The Benefits of Socialism


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
And technically, we can call those "Government Services" since they don't obey the actual institutional tenants of big S Socialism.

Nope according to potato and tolan any government service is 100% socialism. Every country in the world save maybe yemen and somalia are full on socialist bordering on communist countries. Somalia is a great example of a libertarian country. Libertarians definitely want zero government, laws, services and regulations. To libertarians this is what freedom means. jackoffmotionwhileeyerolling.gif
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The Dirtbag
Nope according to potato and tolan any government service is 100% socialism. Every country in the world save maybe yemen and somalia are full on socialist bordering on communist countries. Somalia is a great example of a libertarian country. Libertarians definitely want zero government, laws, services and regulations. To libertarians this is what freedom means. jackoffmotionwhileeyerolling.gif
Uh huh.

Tell me more about Rand Paul and the Gold Standard Kiroy. This is so fascinating.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Uh huh.

Tell me more about Rand Paul and the Gold Standard Kiroy. This is so fascinating.

There's no point. I'll just be the fool that wants the pipe dream of smaller more efficient government. And rand paul is a douche who sometimes is right.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
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Silver Baronet of the Realm

Let me feel kiroys post

"Socialism doesn't work because eventually you run out of other people's money. Dumbfucks want everyone to have everything free and give away school and healthcare but nothing is free, my tax dollars are paying for it"
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
This is the thread for @Tolan to do what he wants. No reports about him will be entertained in this thread unless it is nsfw material that he posts.

Cultivate this thread and win converts to the cause Tolan.

You're guaranteed to make the same as the dumbest fucking idiot at where you work. That's the benefit.
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I'm Amod too!
This thread title is an oxymoron. I'm thinking I should report this for a title change.
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How about a thread that discusses all economic systems? I would be curious of the pros/cons of a pure capitalistic system.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
How about a thread that discusses all economic systems? I would be curious of the pros/cons of a pure capitalistic system.

I tried to make a political theory thread 35 times but the mods kept Rickshawing it because they were scared of intelligent discussion.
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Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
I am going to say something that could be very unpopular.
Socialism can "work" but only in small communities that are not much bigger than Dunbar's number.
That way all the members can track each others behaviors and shame the slackers into contributing.
Unfortunately such communities would stagnate pretty fast on the innovation front as that small number of people could not fully sustain itself independently in the information age.
It would take allot of work integrating such small communes into the society that depends on progress so the need for a massive bureaucracy needed for it work would make the whole thing crumble under its own weight
</drunken philosophizing>
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I am going to say something that could be very unpopular.
Socialism can "work" but only in small communities that are not much bigger than Dunbar's number.
That way all the members can track each others behaviors and shame the slackers into contributing.
Unfortunately such communities would stagnate pretty fast on the innovation front as that small number of people could not fully sustain itself independently in the information age.
It would take allot of work integrating such small communes into the society that depends on progress so the need for a massive bureaucracy needed for it work would make the whole thing crumble under its own weight
</drunken philosophizing>

it's not unpopular at all, this is 100% true, socialism is/was great in agrarian societies. What I like about our system is it's perfectly legal for a group of like minded individuals to go set up a socialist commune if they want (and they do). In a socialist / communist system is it legal to go set up a capitalistic commune? No, those are called black markets. Ironically in communist countries illegal black markets were one of the only mechanisms keeping people (more people) from starving to death.
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Poet Warrior
I tried to make a political theory thread 35 times but the mods kept Rickshawing it because they were scared of intelligent discussion.

I once asked for Politics: People, Politics: Events, and Politics: Ideas but nobody seemed to be on board.
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Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
The benefits of socialism, should have just left the post blank and locked the thread.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm pretty sure the secret to this thread is to post very little while others do it for me.
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