The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Molten Core Raider
Everyone in a 50 mile radius of us is sold out, regardless of what their website says.
Don't call. No matter what store it is. When I worked for gamestop, if we had a hot new release that was in limited numbers, and we knew we would be running out at some point that day we just told people on the phone we were sold out, because

1) We weren't going to hold the item for someone who calls
2) We don't want someone showing up 2 hours later and getting pissed because we're now sold out, and we wouldn't hold one for them.

You have to go to the store and check. Chances are someone has them, but they aren't going to hassle with telling you that on the phone.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
and now I have a jock for a son
As long as he's not a douchebag jock, it's all good.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Its already been established its pretty miss able stuff besides the flora interaction, better waves and a handful of bumps more on faces are easy to overlook if they're not running side by side. Running twitch on MY PHONE with AC4 PS3 on my TV in similar scenes the Twitch is looking better when I focus on stuff like water and flora interactions.

Focusing on Kenway like you'd need to while playing, I'm suddenly blind to those differences that were obvious otherwise.

I think honestly its an issue with recent graphic improvement - it's reached the point where in the moment the appreciable difference is basically nil, and you've got to be sitting behind NOT PLAYING to appreciate the improvements.

(I.e. your Madden comments mirror this a bit if you really think about it)
Very true. The inherent problem here though is that when I play an Assassin's Creed Gamer on my PC, even DX9 from AC2 in 1080p, it looks better than Black Flag on PS4. That's an issue. Especially when all they had to do was downscale the PC version a bit that is coming out in 2 weeks. The main problem is that they aren't using the console to it's full potential - obviously - as it is early. My only beef is that folks like Foggy were saying, wholeheartedly, and others in the Amazon review comment sections, how much better PS4 next gen looks on these titles. Which is a flat out bold faced lie. That's the shit I am sure all of the real gamers here are tired of when we want to learn more about a system purchase. But that fight will never stop. Unfortunately.

In the end we have no idea how they are going to use that extra RAM. As of now, it's being used for streaming shit. If that keeps up, I wonder if this next generation will just equal faster access times. Which would be ridiculous.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So is anyone buying a ps4 for their kids for christmas, wrapping it up in christmas gift wrapping paper and then giving it to their kids tonight? lol.
Kid already called Bullshit on me when I try to give gaming stuff for presents since I play it just as much.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Kid already called Bullshit on me when I try to give gaming stuff for presents since I play it just as much.
There is a way around this.

Buy four games you will want to play. 2 for him, 2 for you and label it from your wife. And when you open yours, be surprised and hpw happy you are that you both can trade games back and forth.

Psychological Christmas Warfare. 60% of the time, it works every time.


I guarantee you 100% that AC4 on a PS4 looks leagues better than AC4 on a PS3 on my TV. Resolution matters a fucking shit ton unless you're some scrub with some 40 inch sitting 12 feet away.


Life's a Dream
I was having my PS4 delivered to my work. We close at 3:30pm today and typically our UPS delivery is by 11am at the latest.

It's now 12:07 and he still hasn't come by. I really hope I didn't fuck myself by having it shipped here...

It's in a business park, so our driver tends to only do business deliveries. I'm second guessing myself now.


Legal Ephebophile
The real gamers launch is next Friday. Can't wait for my Day One Xbox One console to get here. PSNo!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>

AC4 has to be patched(Not yet available) to hit 1080p....lammmeee
So... Is the AC4 1080p "patch" out yet? 900p upscaled looks equal to 720 native on a 1080p native set. In other words, terrible if this is being called "Next Gen".

Up to this date all we have seen are screenshots from 1080p from the PC version and passed off as PS4 via marketing. I also love how Gamespot and Van ord are for * Sure * full of shit. There is no way the PS4 version looks better than the 360 or PS3 version of the game without a patch, that they didn't have, as they talked about how great everything looked above and beyond current gen. Unethical piles of trash. I wish that garbage was illegal.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So all these people talking about how much it looks better an resolution matters haven't even seen the 1080p versions yet for 2 different games?


Jesus Ut, shut the fuck up. You're just completely full of shit and mega thread shitting. No one is going to be swayed by you, give it a fucking rest. And 900p is definitely different than 720p. That's a ton of difference in resolution. Learn to do some basic math.

There's a 40% difference in resolution there. 40%.