

it's only castles burning
savage is great. i love his honesty. that win was epic. it'll be hard for him to make it far without some breaks he's an obvious threat now as a leader. and put me in the camp of people with no idea why they decided to shit on one team for no reason. it doesn't make sense. they didn't even explain it other than "you'll have to start over..." at least give them something in return like a head start at challenges or something interesting. right now they just look like guinea pigs suffering for the viewers. enjoying the season though, have to say.


Molten Core Raider
All the producers really had to do was give them a bag of rice and beans and a flint. The new tribe dynamic + no shelter + no reward shit was more than enough of a screwjob.


<Prior Amod>
screen cap from when they first merged

they also mentioned they had flint, but shit, no food nothing, and it seems those fins are worthless since theres like no fish life around, any other gear ppl notice they got besides basic pots/pans?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
All the producers really had to do was give them a bag of rice and beans and a flint. The new tribe dynamic + no shelter + no reward shit was more than enough of a screwjob.
Yeah, I couldn't believe they gave them no food as the third tribe. Very unfair that they had to start over from zero. I honestly can't believe they thought it was a fair idea. Production has been running this show for far too long to make this kind of mistake.


Molten Core Raider
That was one hell of a blindside. Tough call on who to get rid of there between Monica and Wigglesworth, but I think they made the right call. Monica was scheming AND was out of touch with the game going on around her. That combination can totally fuck the game for an entire alliance. Not to mention the fact that she's pretty much worthless all around.

I have a feeling that I've said this before, in this thread and in her original season's thread, but Abi is one of the worst people alive. That shit against Woo this week was horrible.


<Prior Amod>
Abi has a problem, and that problem is she's a psychopath, not like "cray cray" but she as a human lacks empathy. At first in her season when she was hell bent on kicking out big boobs RC and acting like Abi, Jeff thought it was "a cultural thing", dats just how Brazillians are!

Nope, she's just crazy. And there's nothing wrong w/ that (there are a lot of ppl like this) but you mix the fact that shes an entitled woman, and i guess she "used' to be hot and not so uggo in the face.

anyway, thats the MOST FUN tribe tho! these other two tribes, i was like "who the fuck are you guys?"

Some old bitch from s1 and then the other old bitch from s2 are scheming to get rid of the hot young thang!

i mean yea, Monica is worthless, she's always been worthless. She's probably only remembered as being Russells pawn, hell this is her day after

she is so goddamn boring that this video she made to whore herself some votes for the season is more interesting.

BTW, next one off seems to be a quit, Jeff only comes for ppl who quit, not for a medical evac.


Trakanon Raider
I know there is a lot of careful edits, but the look on Monica's face was priceless. Glad they voted her off.


<Prior Amod>
Watching s10 w wife, she loved the total decimation of stephs tribe. After that, its totally boring, yawn. Ill whow her s11 where steph turns total heel next.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
That was an awesome blindside. Going to miss seeing her in those purple shirts though. She has this Eliza Dushku thing going on that works for me.

Is it just me or is Wiggles getting an abnormal lack of screen time? Her answer to Jeff's question was more than we've seen or heard from her all season. And it was like 7 words.


<Prior Amod>
That was an awesome blindside. Going to miss seeing her in those purple shirts though. She has this Eliza Dushku thing going on that works for me.

Is it just me or is Wiggles getting an abnormal lack of screen time? Her answer to Jeff's question was more than we've seen or heard from her all season. And it was like 7 words.
Team Abi just took so much of the screen time, imo.


<Prior Amod>
Abi really is cunt. Her shit talking Woo after what he said about her mom? JFC.. It truly shows you the power of the V.
if you notice, she's actually the one who asked Woo about his mom, and the one time Woo is actually portrayed as a human being, rather than Tony's Tool, Abi, just Abi's.

She's like fuck his mom, my granny died, and my aunt, oh i also have some other persons body part inside me!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Wow, heart transplant. I'm glad his son made it. I really can't stand Stephen. I can't wait till he's gone. No more Woo face. The only reason Woo went home instead of Savage apparently is because they had to get Abi on board according to a Ciera tweet.

Please for the love of god someone put more clothing on Kass.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I'm not a fan of him either. I had to laugh at how uncoordinated he is.

I don't mind that they did two tribe mix-ups, but I think it's shit to do one and then immediately merge.


Molten Core Raider
I like Stephen because I used to listen to the podcast over on Robhasawebsite, but yeah he's so uncoordinated that he's in the bottom 5% of physical threat survivors all-time. He's basically in the woman over 60 tier.

Glad it wasn't Savage tonight, but holy shit his entire approach with Ciera was retarded. Most of the oldschoolers need to wake the fuck up, because I sure as hell don't want to see Ciera or Kass win this shit.


<Prior Amod>
yea i used to listen to rhap as well, he def sounds better on the podcast, right now he's just pathetic dear lord.

Here's your yawn woo after

i swear listening to him talk for 6mins, wtf beat the asian straight outta him?

You know what this means, we're gonna have to suffer with goat ABI to at least Final Five. I don't think she'll make it to ultimate goat status of Final 3 cuz someone will see she's the best goat ever and will take her out. (just like how Cierri took out some other goat bitch on her first season so she could go further, i should watch that again, Cierri's numbers game is on point)

I'm totally not interested in this season at all until something happens.

Woo wasn't my pick, he never will be, BUT i liked how he's just be eeking by and living.

I can only hope for my Kaos Kass to really come back i guess.

here's the tweet in question


Trakanon Raider
The merging/splitting crap every other episode is getting annoying, just leave the 3 tribes for one more round of tribal and then do the merge.
I like the update to the food challenge, two at a time to start.
Hope Spencer stays around a while, he had to plead to stay around when people are fucking up challenges and getting to cruise. Still don't really have a pick to win it all, maybe Tasha or Joe but I doubt he's getting to the end.


Molten Core Raider
They had 3 votes after the split into 3 tribes. 1 vote is retarded but I think Terry leaving the game shortened this round.


<Prior Amod>
Let's just agree, all this shitty tribe stuff is the worst, it's like they're doing fan favorite stuff to appease fans.

1. start off w/ grabbing shit on a boat, pearl islands, cooks islands
2. tribal split, was it random? they all "seeming" got on the boats randomly, but who knows, also they were walking together checking out temples, usually when you walk with others, you gravitate towards ppl you like or your pre-determined alliance. I say this was arbitrarily split up like HvV, to split same seasoned ppl up.
3. then you have a 3 way tribal split w/ the 3rd tribe getting the fuck you shaft, ala s14 fiji, have, have nots.
4. then a quicking tribe swap then merge again ala s14