SyFy network admits they fucked up


You won't find a new Trek on Syfy. Paramount would never allow it. It would go on CBS or one of their affiliates first. If that wasn't in the cards, they'd syndicate it. They'd never hand a franchise like Trek to NBC/Universal, unless vast amounts of monies were exchanged, and Syfy doesn't have that kind of cash.

I was a huge fan of StarGate, up until season 7 of SG-1. After that their episodes became monster of the week episodes with a new ancient McGuffin being discovered in the nick of time to save the day. That shit gets old quick. I could get behind a StarGate revival as long as they get a new production company to do it. Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper can suck a dick, in the same way that Rick Berman and Brannon Braga can suck a dick.

They need something big. Something with name recognition. Something that isn't a reboot, or a revamp, or a prequel or sequel. Something original. And they need a fresh producer who hasn't been in the business for 25 years doing it. Someone who is willing to take chances and not do what is obvious all the time. And they need to leave them the fuck alone; stop giving your writers/producers "notes" about how to make their shows better; you're a broadcaster, you have no fucking storytelling abilities.

I have no faith in Syfy to doanyof this.


Molten Core Raider
This shit just irritates me and is an attention grab.

They went from Cult Sci-Fi to BSG. It did REALLY well. So they knew if they bought good projects and dumped money into it they would succeed. They didn't want to invest that money however. So trying to act like they got away from being the best sci-fi station out there, and want to return to that is absolute bullshit. They didn't go back to Cult Sci-fi, they went to B-C-D-F movies with bimbos and mimbos. They were better in between, with the best of both worlds. I-Man was good. They got screwed on LEXX and bought it AFTER the cast and writers were pretty much done with their ideas and took the project as a money grab. Farscape was fucking awesome and probably the worst cancellation in the history of their channel.

They also got Doctor Who and treated it like a second rate show and aired it LONG after it's BBC counterparts so the BBC refused to renew the contract. Now it's caught on on BBC America and gets bigger ratings than anything Syfy currently has.

Bringing back Farscape is a no-brainer and should have happened years ago. Bring back fucking D'argo too. Shit, make it so the whole Peacekeeper Wars was a dream invented by Harvey while John and Aeryn were shattered into pieces.


<Bronze Donator>
I mean, forgive me if faulty memory, but they died at the end of Farscape. I don't think the universe itself was that interesting, it was really just the 2 mains that carried the show.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I've got it. A show about twospacedetectives investigatingspacemurders done by Cthulhu worshiping serial space.

Hollywood/Syfy, you know where to reach me.


If they had any sense they would pick up BSG: Blood & Chrome ... the pilot they dumped on the net was pretty good


Millie's Staff Member
or they could just pick up some NBC trash scifi pilots or maybe some of the rejected netflix ones and see if anyone likes em. im sure they could get them dirt cheap and if anyone does like them they could pick one up and develop it. they could probably get Wonder Woman going. its not like they need a big budget, just get a hot brunette with big tits kicking ass and stick her in a WW outfit and there you go.


Life has passed this network by, I'm afraid. Let it be a cautionary tale for executroid big wigs on how not to run a television station.


Musty Nester
Theres basically no way back. You don't unjump sharks. It is less expensive to retain a customer than to find a new one, and it is more expensive still to get an old one back.

I really hope the netflix model takes off. But even that is highly limited. Maybe they can fund the next Riddick movie. Syfy never would because they need weekly series.

Because I think Kevin Spacey is right. There is a way that production and distribution need to be uncoupled in order that the entire system doesn't cannabilize itself. Syfy can't serve two masters at competing purposes.

It's not even their fault. They're just trying to do something that they can't do.


Millie's Staff Member
they can come back, and they could do it on the cheap, its just not going to happen tomorrow or next year. they have a long way to go, but its not impossible. i agree, they really shit the bed by dumping their sci fi street cred which they had been building for 20 years. i was a huge fan of the channel from back in the day. after they fucked eureka, wh13 and alphas in the ass though i wont be back unless they do a complete turnaround. but the thing is, i am willing to give them another chance because i love sci fi and there isnt enough of it on TV


Tranny Chaser
Sci Fi Fridays was a big deal for me and mine. There was a lot of excitement when they decided to expand it from just original programming on Friday nights to include Thursday and Tuesday as well. Thursday was a bust, but Tuesday really took off anchored by Eureka and open to that brand of quirkiness.

Sci Fi's biggest problem was that it was the minor leagues for NBC/Universal and so everyone sent there to work on programming really HATED the job and was only doing it so that they could graduate to USA Network or eventually big mama NBC. As such there was a big push to get rid of anything a predecessor had done that was successful and introduce things that brought in major ad revenue even if they were just infomercials or reality TV.

SyFy is dead. Sure they can want to have a new space opera and try and recover the ground they lost, but they don't have classic series reruns, they don't have exciting programming options and they don't have an audience. I haven't turned the channel on once since the final episode of Eureka aired as I watched Defiance on Amazon.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I mean, forgive me if faulty memory, but they died at the end of Farscape. I don't think the universe itself was that interesting, it was really just the 2 mains that carried the show.
Well, it appeared they had died at the end of the regular series run, but Peacekeeper Wars continued where that left off and revealed they weren't dead. Peacekeeper Wars was really good, btw. One cool thing about the PK Wars is that it finally revealed why humans and Sebeceans (Peacekeepers) look the same. Here it is on Youtube.



Tranny Chaser
While I'm glad that Colin Ferguson has work it still burns me up to see Sheriff Carter doing Maytag commercials.


Vyemm Raider
Loved sci-fi back in the day. good shows bring the audience. crap shows lose the audience.

get good sci-fi shows and people MAY come back. i would, if it was good. but alas you have to spend the money to make the money and the trough for syfy is barren atm (and that name is shit btw- still hate it)

I just started watching farscape on netflix.

watching - off and on farscape, medium, arrow. watched all of chuck, and several other series.


Trakanon Raider
What would save the channel for me:
start by going back to the Sci-Fi name and logo. Next bring back Friday night anchor shows with something in the Stargate realm and Farscape. Also bring back Saturday morning anime with one or two series capped with an anime movie of the week. The rotation schedule of daytime programming blocks were great (8am to 5pm of one show back to back.) Weekends should be for Hollywood movies not the budget d-list crap. And to cap it off... work a deal with ABC/Disney/Marvel to expand Guardians of the Galaxy and all the other "space" parts of Marvel.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Is anime even still popular in the US? I remember about 10 years ago it was very popular, no clue now. I hear about a show called Attack on Titan sometimes, but I've never seen it.


Millie's Staff Member
i change what i said. fuck Syfy for doing this to sheriff carter. i had never seen that ad before it was mentioned in this thread.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
If they picked up a show any time Fox cancels a sci-fi show they could bounce back