Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Potato del Grande
My favorite character of the movie was General Hux. Felt bad for him when he saw what Kylo Ren did and was about to shoot him then Kylo got up.


Vyemm Raider
now Rian Johnson is bellying up to the well of knowledge that is Jonathan McIntosh.

This reminded me of something I realized about the absolute destruction of Luke Skywalker's character.

Advocates of Ep. 8 say, "Oh he had a moment of weakness when he pulled his lightsaber out over Kylo Ren."

No, dipshit, they made half his life a "moment of weakness." You expect me to believe the guy that was willing to die by facing his own father and the emperor in an attempt to bring his father back to the light decides, "Well I messed up training my nephew. Guess I better get sad about it and go fuck off and die in some unknown corner of the galaxy."

No. He would have went back to Leia and Han and said, "We need to save your son, like we saved Anakin, or die trying."
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Tranny Chaser
This reminded me of something I realized about the absolute destruction of Luke Skywalker's character.

Advocates of Ep. 8 say, "Oh he had a moment of weakness when he pulled his lightsaber out over Kylo Ren."

No, dipshit, they made half his life a "moment of weakness." You expect me to believe the guy that was willing to die by facing his own father and the emperor in an attempt to bring his father back to the light decides, "Well I messed up training my nephew. Guess I better get sad about it and go fuck off and die in some unknown corner of the galaxy."

No. He would have went back to Leia and Han and said, "We need to save your son, like we saved Anakin, or die trying."

Have Luke Skywalker attempt to redeem Kylo but instead this time we see evil triumph over good. During a fight between the two Kylo is given a chance for redemption but instead cuts Luke down. The savior of the rebellion is dead. You could even play it up a little bit ahead of time as Luke rejoins the rebellion as an almost messiah-like figure. OH SHIT LUKE'S BACK DOING BADASS THINGS WOOOOO blarg dead.

Roll credits.
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El Presidente
Have Luke Skywalker attempt to redeem Kylo but instead this time we see evil triumph over good. During a fight between the two Kylo is given a chance for redemption but instead cuts Luke down. The savior of the rebellion is dead. You could even play it up a little bit ahead of time as Luke rejoins the rebellion as an almost messiah-like figure. OH SHIT LUKE'S BACK DOING BADASS THINGS WOOOOO blarg dead.

Roll credits.
Why would you do that instead of just letting the hero of the first trilogy be a whiny bitch.
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Tranny Chaser
Why would you do that instead of just letting the hero of the first trilogy be a whiny bitch.

What I really wish is that they had done the cinematic equivalent of the transition from Star Trek to Star Trek The Next Generation. Advance the timeline and tell brand new stories.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Whatever one thinks of TFA and JJ in general, he did leave some good threats to work with for the future. The added rage of people over TLJ is ample evidence of that being true, even for the edgelords who shit on TFA. I had heard a number of rumors that Kennedy pretty much hated JJ that I had not previously taken seriously, but after examining TLJ a little more closely, I have to say its pretty obvious that she might be the most petty cunt to ever exist and REALLY hated JJ. I mean, she has all these great open ended threads to build stories out of that JJ just left there like bread crumbs (Snoke, Rey's past, Finn's past/rivaly with Phasma, the origins of the First Order, ect) leading straight up to the final scene where he teases Luke. And then KK and RJ just shit on each and every one of them right out of the gate, starting with the biggest soft ball over the plate setup of all time. Whats even worse, he took what were basically likable characters (even Mary Rey Sue who is perfect) and (along with established favorites like Luke and Akbar) reduced them to second fiddle players behind their darling creations Admiral Blue Hair and Hippy Sumo Girld (aka, the Asian sister who SHOULD have died). Worse, they made all of these TFA characters (except sort of Rey) look inept and detrimental as possible to push their new agenda friendly burger king diversity squad on us. And then there was the post production killing of Hamill just because he had the audacity to criticize them.

