The Dallas Cowboys Memorial (2015 Off-Season) Thread


Bronze Squire
Clayton had a great take on the Geno situation on local radio today. Basically, "yeah, Geno was the one who ended up punched in the face and a broken jaw, that should never happen. But come on man, you are supposed to be a team leader and even the face of the franchise, you are putting yourself into a situation to get punched in the face over $600? Doesn't scream "leadership" at all."

Seriously though, as a 49ers fan am I allowed to mock the Jets after this? I mean if you compare the offseasons in a vacuum it isn't even close, Niners win (or lose I guess) that battle. But considering where they both were starting from... can I pull the "at least I'm not a Jets fan" card?

I guess it is a pretty sad state of affairs that I even have to ask the question.


Potato del Grande
I'm gonna take Geno's side on this one...

1. Why the fuck is some dipshit buying Geno's plane ticket? Geno can't figure out how to purchase airfare?
2. Why the fuck is some dipshit acting like he's a bookie and Geno owes him 50 grand and has been ducking him for weeks and missed several deadlines?

I do agree with everyone else though about how hilarious it is to see these retards throw away their fortunes (cause even if you ride the bench for 10 years you still made a ton of money).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Clayton had a great take on the Geno situation on local radio today. Basically, "yeah, Geno was the one who ended up punched in the face and a broken jaw, that should never happen. But come on man, you are supposed to be a team leader and even the face of the franchise, you are putting yourself into a situation to get punched in the face over $600? Doesn't scream "leadership" at all."

Seriously though, as a 49ers fan am I allowed to mock the Jets after this? I mean if you compare the offseasons in a vacuum it isn't even close, Niners win (or lose I guess) that battle. But considering where they both were starting from... can I pull the "at least I'm not a Jets fan" card?

I guess it is a pretty sad state of affairs that I even have to ask the question.
I think the Jags can even mock the Jets. Maybe not the Browns or Bucs or Raiders. Pretty much anyone else can laugh at the Jets.


Vyemm Raider
we should start getting some hilarity in about an hr..

10:30 goodell, brady & all their lawyers in chambers to discuss their progress (reports are,, there ain't none) on settling the issue- reports are brady's camp #1 requirement for the settlement starts with, no admission of guilt/involvement.

11:00 the settlement hearing starts.

figure it will take 20 minutes before the hilarity of the idiocy starts to get reported- remember, it's open to the public- ie there will be several reporters in the room (might have to leave to tweet/report, but..)

i figure nothing this week, next week the judge lays the hammer down on whichever side he "favors" (legally) to get the settlement done, finished and out of his courtroom(and onto appeals probably by whichever side loses out)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Some ex player was on Mike & Mike this morning and discussed his take on the Geno situation. He talked to people who were actually in the locker room. Apparently most things are true except for the punch was not a sucker punch. Geno was in his face wagging his finger basically saying "You ain't doing shit" so Ik clocked him. The story about the plane fare is true but he also said Ik was notoriously tight with money. So where someone else would let it blow over that you owed him some cash Ik simply couldn't let it go. So the argument wasn't really new it was a long simmering issue between the two that just headed off with Ik leveling Geno.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Some ex player was on Mike & Mike this morning and discussed his take on the Geno situation. He talked to people who were actually in the locker room. Apparently most things are true except for the punch was not a sucker punch. Geno was in his face wagging his finger basically saying "You ain't doing shit" so Ik clocked him. The story about the plane fare is true but he also said Ik was notoriously tight with money. So where someone else would let it blow over that you owed him some cash Ik simply couldn't let it go. So the argument wasn't really new it was a long simmering issue between the two that just headed off with Ik leveling Geno.
Is the dude on roids or something? Have some fucking sense, you're a backup sixth round LB you can't clock last year's starting QB like an idiot.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is the dude on roids or something? Have some fucking sense, you're a backup sixth round LB you can't clock last year's starting QB like an idiot.
According to the ex player the guy was extremely, extremely tightly wound about money. Geno then started to act arrogant and condescending about the situation which is apparently what really rustled Ik's jimmies.




Mr. Poopybutthole
He talked to people who were actually in the locker room. Apparently most things are true except for the punch was not a sucker punch. Geno was in his face wagging his finger basically saying "You ain't doing shit" so Ik clocked him.
Uh, that's a sucker punch.