The Boys


<Prior Amod>
So there was a comic series for this show. How much of comic was shown during "season 1"? Just curious what could be done for a second season, since the show seems to a one and done story.
oh there could easily be 3seasons

theres an entire tek-knight arc


<Bronze Donator>
Other than the usual boring Christian tropes i liked this a lot. I loved him wearing the Billy Joel shirt during the baptism.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Finished it up and it stayed great throughout all of it.

At the end, I expected
For Butcher to have been filming it all and using it to nuke Homelander's reputation as it was mentioned early on that it was the only thing that truly matters to them, but I'm happy with the end reveal, though I'm not sure where they're headed with it

that would have been a great idea but butcher is so single focus'd he's not too bright when it comes to things like that


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I like how this show makes you feel bad for Homelander. All the powers of Superman but raised in a lab and every single person who has ever been in his life has done nothing but manipulate and attempt to control him. For power, money, fame, and so on. That'd lead anyone to one incredibly warped sense of reality and morality.

Dude is a total asshole for sure but he didn't get there on his own.

I never read the comic or anything and I probably won't bother.





Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I like how this show makes you feel bad for Homelander. All the powers of Superman but raised in a lab and every single person who has ever been in his life has done nothing but manipulate and attempt to control him. For power, money, fame, and so on. That'd lead anyone to one incredibly warped sense of reality and morality.

Dude is a total asshole for sure but he didn't get there on his own.

I never read the comic or anything and I probably won't bother.
There is a lot of "Irreemable"/the Plutonian to Homelander, it feels like. The changes are so big, though, its really almost more inspired by than an adaptation of, given the way they ended the season. Don't get me wrong, I liked it! Its good, and they use the characters and some/much of the plot points but so much else has changed.
My mind was blown when they got to the end and his wife was still alive. HUGE change from the comic. Batman's parents lived-level of change. Also, huge twist upcoming from the Noir character thwarted making Homelander the Boys version of The Plutonian instead of what he was in the comic.

She's so smarmy and hot in this.
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I liked that ending.

Having the wife still alive and clearly smiling and happy in her new life of raising what they feel is a living god's baby, having casually abandoned her husband for an NDA and a sweet pocketful of cash really drove the point home that women are evil, conniving, backstabbing pieces of shit!

I'm not bitter, ur bitter.
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I liked that ending.

Having the wife still alive and clearly smiling and happy in her new life of raising what they feel is a living god's baby, having casually abandoned her husband for an NDA and a sweet pocketful of cash really drove the point home that women are evil, conniving, backstabbing pieces of shit!

I'm not bitter, ur bitter.
That's why I'm wondering where the next season goes.

Homelander is getting everything he wants now, 180 from where he was at the beginning but still the same powerful shitter overall. Butcher is getting double stuffed by this, is he going to double down?


From the trailers I had thought the guy playing Homelander was just going to be some low-rent Arnie Hammer, but the dude played the part perfectly. He nailed the eyes and mannerisms of a psychopath.
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<Prior Amod>
anyone curious about book vs tv series, i'll just post the obvious stuff
  • a train and the deep swap races, i guess the show wants to hit home the deep is a loser aquaman and blackman fast, right? also comic the deep looks more like bioshock than aquaman.
  • translucent is a new character entirely, he replaces (for now?) martian man hunter, i'm guessing it's a lot easier on the budget to have an invisible man vs. a green superman
  • the book focus on butcher, huey and terror the dog, the show only shows a dog cage, so no dog here, again probably easier on the budget not messing with a dog. Shame tho, dog was cool, he trained it to fuck on command, "terror fuck it!"
  • the female was always part of the OG team, but here it makes sense b/c in the show the OG team is just a bunch of ppl, while the female is a supe, in the comics everyone has taken compound V (even the fucking dog).
  • that is except for MM, in the comics his origins are... well very sketchy, also can't spoil his origins, it might play out
  • in tv the boys is mostly rag tag, in the comics they're an actual CIA unit that butcher is granted his own team.
  • in the comics its not the deep giving it to starlight, homeland/black noir and a train give her a bukake


Oh yeah was I the only one who feels like Homelander looked straight up like Jason Bateman in a few scenes? :p


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
That's why I'm wondering where the next season goes.