In a way I am glad this is happening. Because if Disney fucks up a 2 Billion Dollar purchase and ends up having to each a fat dick publicly (and lose money) for catering to these fucking zealots, it will set the fucking tone against this sort of thing ever happening again. The SJW squad won't even be allowed in the door, lest they immediately poison things, because if they can crater a 2Billion dollar invincible franchise in under a year or two, all while making anyone who works with them miserable, then no one with actual money to lose (Disney can eat this loss if they have to) will risk it. This is especially true of the faggotry spreads to the Marvel Money Machine, like it seems to be. They have made Star Wars--- FUCKING STAR WARS --so god damn toxic that no one wants to take it over from the Kathleen Kennedy Klan, not even JJ or (rumored) Kevin Smith. When you steer things so far off the rails that even Kevin Smith says "no I'd rather be poor and smoke weed" than even consider the job, you have shit the bed to unforeseen levels.

And its obvious why. If Ron Fucking Howard takes a simple movie and ends up with a bomb in the franchise, no one worth an actual shit is going to even CONSIDER the job without being able to purge the SJWs out of the entire fucking production/franchise and do a complete sweep of the entire staff to remove any KKK taint going forward. That is basically not even possible to do before E9 is shit out (wonder how hard the mouse had to bribe and threaten JJ just to do that for them), and even after I seriously doubt Disney will hand over that kind of autonomy. They didn't to JJ who made most of us forget about the prequels and giving it to KK is what got them in their current situation. Doing the job right will be a thankless task that will require total devotion and control, all while getting crucified by the outgoing SJWs and buttmad core fanbase from both directions. No one capable of doing that will take that fucking job.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
What I really wish is that they had done the cinematic equivalent of the transition from Star Trek to Star Trek The Next Generation. Advance the timeline and tell brand new stories.

This was suggested, and the Kathleen Kennedy Klan quashed it. They have a major hardon for nuking the old EU for some reason and picking the story up immediately was apparently part of that plan (no Mara Jade, no Thrawn, no Rogue Squadron, ect). No fucking clue why the hate for at least hinting EU stuff is so strong with the KKK, but its definitely there. Dude who did Rebels had to fight tooth and nail to get Thrawn and Tie Defenders on the screen, along with interdictor ISDs. And Kennedy apparently rode his ass personally about it.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
How many dicks did Kathleen suck to get this much power?

Never heard of her before this dumpster fire known Star Wars Disney.
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Millie's Staff Member
Whatever one thinks of TFA and JJ in general, he did leave some good threats to work with for the future. The added rage of people over TLJ is ample evidence of that being true, even for the edgelords who shit on TFA. I had heard a number of rumors that Kennedy pretty much hated JJ that I had not previously taken seriously, but after examining TLJ a little more closely, I have to say its pretty obvious that she might be the most petty cunt to ever exist and REALLY hated JJ.
for me, the movie took a complete tonal shift the moment Commander Blue Hair took Poe down and cut his nuts off. it felt like something that KK wanted very badly in the movie as a slap in the face of JJA. that one scene sums up the entire movie. shut up you hateful man. women are in charge!

its so blatant, JJ threw her a fucking compromise with Rey, he said, here is a strong female luke character as well as Poe who will work with her as equals. lets be fair? ok? KK responds with, NO NO NO. she then has her soyboy RJ rip it all to shreds in TLJ.
i also have to say the SJW virus is infecting other aspects of Disney, this infection is ripping the company apart. hollywood no longer makes movies that make sense to me anymore.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
How many dicks did Kathleen suck to get this much power?

Never heard of her before this dumpster fire known Star Wars Disney.

Basically, she rode Spielberg and Marshal's (her husband) coat tails getting producer credit on a lot of early Amblin stuff. On that sole basis, Disney gave her the keys to the SW franchise. Her beef with JJA dates back to him having to deal with her in his early days at Amblin under her as an attached producer. Disney fucked up in putting her there, but the is good at playing the politics game and leveraging this SJW shit. If they had bothered to research, they should of looked into George's ex, Marcia, for her input. Marcia Lucas is the only reason ANH made ANY fucking sense and is the entire reason Empire was as good of a movie as it was. She is a woman who actually knows how to make a good fucking movie, unlike KK who wants all this power for having a vagina without doing anything of real value.

