star Trek over Star Wars and didn't dislike the first Star Trek reboot film. The second Trek reboot film with Khan...I don't loathe it like some do, but its the sort of thing I've seen once and don't have any pressing desire to see again.

I'd be perfectly fine with sitting through this a second time tomorrow night.


Molten Core Raider
The term Jar-Jar-Abrams is popping up alot, the more I think about what I watched the more jaded I feel towards it. Will sell alot of toys to a new generation of kids who haven't experienced the the first trilogy however.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I loved the film.
I feel like it was A New Hope for a new generation. This would also be my only complaint is it drew very heavily on ANH. I would put it right around ROTJ on the scale. Don't listen to the reviews or other bullshit if you are a Star Wars fan you need to see this. Finn and Rey had great on screen chemistry. Kylo Ren was good he obviously is not done with his training as evidenced by some of the final lines. He does a good job representing someone that is controlled by his emotions but has not mastered them like Vader. He is powerful but not yet a master of evil. I feel like the franchise is in good hands with these stars.


Murder Apologist
I guess the better model would be how many people ranked TPM between ROTJ and ESB when it came out.


Trakanon Raider
Just got back.... i'm going to land at a 8.5 / 10 only because I think this is going to get much, much better.

Let's talk about some things....

The stuff I liked (or loved)
-Rey's character is absolutely awesome. Interesting, somewhat mysterious, and memorable.
-Poe Dameron is the x-factor for this series. I wish there was more of him but I get it. He's a cool character though and possibly my favorite behind Rey. (Just not enough of him to get behind)
-Kylo Ren / Snoke are cool villains. Kylo has his problems. Snoke has his purpose. I'm sure Snoke knows much more than we realize about this entire situation.
-Nice balance between the new and old. Each and every nod to the past was either humorous, charming, or very emotional. The new was very interesting and though i'm sure some of the storyline will be considered predictable that's fine. It's Star Wars and you can only spin the tale of good vs evil so many ways.
-It was Star Wars. Looks and feels just how I wanted it to. I'm very glad my kids had this opportunity and it be so similar to experiences of the past. Sometimes you get Return of the King... sometimes you get the Phantom Menace. So glad this gravitates towards the better end of the stick.

What I didn't like....
-Captain Phasma was poorly used but i'm sure there's more to come... at least I hope. We may be building her up too much in our own mind hoping for BobaFett and that may not be her purpose or intent. Either way, how easily she was captured and used I thought was rather silly and takes her cool factor down quite a bit. It will take some work to reclaim it.
-Kylo Ren's contrast of helm vs no helm. I don't think this would have been near as bad if he didn't sound so boyish. It got better but in the beginning, it really deflated the balloon.
-Edits... I really felt like the film was spliced a little awkwardly at moments. I felt like it jumped around unnecessarily at times.
-Random conveniences... Rey can run for a football field or two and BB-8 miraculously be 5 feet behind her. Unexplainable things just happened. Not a big deal but a couple of moments bugged me. (Kinda picky of me I know...)

Things that didn't bother me...
-The bigger, badder Star Destroyer. To me this is just villainy. This is what villains do and I expect no less.
-Trench of death. I felt like it was a little more realistic how they took the Star Destroyer 3.0 down and I know it sounds like a cheap shot or lazy writing but if it's mechanical or electronic it's going to have weaknesses. At least this time it wasn't a 1 in a million shot. It seemed it was a much more systematic approach that had decent reasoning. It might sound like a stretch but again, this is just good vs evil and you can paint it or dress the situation however but it always works out the same.
-Force moments. I think there's more to this and it all happened intentionally and as planned. I think they portrayed raw usage perfectly and how they were discovering it.

Overall, a great first installment. Loved the interactions between the characters, new and old. Loved the character depth and emotion. Really looking forward to the next installments. Sure it had its problems but in no way can I get it a 6 of 7 when I think of other movies that are in that rating level. That's at least my personal opinion.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Phantom Menace has always been my least favorite of the films.

I don't see how Episode 7 and Episode 1 can even be compared. There simply isn't a comparison available. No annoying characters like Jar Jar or young Anakin, no 30 minute long bullshit politics crap, no pod racing.

TPM will stand the test of time as the absolutely worst Star Wars film ever made, imo. Shit is just awful.


<Gold Donor>
BOOM. Aspie dickwads next to my wife aside (dude literally spent entire movie agreeing with shit the characters were saying), the best thing I can say about it is it FEELS like Star Wars. Not even worth comparing to the prequels, and I enjoyed this about as much as rotj, but behind anh and empire. Great setup for the next ones as well.

