Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Tranny Chaser
From that page, is Sella the woman who is at the center of the frame when we see Hosnian Prime go boom?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Either/or really, but I'm leaning on her being Skywalker/Kenobi.
If that Clone Wars tie in ends up being true along with this, talk about bloodlines. A Skywalker, a Kenobi, and a Mandalorian all rolled up into one.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Damn, she'd qualify for hottest chick in the movie. I don't remember seeing her.


Murder Apologist
Yep, it's her:


Which means they must've filmed all her scenes with Leia and the Senate but CUT THOSE OUT. As far as I know that scene is the only scene we see her in the entire movie.

Kinda sucks since all her scenes are the ones that establish the political situation 30 years after ROTJ and sets up the threat of the First Order/ISIS.

There's a ton more shit with Maz Kanata and Poe in the book too... the original cut must've been 40+ mins longer.


Golden Squire
Usually I'm against Extended Editions but if they come out with one here I'm all over it. None of the LOTR movies suffered from their cuts but they were still 3 hours in length. This one was 2:15 but still felt like some parts were missing. I could see a half hour getting added back in.

Because money.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Two things I felt were odd:

1. Han's amazement at Chewie's crossbow. These two have been together for 50+ years. Why would he suddenly be like "woah, your weapon is cool, let me use it"?

2. Kylo is essentially Anakin in Episode III as far as age and ability. Yet he gets owned by Rey, whom is essentially Luke from Episode IV. It doesn't matter that the Force is strong in her. This dude is obviously quite strong and has trained for years. If Luke fought Vader in ANH, good bye Luke. Anakin of RotS era would have wiped the floor with Rey without even breaking a sweat. Yes, I know Kylo was injured, but dude.....


Trakanon Raider
It just looks like Rey has been previously trained but had her memory blocked/wiped. Kylo clearly wasn't trying to kill her and had orders not to, PLUS he was hurt, PLUS he is an emotional twat. Every play video games when mad? Throws your shit mad off. Must be the same for le saber battles.

I'm not saying the story was perfect and obviously an extended edition is badly needed, but people are nitpicking the dumbest shit.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
2. Kylo is essentially Anakin in Episode III as far as age and ability. Yet he gets owned by Rey, whom is essentially Luke from Episode IV. It doesn't matter that the Force is strong in her. This dude is obviously quite strong and has trained for years. If Luke fought Vader in ANH, good bye Luke. Anakin of RotS era would have wiped the floor with Rey without even breaking a sweat. Yes, I know Kylo was injured, but dude.....
Heyyyyyyyyyy it's a movie. Obviously the script says she's gotta win the fight, so she wins, k?
But what the fuck? Lets be logical about a sci-fi movie anyway....
In RotS there were 1000s of Jedi and Anakin was told he was more powerful than any of them. He had expectations to meet.
In TFA there's 1 Jedi in hiding.


Murder Apologist
Disney would never allow a gay mexican in a Disney-branded movie. Least of all one they just spent 4 billion dollars securing the rights to. Mace Dindu is already a stretch for them.


Vyemm Raider
Disney would never allow a gay mexican in a Disney-branded movie. Least of all one they just spent 4 billion dollars securing the rights to. Mace Dindu is already a stretch for them.
Your constant racist/bigoted remarks don't bother anyone but also don't contribute anything other than to degrade your own credibility. You sometimes have good points but frankly more often than not I simply don't want to bother reading your posts as my eyes get hurt from all the rolling.


Trakanon Raider
Why do we think Kylo is super mega powerful? He stopped a blaster bolt. Thats all. Maybe that's all he's good at. Maybe that's why his turn to the Dark side was easy. He wants to intimidate and impress because maybe he's weak in combat. Clearly he wants to be his Grandfather but wouldn't even make the rank of Knight if he was a Jedi. Hux isn't scared by him. In fact he throws Kylo under the bus standing right next to him while talking to Snoke. Phasma doesn't seem too worried about him. Just the trooper level soldiers are scared.


Murder Apologist
What was so eye-rolling about that? They can't even keep the Chinese from demoting Mace Dindu beneath BB8 on their posters, you think they'd ever allow a gay mexican starfighter pilot hero in their PG-rated 4-billion-dollar tentpole franchise?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I didn't notice it during the movie but it looks like Luke was standing at a headstone during the closing scene.



Trakanon Raider
My theory is that his wife/lady was killed by Kylo during/after the revolt against his students so a good chance he brought her body there and buried it someplace.

Timelinewise I'd say it was:

- Kylo Born
Year 5 Kylo starts training @ 5 Years old.
Year 10 Rey Born
Year 15 Rey Starts training
Year 16 Kylo Goes bad and kills the Padawans/Jedi
Year 16 Rey is Hidden by Luke/Mom
Year 16 Rey's Mom is killed by Kylo,
Year 16 Luke goes into hiding.