Kennedy got slid into the job because George put her there right before his fire sale to Disney. Lucas, Spielberg, and Marshal probably all breathed a collective private sigh of relief when Disney took her off of their hands, because drama has pretty much followed her wherever she has gone. I mean, she kept her last fucking name despite still being married to Marshall and did this shit back in the fucking 80s. How big of a self important cunt is she, doing that feminism shit when she is not even an actress, just a fucking producer. She literally just rubs her vagoo on other peoples work to cash paychecks, because her hubby gave her the job. If she had not completely fucked this exact franchise, no one would even know who the fuck she was.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
PS- Pretty sure shes blown all three of the big Hollywood Hebe boys at one point in time or another. You don't go from holding Steve's clipboard to half of Frank Marshall's stake in Amblin without slaloming through Hollywood Jewish Casaba like an Olympic downhill pro, especially given her reputation.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
How many dicks did Kathleen suck to get this much power?

Never heard of her before this dumpster fire known Star Wars Disney.

Yeah, so you probably just don't pay attention in general. She's been involved in producing for decades, including plenty of movies you likely love.

Maybe she has more power now, but she's not some nobody. Pretty far from it.

Kathleen Kennedy (producer) - Wikipedia
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Read that shit. She was a glorified clipboard holder until Steve decided she had good production ideas. I am guessing they involved a leather couch in an office.....

Even that sanitized Wiki entry says she sucked at the job she was actually hired for. And some random ho on a set who is supposed to type shit up for Spielberg does not suddenly get to toss in production ideas. This is post Close Encounters and Jaws Spielberg. A rando broad is not even going to get to make eye contact with him. She got the job entirely because she was Frank Marshal's wife and it was probably the only way to shut the colossal bitch up. She is the fucking Linda McCartney of that group. Anything that she was attached to that did not have another certified winner calling the shots, fucking flopped, as evidenced by the last two SW offerings. Like Joe vs the Volcano is the only decent movie she was exec producer on where she did not have either a Spielberg, Zumekis, or Lucas dick hanging out of her pie hole. The only reason she is not selling Avon products is because Frank Marshal wanted to marry a Kennedy.
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Poet Warrior
for me, the movie took a complete tonal shift the moment Commander Blue Hair took Poe down and cut his nuts off.

There were like 20 things seriously wrong with this movie, but that, to me as well as you, was the worst offender of them all.

I can't help but think of Peterson's analysis of postmodern neo-marxism, "All they care about is power and power games. They believe that power is the only thing that matters."

When I saw the way she spoke to Poe, and how she utterly refused to speak to him like an adult human being, let alone a highly valuable member of a dwindling resistance, I saw through it all instantly.

Admiral Feminazi was not interested in helping the resistance, she was interested in helping her own power. Her only trick was "Shut up and obey me because I have the power." Her only concern was the fact that she had power, and the fact that she could lord that power over people... especially 'hot headed rogue-like' men. That character should be studied in West Point as an example of how to NOT be a leader. The way she acted in this movie is not how a leader acts, it's how a ruler acts. How an autocrat acts. "Obey me because I said so and because I have the Power."

Not because I lead by example, not because I have a great plan, not because I earned it. But because I said so. She was not a leader, she was simply a boss.

Admiral Pink Hair, make no mistake, IS Kathleen Kennedy. That is the character she wanted to see happen. She hired a cucked out faggot soy boy specifically because he would, like an ideologically possessed claptrap, invent such a character.

I feel like I have essays in me about this one character but let me just ask this. Is it not her impertinence and unwillingness to trust her top subordinates that leads DIRECTLY to the collapse of her fleet? If Poe knew her plan (which I admit was a decent plan... even Poe admitted this when he found out about it finally), he wouldn't have been so adamant about letting Fin and Rose complete their mission. But didn't Fin and Rose allow Benicio Del Toro, indirectly, to betray the Resistance? Had Fin and Rose simply been on the main flag ship having sex in the bathroom or something, then they wouldn't have been able to give Benicio the information he needed to give to the Empire in order to subvert the Resistance in order to make Admiral Feminazi make her have to sacrifice herself?

Because she decided to play postmodern power games instead of being an actual real leader of humans, she sacrificed her own flag ship, her own life, and nearly her own entire cause.

