The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Microsoft will probably be showing some serious stuff come E3 because their future in the next console generation depends on this next showing. I am expecting them to have more content in their 3rd party games and also for the price of the console/games to be a big point.

Sony pretty much has this thing wrapped up so I expect more of the same. We'll see the console and how the touch panel on the controller will work. They'll actually show their cloud gaming in action along with a few extra first party games we didn't hear about but are not surprised to see.

Just my opinion on what to expect even though I'm hoping to be blown away by both of them and not just another "meh".


Localization and region locking is something I have never understood. .
I think it's also to maximize profit in certain regions. For example the Australian Dollar is pretty much the same as the US and yet our games are anywhere from 89-100 dollars each.


I lasted 5 minutes before I had to close it. That guy on the right is incredibly annoying.

Edit -


-Picture of first party releases-
The difference in first party between the two is pretty staggering. I didn't realise the difference was that big.

Looking at Sony's list, though, I see tons of IPs that I simply don't care about, which is rather disappointing.

Konami's 2010 conference was easily the best. It was sooo crazy. Streaming it I wasn't sure whether it was serious or not, only that I was enjoying it.
Konami's 2010 conference was definitely hilarious. God knows what they were thinking.

While not a gaming conference, Qualcomm's CES conference is probably the most absurd conference I've seen.


Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
God nothing is more annoying than seeing a company(especially those who I buy from) spend god knows how much fucking money on the dumbest fucking possible marketing/pr bullshit which has zero to do with their product.

Heres a novel idea, fire your retarded marking staff and use the money to lower the cost of your product or build a fucking better one for the same price.

Zombie Thorne_sl

I really really really hope this gen isn't just more of the same... don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with my dudebro shoot bangs and misogynistic male power fantasies... But I don't know if I really want to buy new hardware just for more pixels.

I don't have a vita, but the cross play functionality is appealing to me. Would it be worth picking one up on the cheap, or is it possible a newer version comes out near ps4 release?


Vyemm Raider
I really really really hope this gen isn't just more of the same... don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with my dudebro shoot bangs and misogynistic male power fantasies... But I don't know if I really want to buy new hardware just for more pixels.

I don't have a vita, but the cross play functionality is appealing to me. Would it be worth picking one up on the cheap, or is it possible a newer version comes out near ps4 release?
I've avoided handhelds since conception, so just what is so great about cross-play?


Avatar of War Slayer
Konami's 2010 conference was easily the best. It was sooo crazy. Streaming it I wasn't sure whether it was serious or not, only that I was enjoying it.
yeah. clips don't do it justice. you have to watch the whole thing. over and over.


Life's a Dream
So they're kind of doing the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD thing with Fable? Good for them. I'm looking forward to KH 1.5


I'm pretty sure that Fable Anniversary wasn't included in the list, Sean, though who knows ... Maybe a new Fable game will come out in that time window.

Re: Region locks. I hate them, given I've had the direct issue of dealing with them when living abroad. I was told once that the reason they exist is so that games (and DVDs, etc.) can be sold at different price levels in different markets. So, you could sell a copy of a game somewhere in the third world for a lower price without worrying about it being imported into a higher price market.

The Ancient_sl

So, here's another one of those 15 exclusive "Xbox" games that you can check off the list:

Yeah, X360 games are included in that 15 number.
How do you figure that when the Xbone isn't backwards compatible. What source do you have? It's these posts that make you look like you just wanna bash Xbone at every turn rather than just make an informed judgement on the system.


So, here's another one of those 15 exclusive "Xbox" games that you can check off the list:

Yeah, X360 games are included in that 15 number.
Really dude? You have absolute no clear evidence that is the case. Where does it say it's one of the 15 exclusives for the Xbox one? You do realise how it looks when you are constantly looking for reasons to bag Xbox..What did Microsoft do to you? I'd love to hear it.

It's getting a bit pathetic honestly.


Bashing the system at every turnismaking an informed judgement on the system. It's hilarious that anyone would think that Microsoft is actually putting out 15 real, big games in the next year.


Even just making shit up out of no where to bash it is an informed judgement?
That's not making shit up. That's a pretty good guess based on realistic expectations from them. You know half of this shit is going to be Kinect crap too (there's already 2 announced on that front).


These are Xbox One exclusives. Fable HD is for Xbox 360. You are right about the kinect gimmick games though I presume most of the exclusives will be Kinect.