The Dallas Cowboys Memorial (2015 Off-Season) Thread

What am I grieving? An injunction means Brady plays the entire season, and we all know they're a lock for a deep playoff run barring catastrophic unforeseen injuries.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
All of yall are breaking the rule established a page or two ago when talking to Azeth...



Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
What has goddell done to make them money over and above what any other warm body would have done?


Silver Squire
What has goddell done to make them money over and above what any other warm body would have done?
He gets the same credit or blame anyone gets when leading an organization or country. That said he has helped the owners in a lot of little ways and in the pocketbook in addition to the collective bargaining agreement negotiations which went well for the league.

NFLs Goodell shows team owners the money | New York Post

Ben Volin | Sunday Football Notes: Why do NFL owners still back Roger Goodell as commissioner? - Sports - The Boston Globe

Why NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Has Survived - WSJ


Golden Squire
What has goddell done to make them money over and above what any other warm body would have done?
For the most part Jerry is non-confrontational. But you're right, he's praise a monkey if it was commissioner. Goodell just happens to be the current monkey.


Ssraeszha Raider
That's a little sad to me, because he's basically saying he cares more about the money than the team. I mean, I guess that's not surprising, but it's still disappointing.
It's sad that he puts the league above his own team? You're really thing to turn that into somehow being selfish?


Ssraeszha Raider
Get the fuck out of here with that "he cares about the league" bullshit. He cares about the money. Don't be obtuse.
Jerry not fighting a salary cap penalty means he only cares about his money? Please explain how that makes any sense at all


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
From the NFLPA appeal

? There was no direct evidence in the Wells Report so the discipline was based on a made up ?general awareness? standard to justify such absurd and unprecedented punishment.

? Roger Goodell delegated his disciplinary authority to Troy Vincent, violating our Collective Bargaining Agreement, and then as the ?arbitrator,? he ruled on his own improper delegation, botching basic arbitration law and fundamental fairness.

? A collectively bargained policy already exists regarding tampering with equipment that provides only for fines, not suspensions. Troy Vincent ignored this policy when he issued his initial discipline. The policy that Vincent did apply to Brady only covers teams and team executives, not players. The NFL once again violated players? right to advance notice of discipline to try to justify unprecedented punishment.

? No player in NFL history has served a suspension for ?non-cooperation? or ?obstruction.? And, in this case, the evidence is paper-thin.

? The appeals hearing held on June 23, 2015 defied any concept of fundamental fairness and violated the principles of our CBA.
This is what they will nail Goodell on in court. Ultimately the court won't give a shit if he cheated or not, what they will care about is breach of contract/CBA and the inconsistent application of their various processes.