That character is a horrendous example of everything wrong in the world. POWER is not the game, COMPETENCE is the game. Admiral Feminazi, being a stand-in for Kathleen Kennedy, does not understand this to even the slightest whiff of a degree. That's why the character exists, and it is also why that character ended up nearly losing it all for her own team.

If there is a God, he will make Star Wars reinvent itself by making the Resistance become the new Evil Empire. I hope Admiral Pink Hair is remembered as Lenin while JJ invents a new Stalin to take her place and thereby make Kylo Ren look like a hipster liberal faggot in comparison.

If I was a regular every day citizen of that galaxy far far away, and I knew all I know now about the leadership of both sides.... I'm not saying I would join the Order, but I would also definitely not join the Resistance. Not as long as such heavily retarded people such as Kathleen Kennedy Admiral Pink Hair exist in leadership positions.

It's going to a take a full length book to describe how bad this movie is, but that's my quick-take on the pink haired marxist that was SHOVELED into Star Wars by a real life autocratic cunt.
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Millie's Staff Member
There were like 20 things seriously wrong with this movie, but that, to me as well as you, was the worst offender of them all.

I can't help but think of Peterson's analysis of postmodern neo-marxism, "All they care about is power and power games. They believe that power is the only thing that matters."

When I saw the way she spoke to Poe, and how she utterly refused to speak to him like an adult human being, let alone a highly valuable member of a dwindling resistance, I saw through it all instantly.

Admiral Feminazi was not interested in helping the resistance, she was interested in helping her own power. Her only trick was "Shut up and obey me because I have the power." Her only concern was the fact that she had power, and the fact that she could lord that power over people... especially 'hot headed rogue-like' men. That character should be studied in West Point as an example of how to NOT be a leader. The way she acted in this movie is not how a leader acts, it's how a ruler acts. How an autocrat acts. "Obey me because I said so and because I have the Power."

Not because I lead by example, not because I have a great plan, not because I earned it. But because I said so. She was not a leader, she was simply a boss.

Admiral Pink Hair, make no mistake, IS Kathleen Kennedy. That is the character she wanted to see happen. She hired a cucked out faggot soy boy specifically because he would, like an ideologically possessed claptrap, invent such a character.

I feel like I have essays in me about this one character but let me just ask this. Is it not her impertinence and unwillingness to trust her top subordinates that leads DIRECTLY to the collapse of her fleet? If Poe knew her plan (which I admit was a decent plan... even Poe admitted this when he found out about it finally), he wouldn't have been so adamant about letting Fin and Rose complete their mission. But didn't Fin and Rose allow Benicio Del Toro, indirectly, to betray the Resistance? Had Fin and Rose simply been on the main flag ship having sex in the bathroom or something, then they wouldn't have been able to give Benicio the information he needed to give to the Empire in order to subvert the Resistance in order to make Admiral Feminazi make her have to sacrifice herself?

Because she decided to play postmodern power games instead of being an actual real leader of humans, she sacrificed her own flag ship, her own life, and nearly her own entire cause.

That character is a horrendous example of everything wrong in the world. POWER is not the game, COMPETENCE is the game. Admiral Feminazi, being a stand-in for Kathleen Kennedy, does not understand this to even the slightest whiff of a degree. That's why the character exists, and it is also why that character ended up nearly losing it all for her own team.

If there is a God, he will make Star Wars reinvent itself by making the Resistance become the new Evil Empire. I hope Admiral Pink Hair is remembered as Lenin while JJ invents a new Stalin to take her place and thereby make Kylo Ren look like a hipster liberal faggot in comparison.

If I was a regular every day citizen of that galaxy far far away, and I knew all I know now about the leadership of both sides.... I'm not saying I would join the Order, but I would also definitely not join the Resistance. Not as long as such heavily retarded people such as [strike]Kathleen Kennedy[/strike] Admiral Pink Hair exist in leadership positions.