I think it's going to be hard to sell Butcher not completely losing his shit over all of it. He went from being a mostly regular dude to joining the CIA and becoming a complete monster. Killing anyone who got in the way of him finding out what happened to his wife. Who is apparently a total cunt and thought nothing of abandoning him and her whole family when the opportunity presented itself. Fuck that bitch. I hope Butcher kills her himself.

Homelander is going to see that he might have a chance at being somewhat normal and not having to regurgiate a script full of bullshit about the past he never had. Like I said earlier it's hard to really hate Homelander. Nobody has ever once treated him like a human being. But he has been made to act the part of one and just pretend he is. Even with the death of Stillwell Vought can't really get rid of Homelander and will continue doing what they have done to him his entire life. Which he is completely disillusioned by and probably won't tolerate much of. So they'll attack his reputation somehow. Just to throw him over the edge.

All the despicable shit Homelander did was almost explicitly for the benefit of Stillwell and the cash flow of Vought America. Doing what he has been shown and taught was the, "right" thing to do in this context. Not what may be right in a moral context or anything. The only questionable thing he personally did was fuck Butcher's wife... but who gives a shit about that. That's at least a human reaction to something.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Also I forgot to add. This show put down some glorious nerd shit as to why Homelander was unable to safely land the plane to the water. When Maeve asks him to fly against it to slow it down he correctly states that its not possible. That he would just go through it. Which is correct and sometimes the argument of physics nerds about Superman.

Being in a human body his enormous strength. Even if it is enough that he could physically stop the plane his hands are the only surface area he can use to push that strength. Which would result in him just going through the plane's exterior and not helping at all.


Egg Nazi
Funny, I disliked that scene exactly because of that argument. Only bad part of an otherwise awesome episode.

Because Homelander was an idiot and was wrong. When a plane lands its entire weight is resting on the landing gear. Hitting the runway at several hundred miles an hour, weighing fuck knows how much, and somehow the landing gear doesnt punch straight through the plane and shoot off into space, or whatever retarded bullshit Homelander spouted.

I wanted Mave to say "No you idiot. I didnt say fly at it like a bullet. I said fly underneath it, matching speeds, then slowly fly upwards while pushing on the plane." Catching a falling plane as its about to hit the ground? Probably not possible. Adding a tiny bit of lift and stability to a plane thats still gliding through the air, easing it down to a water landing? I see no reasonable argument against it. And Homelander certainly didnt present one.

Maybe they wanted to emphasize hes a psycho. Maybe they wanted to emphasize he's not super-smart, just super strong. Maybe it was a misguided easter egg for fans of the wrong side of internet nerd debates. I dunno.

Awesome show, this is a nitpick about an old nerd debate not the show.
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Egg Nazi
As a separate point. I see several people describing sympathy for Homelander. While I totally agree that they did a great job of making it so no one is black or white, and even the psycho villains are complex 3 dimensional characters, I dont actually feel any sympathy for Homelander. I get it, its a really good take on "what if superman was raised in a lab instead of my Ma Kent?", they did a great job. he's just still too hateable. he's Joffrey, you never really feel sorry for him even if you kind of understand how he got to be the way he is.

But the Deep, there is a dude I feel sympathy for. its surprising how they were able to (are we still doing spoilers?)
have him commit assault/rape in Ep 1 then by Ep 7 we're actually feeling bad for him.

Overall just an incredibly effective show, by the end I care about pretty much every character.

The bitch running Vought was inspired casting. As perfect for that role as RDJ for Iron Man. Born to play it. I've hated her in every other thing I've seen her in. She never loses that smug grin. Ever. But in this role, it was a perfect fit.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
From the trailers I had thought the guy playing Homelander was just going to be some low-rent Arnie Hammer, but the dude played the part perfectly. He nailed the eyes and mannerisms of a psychopath.
You need to watch banshee
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