Oh, and how fucking gross/weird does Carrie fisher look? Woof


Trakanon Raider
Is it better than the JJ Abrams Star Trek? About the same? Worse? I'll probably see it next weekend.
I hated what Abrams did with Star Trek, so I'll say it's way better than what he did with Star Trek. However, this movie still has his stink on it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't epic either.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just got back from seeing this. It was a smaller, very comfortable theater, private showing for just those of us that had won tickets from the radio station contest. Unfortunately that included a lot of uber dweeb, obnoxious, loud mouthed dickweeds. Their impact (though there was few of them) was only amplified by the smaller nature of the theater.

Fortunately, the people who don't know how to act in a movie theater, was the only detraction from the experience. I loved the movie, and feel it should restore most, not all, faith that the prequels undermined. It feels like it was made in the same universe as the original trilogy. The prequels always felt like they were a completely different set of locations covered in a slimy shiny layer of CG. The CG holds up for the most part where it's used, and the practical sets stand out in the most wonderful ways.

Highly recommend, 8.5-9/10 will be taking my brothers again in a few days.


Log Wizard
9/10 for me.

Problem with pacing? Guess YOU didn't have to 40oz pee during the movie and had to try to find a good time to do it. The fact that you super nerds with the rose colored glasses and EQ nostalgia gave it above 6+/10's on most of your reviews just goes to show it's a pretty good movie overall by a normal non-poopsocker type.

I think the Rey being Luke's daughter thing is too fucking easy. He could just toy with it back and forth and then say "yeah, she's Rey Skywalker." But who knows, I kind of hoped it was the twin thing. Maybe Han hustled Rey away because Leia wanted them both to go to Jedi school and that's why they were fighting. Unfortunately, Leia would've had more to say to Rey about it if she was her mother and Chewie sure as fuck would've known Han's kid.

Anyone got a good idea who the Max Von Sydow was? I guess IMDB has him as some Lor San Tekka. I thought he was Wedge. He said "She'll always be royalty to me" which implies to me he was from Alderan. Hopefully next episode they have some backstory/flashbacks that use him and Luke and Rey and we get to figure some more shit out.

Snoke? Who the fuck is this guy. He's obviously been fucked up. It would be LOL if he was one of the kids Anakin wrecked in the prequels. I guess safe bet is the guy who taught Palpatine. It would've been cool if he was actually a giant humanoid, but he's just using holograms to project himself as overwhelmingly powerful. Sounds very Palpatine-esque.

I like how Kylo Ren isn't like Luke who has to fight between staying good and giving into the dark side, but the opposite. Pretty much sets him up to go good at some point and fucking wreck allthebadguyz. So that'll be cool.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Chiming in,

Loved his use of minimal CGI...makes a difference in the feel of the film.

Script was semi lazy and "Safe" ....but that's to be expected, no way they take chances.

Take nostalgia out of it and you have an average movie in my opinion.


Loved it, lightyears better then the prequels. Is it on par with Empire? No but nothing will be, it was a solid Star Wars film, the same quality as the original trilogy.


That guy
Liked it a lot, agree with most of the universal criticisms I've seen so far. Give it a solid 7.5 and a third best SW movie behind ANH (barely) and ESB.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I guess the better model would be how many people ranked TPM between ROTJ and ESB when it came out.
I sure didn't. I walked out of the theater after watching TPM semi-stunned at how bad it was. Admittedly it was in part due to overly high expectations. I still believed George Lucas was a creative genius back then (oh naivet?). That's not to say my reaction wasn't mixed. It had it's moments. A few of the new characters I liked even if most of those were dead by the end of it.


Molten Core Raider
So I just go back. Keep in mind that this is from a guy that didn't grow up on Star Wars. However, I have seen all of the Star Wars films.

I really liked it, and I feel like this generation's kids will love it almost as much as the kids did back in the 70s. The characters were all actually quite good, the settings were great, and the story was fine. I was quite sad to see Han go, but I feel his send off was good. The only complaints I can really muster was that the pacing was pretty fast in comparison to the originals, the CG characters stuck out a few times, and the fan service was heavy sometimes. These aren't big complaints btw, nothing is perfect. I'll also say that this movie made me more of a fan of Star Wars. I'd give it an 8.7. This might change once I see it again, but I don't think it'll change much.