Terminator (2019)


So basically they are pulling a Sarah Connor Chronicles and removing all the post T2 movies?

Fuck, they just need to restart that series. It was getting good when they canceled it ;/

They need to leave it alone. Period. And stop digging it up at all.

I love that they really thought they'd get a new trilogy from the godawful reboot they tried a few years ago, and now they prove they've learned nothing.

I really hope all that feminist bullshit was one idiot blogger's opinion, otherwise this went from awful to outright cancer on par with any current Disney film from the last couple years. They're not behind it, are they?
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Millie's Staff Member
i'm still shocked they're continuing this and still dragging poor OLD Arnold into it. he is no longer an imposing figure, he's an old man. get the fucking giant from Game of Thrones to be the T-3000 and scare the fuck out of everyone.

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Ssraeszha Raider
i'm still shocked they're continuing this and still dragging poor OLD Arnold into it. he is no longer an imposing figure, he's an old man. get the fucking giant from Game of Thrones to be the T-3000 and scare the fuck out of everyone.

I thought of this years ago for a Genisys sequel: we've never seen Arnold be "outsized" in these films, it's the last place they could go with the villain.

Skynet's prototype/ultimate endoskeleton design: The T-999, Codename: The Titan. Deployed as a last resort measure, it wouldn't have a fully uploaded cpu onboard, so it has rudimentary intelligence as the film starts, but it does learn throughout, but nothing from the future short of a nuke would kill it. Would've had the endoskeleton look like a hybrid human-gorilla looking thing. How it was destroyed? IDK, somehow it falls into the ocean, can't swim because of its weight and eventually is crushed by water pressure?

Just BS ideas I'd toss around with friends when discussing where the franchise could go.
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Millie's Staff Member
I thought of this years ago for a Genisys sequel: we've never seen Arnold be "outsized" in these films, it's the last place they could go with the villain.

Skynet's prototype/ultimate endoskeleton design: The T-999, Codename: The Titan. Deployed as a last resort measure, it wouldn't have a fully uploaded cpu onboard, so it has rudimentary intelligence as the film starts, but it does learn throughout, but nothing from the future short of a nuke would kill it. Would've had the endoskeleton look like a hybrid human-gorilla looking thing. How it was destroyed? IDK, somehow it falls into the ocean, can't swim because of its weight and eventually is crushed by water pressure?

Just BS ideas I'd toss around with friends when discussing where the franchise could go.
yeah, basically Thanos Terminator. everyone would love it.
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I thought of this years ago for a Genisys sequel: we've never seen Arnold be "outsized" in these films, it's the last place they could go with the villain.

Skynet's prototype/ultimate endoskeleton design: The T-999, Codename: The Titan. Deployed as a last resort measure, it wouldn't have a fully uploaded cpu onboard, so it has rudimentary intelligence as the film starts, but it does learn throughout, but nothing from the future short of a nuke would kill it. Would've had the endoskeleton look like a hybrid human-gorilla looking thing. How it was destroyed? IDK, somehow it falls into the ocean, can't swim because of its weight and eventually is crushed by water pressure?

Just BS ideas I'd toss around with friends when discussing where the franchise could go.

Unfortunately, it's called "Fanservice".

There's your reason.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Damnit Arnold, why do you have to do another one? He's the only reason I pay for this shit anymore, and yes I'll go see this in all its glorious cringe.

Would not take advice from him on women though, no sir. (pic is 1994, WTF Arnold)
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Millie's Staff Member
Damnit Arnold, why do you have to do another one? He's the only reason I pay for this shit anymore, and yes I'll go see this in all its glorious cringe.

Would not take advice from him on women though, no sir. (pic is 1994, WTF Arnold)
View attachment 200062
he might have just gotten caught up in some freaky deaky kink action and it ended with the maid getting pregnant. he never married her. i dont think he ever actually got divorced from Shriver, he's just been in the doghouse a long time. it leads me to believe his dick was making really unwise decisions. he's known for this.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I don’t think many of us fully appreciate just how much women throw themselves at celebrities. There’s no way I could guarantee that I’d be a saint with that much temptation.
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I don’t think many of us fully appreciate just how much women throw themselves at celebrities. There’s no way I could guarantee that I’d be a saint with that much temptation.
I've always wondered by male celebrities and sports athletes bother to get married? Pussy is thrown at you 24/7, so why deal with the temptation? Just stay single until your 50 or 60s THEN get married and settle down.
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Millie's Staff Member
I've always wondered by male celebrities and sports athletes bother to get married? Pussy is thrown at you 24/7, so why deal with the temptation? Just stay single until your 50 or 60s THEN get married and settle down.
the studios request it. The Simpsons touched on this a long time ago. if you're in your 20s you get young guy roles and can be single. in your 30s you are expected to be married and have kids because as a role model thats what is expected. if you're in your 30s and not married, maybe you're gay? the studios dont like this kind of talk, it damages your brand which damages their brand so they wont have you in their movie smooching up chicks and gunning down baddies and people laughing at you for maybe being a faggot.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
the studios request it. The Simpsons touched on this a long time ago. if you're in your 20s you get young guy roles and can be single. in your 30s you are expected to be married and have kids because as a role model thats what is expected. if you're in your 30s and not married, maybe you're gay? the studios dont like this kind of talk, it damages your brand which damages their brand so they wont have you in their movie smooching up chicks and gunning down baddies and people laughing at you for maybe being a faggot.

I mean if the dude is out there publicly smashing puss with all his might then I don't see the problem, plus in this day in age even if the dude was married to two women and had 15 children someone would be suggesting he is gay anyways.
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Millie's Staff Member
I mean if the dude is out there publicly smashing puss with all his might then I don't see the problem, plus in this day in age even if the dude was married to two women and had 15 children someone would be suggesting he is gay anyways.
maybe in this day and age, but back in the good old days before faggots took over the world and spoiled it for everyone, things were different. in the 70s and 80s, a guy like Arnold who worked his body to perfection, breaking world records, then conquering movies. then trying to branch out into other things. you had to meet certain expectations for certain doors to open for you. believe it or not there is a negative stereotype about bodybuilders, half naked sweaty men working out with other half naked sweaty men all day, rubbing their muscles with oil and posing in tiny bikini shorts. being accused of faggotry was much more prevalent than being accused of roidng up back then. anyway. if Arnold or really any leading man was intending to have a career after 30, he had to settle down or at the least, "be engaged". it was just part of the job and its why hollywood marriages arent worth a shit. Arnold knows the game, he used to be a full fledged conservative not giving a fuck who didnt like it, that was when such behavior was condoned.


this happens

and surprise, he's also not a conservative anymore and virtue signals hate against the President


Silver Baronet of the Realm
it's a different age now.. back in the day (what chuk is referring to) you had gay actors that NEEDED to be married or else they wouldn't get hired. communist and homosexual were the two worst things to be called. today? not so much. you have guys like leonardo dicaprio and george clooney who are extremely public about their supermodel girlfriends and no one cares.

the issue (i'd guess) is that supermodels are extremely vapid. celebrities are EXTREMELY self-centered and there comes a point where one person has to be the center of attention OVER the other and it just doesn't work. meanwhile, random nobodies just don't have that (or nearly to that extreme). so if arnold goes out on a date with maria shriver, you have two giant egos fighting over each other. if arnold goes out with some rando maid, she's just happy to be there.
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Molten Core Raider
I personally cannot wait for the next Terminator movie after this one comes out, that will just try to ret-con this movie and all of the previous ones back to T2 again.

That's the real time travel here folks - how often you can rewrite history (shitty movies)
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