Summer 2014 Anime Thread


Life's a Dream
SAO has been getting worse since the 7th EP or something, it's impossible to watch now.
I still find it rather entertaining. I'm not a huge fan of the gun angle, but I'll stick with it and wait for the next. I mean, I wasn't happy about the Fairy angle either, but that ended up being decent as well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I still find it rather entertaining. I'm not a huge fan of the gun angle, but I'll stick with it and wait for the next. I mean, I wasn't happy about the Fairy angle either, but that ended up being decent as well.
Yea, I still think it is a good and enjoyable anime, it is just really slow right now. I'm sure it is about to speed up, they just really want to hit the 12 ep mark with a story arc that should be 6-8 eps.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They just following the lightnovel on ggo arc, scene by scene. Guess it easier to make the anime once you already have the script.

Damn i love akame, should start a killcount for each episode really!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I can safely say that when reading the SAO light novels there are many instances where the mental image of scenes were entirely different than the anime.


Vyemm Raider
About hxh, i heard its a long series and i got back into anime/manga recently. I cant comment on story/depth of it, except that the chars/art, from the little ive seen, are not my taste (remind me too much of early db with main chars resemble a kid etc); i heard from many tho that the story is worth reading/watching so ive been tempted to start digging into it, just havent had the time yet, but i prolly will soon.

As story developing, char progression and backgroun, tokyo/akame are imho on par with mahouka (opinion formed from reading the manga for both). Cant comment on aldnoah/zankyou cause they just have 7 anime's episodes, so its too early, but so far, always in my opinion, anime wise they are all on par.

Yeah the main char of tokyo ghoul really start as being rly pathetic/crybaby annoying. I kinda hate that sort of characters too, but he is going to do almost a 180 degree change during the aogiri arc, which supposely shud be the next (hopefully). That is why ive said before i really hope they conclude with that arc (in the manga, the arc is pretty deep on the story, anime is being faster), otherwise there was really no reason to make an animated version of this story.

What id really really really love is an animated version of the breaker/ tower of god and feng shen ji... even tho i doubt it will ever happen.
The Breaker or ToG anime would be fuckin tits and it will never fuckin happen which is a shame.

That aside about HxH - yeah its going on atleast a year break, maybe 2 so that the next season it has can last 50 or so episodes. AldNoah has potential but to me HxH can somewhat go the way of Naruto and have the characters age and mature over time which will lead to more arcs and more power ups etc. AldNoah is bad ass but eventually they will save the earth and root out the corruption and that will be the end. Irregular currently trumps SAO to me even tho i still like SAO - i just hope all this weird emo shit hurries the f up and Kirito puts forth the hurt.

Hopefully Index and Railgun get more seasons soon, the story has so much more already out that hasnt been animated yet. Darker than Black would be a welcome addition if they didnt fuck up the 2nd season so terribly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can safely say that when reading the SAO light novels there are many instances where the mental image of scenes were entirely different than the anime.
dunno ive read it recently (2 weeks ago), and to me it seemed pretty much the same scene by scene (referring to ggo arc), could be wrong tho, but all those flashback bout killing laughing coffins in sao, the chat wit his sister, whiny/crying with the nurse, , guy trying to hit sion on the park and in the game, all those dead flat moments were 100% present in the novels. Thinking bout it, i dont believe they added anything in the anime that wasnt in the novel, nor i think they skipped any scene as well.


Molten Core Raider
SOA has just turned into absolute shit; thankfully Akame ga kill saves the day. And now I'm gay for Bulat.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Started watching Zankyou no Terror, and its turned out to be really good. Thanks for mentioning it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No prob, only thing that bothers me of zankyou is that sometime the scene are too dark, dunno if its a gamma problem on my part or what (doubt tho), but it just bother me cause the graphic and animations are so nice that is a pity not being able to appreciate it fully.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I'm actually happy the author of HxH took a break and that they decided to delay the anime, rather than forging ahead with their own made-up story.

Sometimes creative people burn out. They can either take a break, give up on the project, or force it out and produce some total shit.


SAO has been getting worse since the 7th EP or something, it's impossible to watch now. Aldnoah Zero is quite entertaining this season though.
Christ you people are over-dramatic.Impossibleto watch? Really? You think it's THAT bad?

Not every episode is going to have some epic over the top fight. These types of things are called, advancing the plot.

When some of you write off an anime after a simple episode like this, I wonder if any of you watch anime, ever.


