Suicide Squad (2016)


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Standard Will Smith quips included? CHECK!

Looks like it could be pretty entertaining.
Am I the only one that thought that everyone seems to know they are in a comic book movie and enjoying themselves...and Will Smith seems serious like he's in drama and going for an Oscar or something?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Damn, now that's the trailer they should've done first. Perhaps it's just the Queen, but I think that might even top Guardians of the Galaxy's "Hooked on a Feeling" trailer. Syncing all of the explosions and reloading with the song was brilliant. It's hard not to get a little hyped up for the movie after seeing this trailer.


I was staying away from this because none of the info released gave me a good feeling, but that trailer makes it look pretty good.

Which is weird considering I'm having the exact opposite reaction to Deadpool. :/


It's reversed for me; that last trailer made me wince a bit. Felt too overly whimsical.

Re @ Jason Todd comments; I absolutely hated him as Robin and remember being surprised when I read how close the vote was. I had thought he was relatively unliked.

He redeemed himself as the Red Hood though. I've watched Under the Red Hood a billion times.


It's reversed for me; that last trailer made me wince a bit. Felt too overly whimsical.

Re @ Jason Todd comments; I absolutely hated him as Robin and remember being surprised when I read how close the vote was. I had thought he was relatively unliked.

He redeemed himself as the Red Hood though. I've watched Under the Red Hood a billion times.
Having not given a shit one way or another until now same here, I cringed kind of hard. Especially at the Harley scenes... "Jk, that's not really what the voices said." "*scoffs* We're bad guys!" I don't know what they were shooting for with that shit, or even if they tried too hard or too little. Wasn't funny, creepy or disconcerting in a bitch is crazy and will skin you while laughing kind of way, just cringey. Literally nothing stood out except that and Will Smith shedding more brass from two hand guns than Arnold did with the minigun in T2.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah they "we're bad" seems a little too on the nose. Like show us don't tell us, and I feel like most interesting bad guys are self-righteous and don't see themselves as such. So them admitting they are bad just makes it shallow.


<Prior Amod>
Fuck some of you are dissecting trailer dialogue like you're apart of the Acadamy or something.

Trailer looks fun, will watch.


<Bronze Donator>
didn't give a shit about the movie. was totally like "ok i'll watch this now" from this trailer. So yeah it did it's job.

The only really cringey line was the "we're bad guys" line from harley at the end. Trailer did a great job of explaining the premise to the general movie going audience who's never heard of the comic series until this movie came out (like me for example), loved the queen synced with the action, even the "worst heroes ever" title shots were well done.

But yeah bad line to end the trailer on. We fucking got the idea already. our ADHD isn't so terrible that we needed you to reiterate it 20 seconds after telling us the first time.


I don't know if it's really dissecting so much as being aware of what the movie is to begin with. I get trailers aren't really for people who are going to see it anyways, or for the people who are fans of the source material, but even then the trailer made me be less excited to see it.

My BF who is super not into superheroes at all watched the trailer about 4 times so it obviously did it's job.


This Quinn feels like an amalgam of all the Quinns. She's super nutty in a loveable-murderess-masochistic-lover of Joker in the animated series, and more violent and dangerous in the comic books. She's more "focused" in the Arkham series.

It feels like it's taking both of the former two parts and mingling them and to me it feels a bit muddied. I really like the actress so I am reserving judgement; I loved the animated series Quinn and there are some fucking amazing excerpts from comics that add a lot to the character. Injustice has some of my favorite quinn moments, for example.

But, yea. There's this weird note to the portrayal that just rings weird with me.

Edit: The other thing is that there's this kind of odd self awareness shit that creeps up with her. "We're the bad guys" doesn't seem like a Quinn comment; it seems more like Killing Joke Joker, in which he essentially says, yea I am totally crazy and I choose to be this way.


I have never been a huge fan of will smith characters they all kind of seem the same (disclaimer I have not seen his role as Ali yet).

And this one looks like the same again, will still be seeing the movie though the other characters look great.

Am I the only one that thought that everyone seems to know they are in a comic book movie and enjoying themselves...and Will Smith seems serious like he's in drama and going for an Oscar or something?
Well Deadshot wouldn't be having fun if
if his daughter is in the movie


Avatar of War Slayer
Damn, now that's the trailer they should've done first. Perhaps it's just the Queen, but I think that might even top Guardians of the Galaxy's "Hooked on a Feeling" trailer. Syncing all of the explosions and reloading with the song was brilliant. It's hard not to get a little hyped up for the movie after seeing this trailer.
yeah. Queen does make everything better. And the bullets to the guitar strumming was brilliant.

Rest of the trailer. eh. not funny jokes. None of the characters were really selling their characters to me. Joker has no business being in this. Harley quinn new52 acid vat origin story has no business being in this.

Overall good trailer. Good atmosphere. Still looks terrible, with the utterly wrong casting choices, and characterization.
I've really wanted a villian comic book movie for a while.. comic book heist movie should be amazing.


You guys must be watching another trailer, because that looks like a mess of shit to me.

WTF is all that horrible CGI around Enchatress??

This trailer, and the preview trailer for the New Wonder Woman makes me wonder what the hell people see in these films.


Avatar of War Slayer
on Quinn.

yes. Quinn is a bit of, everything to everyone character.

the animated series.
Ditzy. slept with teachers to get doctorate... somehow.. infatuated with Joker. codependant/battered wife. lacked scruples in the first place. cartoon physics. inhuman strength and durability. lucid, if amoral. possibly bi.

comics. original.
ditzy, may or may not have been an act. actual doctorate. Certainly, has shown points of full awareness of self, and medicine. in lesbians with Ivy. love/hate with Joker, is mostly full on hate, but still codependent.
Over time. more crazy. full on hallucinations. Troubled childhood with criminal father. She taking care of her brothers/mom. This is her motivation in the comics. daddy/criminal father issues. too much pressure and responsibility, too young. Meets the Joker. he gets under her skin, she loses it, and goes full Chaotic. "Rules? there are no rules anymore."

new 52, origin rewritten. similar childhood. He dumbs her in the same acid bath he took. he is even more abusive then before. She is full on bipolar/schizophrenic. Its goes back and forth on if the acid bath did alter her brain chem as well.

post convergence. aka. Fuck continuity.
She is full on Deadpool. She has cartoon physics. Has constant hallucinations, visions, etc. talks to objects. She breaks the fourth wall, during these constantly. Is in full lesbians with Ivy, and lesser so Selina.

Injustice Quinn. is mostly "comics original". actual doctor. no hallucinations.