The Astronomy Thread


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<Nazi Janitors>
I’m having Challenger PTSD , so want this to go well . Have been obsessed with this development for so long. Haven’t been this excited in along time, and my daughter graduated HS today so just an awesome day.

thisstuff is the only thing that keeps me sane with any hope for future after being bombarded by political media BS in all it’s forms all the time.
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Well, yeah, we all come from asteroids and comets plowing the fuck out of Earth when it was a hot, sexy, young planet.

No, it's ongoing

From air and space March 2020 issue: "each day, more than 700 million viruses, mainly of marine origin, are deposited from Earth’s atmosphere onto every square meter of our planet’s surface." The viruses are, daily, "deposited from the Earth's atmosphere."

And how does the Earth's atmosphere get full of hundred of viral particular every day?

Asteroid dust. Space. Other star systems. It's called the "panspermia" theory. The Earth is basically cosmic Bukkake. Every. Day.
  • 2Picard
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The Scientific Shitlord
No, it's ongoing

From air and space March 2020 issue: "each day, more than 700 million viruses, mainly of marine origin, are deposited from Earth’s atmosphere onto every square meter of our planet’s surface." The viruses are, daily, "deposited from the Earth's atmosphere."

And how does the Earth's atmosphere get full of hundred of viral particular every day?

Asteroid dust. Space. Other star systems. It's called the "panspermia" theory. The Earth is basically cosmic Bukkake. Every. Day.
Don't fucking kink shame our Mama Earth!
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Or maybe it is the result of a magic spell called "evaporation of ocean water into water vapor"
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Don't fucking kink shame our Mama Earth!

Hey man! I don't judge! Ain't my thing, but damn, if the Earth is so nasty she wants that panspermia falling all over her curves and valleys all... night... long... well, I say, you do your thing!

Just because I am straight does not mean I'm narrow! Mother Earth basically getting it 24/7, what with that gravitation she got. I mean I understand attraction, but the Earth is a whole other level. I respect the crazy in some cases, and this is one of them.

Party on, Earth.
  • 1Worf
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