<Prior Amod>
maybe its the constant image pussy whipping kirito gets, as a light novel, i guess it's ok, seeing it on screen, where you watch the first season and he kicks ass. then he becomes a fairy elf, ok not that bad, now they just make him a straight up ladyboy.

or that for 4 eps of the of the new season if you never watched s1 and weren't invested in SAO, you'd say, holy shit this is boring, wtf is with this gay ass gun shit.

oh wow! red lines, red lines everywhere!

can anyone argue that for the first 4 eps, we're all just waiting around for kirito to do shit?

2 hours going, wtf, this shit is so boring!

it's really piss poor so far, i'd be so happy if they just ended it with omg, kirito is the god of VR and future accel world, the end.

then more accel world instead.


Molten Core Raider
HxH popped up on netflix last week so I decided to give it a try because of all the high praise here. I am just about done with the greed island arc and I am enjoying it, but I have a few questions that keep bugging me.

1) It seems like everyone in the world pretty much knew about Nen except the main guys. That makes sense for Gon since he was living on the island by himself, but how did Killua not know about it? He knew his brother was using "something" but you think he would have run into it in his line of work, or his family would have started teaching it to him by now if he was such a prodigy. I know it is not a big deal and regular people obviously don't know anything about it, but it has just become so common that I find it hard to believe Killua was oblivious until he met Wing.

2) Power levels are really throwing me off. The bomber guy seems really weak but they keep saying they have no chance against him yet? Even Bisky?? Is she just not a combat hunter, even though she owned that one guy and seems to be stronger than Gon/Killua currently? Even the guy they are working with and auditioned for is supposedly a single star hunter and too weak to beat him. Is single star hunter just 1 step beyond pro hunter or something and it goes to like 5 star? I mean, Razor seemed immensely powerful compared to all of these guys, would he have basically wiped the floor with everyone if it was a fight and not just sports? Are the phantom troupe still beyond all of them? Seems like Razor would be at least on par or better.

3) Why does Hisoka not want to fight Razor, bomber, or any of these other supposedly strong guys and only Chrollo? Was he just screwing around against Razor in the dodgeball game and is way stronger than it made him look there?

I know this is nitpicky stuff for a very good show and most of it is because "lolshonen". If the answer is keep watching that is fine too, because i definitely will. Just would like to understand the power level relations a little bit better.


<Prior Amod>
simple answer, his family was building up their family assassination arts into him, you know like all that torture and immunity to poison and his claws and shadow steps. nen really just enhances killua more, like how he used electricity as his medium. also if you know nen, you'd be pretty high end and not some thug killua was used to assassinating.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
He was instructed to get to floor 200 of the fight arena where the Nen users are, but skipped out on his first match. They were probably expecting him to get his ass kicked and trigger his own nen awakening then. As far as plot this isn't DBZ power levels where at best you have two stats and higher # wins, having higher power to draw from obviously helps but that doesn't mean they're super skilled strategists that even Hisoka would bother with.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I'll take a crack at those.

1) Learning Nen is the "secret" or "second" test for becoming a Hunter. Immediately after the test we see everyone run into because if they don't, they can't become real Hunters. This is explicitly spelled out in the show, with the recruitment lady for Kurapika, Hisoka kept Gon and Killua away from the 200th floor and they figured out why/how he was doing it, etc. Killua was intentionally not told about Nen (last time he was at the arena, he was told to make it up to 200 and then come home). He was taught the shadowstep, claw hands, etc., as non-Nen techniques. He could easily assume his brother's abilities were stuff he just hadn't learned. Doubtless it would have been part of his training eventually, or perhaps the "sink or swim" style of education of their children also applies to discovering Nen.

2) There is no enemy so great that planning can not overcome him. The Bomber is a combat specialist who has the advantage of having already put bombs on most of the people who had the ability to oppose him in outright combat and he wasn't alone, he had two people almost as good with him at all times. Outside of a Nen exorcist, there is no getting rid of the bomb without dying. Gon barely won because of the weeks of planning time offered by the team who distracted the bombers temporarily. So, yes, he was really strong, but no one is invincible. It goes up to three stars. Yes, Razer would probably have won in an actual fight, but HxH isn't "highest power level wins." This comes up later in the show but in a Nen battle you never know who is going to win, it isn't about strength. Which is one thing that makes it unlike other shows and something I love about it.

3) Hisoka is insane and does things for his own reasons. Off-hand? Gourmands don't gorge on whatever is laying around. Especially if they are anticipating a particular dish, they want to wait for that dish. The anticipation adds to the pleasure of actually eating it. Hunger is an essential ingredient for fully appreciating the taste of something. Also Hisoka is very patient.