It's going to a take a full length book to describe how bad this movie is, but that's my quick-take on the pink haired marxist that was SHOVELED into Star Wars by a real life autocratic cunt.
that Finn and Rose team up was so retarded, they derped at every step, they trusted the fate of the Rebellion to a guy they met in fucking jail only a day before. they orchestrated an escape to save some fucking space horses and left all the enslaved children behind. Finn couldnt even kill himself without his dumb bitch fucking it up for him. it really boggles my mind that Johnson on one hand jacked up SJW empowerment to 11 and then showed its disastrous results. i think Mike from Red Letter Media said it best when he wondered if Johnson was a secret asshole. i dunno, whatever the case KK never EVER should have released this movie the way it was. this is all on her and ultimately the heads at Disney . it should have been completely shelved and started over again or thrown more money at it to be reworked so everything JJA worked into the storyline was preserved so there could be a coherent Ep9. it could have been done. just not make snoke and luke be dead and delete the scene where Admiral Cuntface castrates Poe.
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There were like 20 things seriously wrong with this movie, but that, to me as well as you, was the worst offender of them all.

I can't help but think of Peterson's analysis of postmodern neo-marxism, "All they care about is power and power games. They believe that power is the only thing that matters."

When I saw the way she spoke to Poe, and how she utterly refused to speak to him like an adult human being, let alone a highly valuable member of a dwindling resistance, I saw through it all instantly.

Admiral Feminazi was not interested in helping the resistance, she was interested in helping her own power. Her only trick was "Shut up and obey me because I have the power." Her only concern was the fact that she had power, and the fact that she could lord that power over people... especially 'hot headed rogue-like' men. That character should be studied in West Point as an example of how to NOT be a leader. The way she acted in this movie is not how a leader acts, it's how a ruler acts. How an autocrat acts. "Obey me because I said so and because I have the Power."

Not because I lead by example, not because I have a great plan, not because I earned it. But because I said so. She was not a leader, she was simply a boss.

Admiral Pink Hair, make no mistake, IS Kathleen Kennedy. That is the character she wanted to see happen. She hired a cucked out faggot soy boy specifically because he would, like an ideologically possessed claptrap, invent such a character.

I feel like I have essays in me about this one character but let me just ask this. Is it not her impertinence and unwillingness to trust her top subordinates that leads DIRECTLY to the collapse of her fleet? If Poe knew her plan (which I admit was a decent plan... even Poe admitted this when he found out about it finally), he wouldn't have been so adamant about letting Fin and Rose complete their mission. But didn't Fin and Rose allow Benicio Del Toro, indirectly, to betray the Resistance? Had Fin and Rose simply been on the main flag ship having sex in the bathroom or something, then they wouldn't have been able to give Benicio the information he needed to give to the Empire in order to subvert the Resistance in order to make Admiral Feminazi make her have to sacrifice herself?

Because she decided to play postmodern power games instead of being an actual real leader of humans, she sacrificed her own flag ship, her own life, and nearly her own entire cause.

That character is a horrendous example of everything wrong in the world. POWER is not the game, COMPETENCE is the game. Admiral Feminazi, being a stand-in for Kathleen Kennedy, does not understand this to even the slightest whiff of a degree. That's why the character exists, and it is also why that character ended up nearly losing it all for her own team.

If there is a God, he will make Star Wars reinvent itself by making the Resistance become the new Evil Empire. I hope Admiral Pink Hair is remembered as Lenin while JJ invents a new Stalin to take her place and thereby make Kylo Ren look like a hipster liberal faggot in comparison.

If I was a regular every day citizen of that galaxy far far away, and I knew all I know now about the leadership of both sides.... I'm not saying I would join the Order, but I would also definitely not join the Resistance. Not as long as such heavily retarded people such as Kathleen Kennedy Admiral Pink Hair exist in leadership positions.

It's going to a take a full length book to describe how bad this movie is, but that's my quick-take on the pink haired marxist that was SHOVELED into Star Wars by a real life autocratic cunt.

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Macho Ma'am
Well, I'll say this. I'm not going out and seeing episode nine. They can suck a fat dick first.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, so you probably just don't pay attention in general. She's been involved in producing for decades, including plenty of movies you likely love.

Maybe she has more power now, but she's not some nobody. Pretty far from it.

Kathleen Kennedy (producer) - Wikipedia
Considering how everyone of the successful movies on that list of what shes worked on had someone else in charge and how absolutely fucking horrible Star Wars has ended up since shes been in charge of it, Im going with shes a god awful "producer" and road the coattails of vastly more capable people.
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