The Dallas Cowboys Memorial (2015 Off-Season) Thread


Golden Baron of the Realm
What does Brady make approx. per game around a million? W/o a smoking gun I'd imagine lawsuits a flying, I don't see him going quietly in the night with a shit load of money on the line.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If Goodell doesn't throw the book at Brady* (and Belichick, because "ignorance is no excuse") there might be some head-hunting by the owners; Goodell has tarnished their brand, but he keeps bringing in money so we'll see. I liked Olberman's point about "innocent until proven guilty" being the case in a court of law but not in the case of a private entity. Brady*, through his explicit silence, looks guilty as hell. It really isn't that big of an issue, and I'm sure most QBs have massive respect for Brady*, but it's the "what really happened?!?" that keeps driving this story. Brady* is the only person that can answer that question, and he won't. Just for that, he should be suspended for conduct detrimental to the league.
Brady isn't the only one who can answer that question. There is also Jastremski and McNally. If there is a lengthy suspension for Brady because of all this, expect some draft picks to be taken away from the Patriots since they didn't let the NFL do all the interviews that they wanted like Kraft had initially promised.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
but it's the "what really happened?!?" that keeps driving this story. Brady* is the only person that can answer that question, and he won't.
How do you figure that? At least one equipment manager should know too.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What does Brady make approx. per game around a million? W/o a smoking gun I'd imagine lawsuits a flying, I don't see him going quietly in the night with a shit load of money on the line.
The NFL doesn't need a smoking gun though. After spygate, Goodell had the rules changed so that there is a lower threshold of standard of proof when there is a competitive violation. That's the whole point of the more probable than not in the Wells report.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It will be very interesting to see how Good King Roger handles this. It is one thing to spank down actual criminals, and another matter entirely to spank down one of the most popular and recognizable names in American sport for MORE PROBABLE THAN NOT being involved in something that seems to me to be more a matter of personal comfort than a huge, game changing advantage.


Bronze Squire
Really doesn't matter how small the advantage, if he gained an advantage then he needs to be punished. That is just my opinion though and I may be biased since I fired an employee over 87 cents.


Molten Core Raider
something that seems to me to be more a matter of personal comfort than a huge, game changing advantage.
This is the point I was trying to make. Brady (not his equipment managers) is the only person that can come out and explain this, and as long as he stays silent he looks more and more like the villain. His handling of the situation is more suspect than the actual situation of cheating. He likes to throw balls at a certain PSI that are under league rules, that's fine, and he should admit that, hell, he should appeal the rule. What's not fine would be the league working around his desired PSI and "retconning" or "bending" the rule to preserve his legacy--I really hope that doesn't happen. Brady made a mistake, he should fess up. This is all on Brady and Belichick (not the henchmen that did the deed) because henchmen don't exist without taking orders from someone.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If Brady* starts Week 1 you're not kicking off a new season with a great Thursday night match-up, you're just fueling more controversy (and possibly more money). Goodell has to know this. The punishments (if any) should come next week I would think.
Very true. Let them kick the Steelers ass week one, then indefinite suspension. Justice.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The most telling thing is that active starting quarterbacks either have not said a thing or said something along the lines of "who cares? This is being blown out of proportion". It's almost...almost as if they don't want attention on that practice! HMMMMMMMM.

The only QBs getting salty are the former ones sitting behind a desk or some crappy 3rd stringer.


Vyemm Raider
If Brady* starts Week 1 you're not kicking off a new season with a great Thursday night match-up, you're just fueling more controversy (and possibly more money). Goodell has to know this. The punishments (if any) should come next week I would think.
Everyone is still tuning in because it's two big franchises, we all miss football, and everyone wants to see how good New England could be without Brady.


Vyemm Raider
Weren't they good without Brady before? I thought they made the play offs without him when he was injured.
They are good without him. They went 11-5 with Matt Cassel and missed the playoffs because they lost the tiebreaker to Miami, who was also 11-5.

Edit: Personally I think it's a lot more Belichick than Brady.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The most telling thing is that active starting quarterbacks either have not said a thing or said something along the lines of "who cares? This is being blown out of proportion". It's almost...almost as if they don't want attention on that practice! HMMMMMMMM.

The only QBs getting salty are the former ones sitting behind a desk or some crappy 3rd stringer.
We've established, the 'everyone is doing it' defense isn't allowed in this thread, and if you don't think Brady should be suspended for an entire year you're just a dumb, biased Pats fan. So it is written!

I'm pretty sure even other owners don't want to open this can of worms. They were worried enough with Bountygate and that shit show. Now, the league is going to set the precedent that one team can complain and/or the league can suspect something, send in their own investigators, and if your start player was more likely than not to generally know of a competition violation be suspended? That's not something any owner wants.

The most unsurprising thing out of all this is, once again, how fucking dumb the NFL looks. If this were such a big deal to have this incident be such a big fucking deal, and PSI was so important, and regulations be taken so seriously, why was the NFL policy to kinda sometimes check the balls and then just give them back to the team and kinda seem to know about issues/complaints and not really follow up on them until a playoff game.

The NFL more than any league seems understand things are happening, and be hush-hush about them, and then one day blow the whistle on it when they choose or have to. Instead of just dealing with shit up front and proactively.

My bet is an outside investigation would show the NFL was more likely than not to have general knowledge that under-inflation had been occurring, and with other teams, and other star QBs, and after initially cooperating would lock down access to anything and everything... because that sounds exactly how the NFL operates.

Honest question: Why did the NFL suddenly start locking this shit down now? Have no other balls ever been found to be under inflated? Have no other teams been suspected of doing this, or even complained about or reported? Was this the first time the issue came up regarding the Pats? Have no other QBs hinted or stated they like their balls under-inflated?

Suspend Brady all they want, it doesn't mean this whole thing isn't as fucked as just about everything the NFL has done under Goodell. He seems more intent on dick-wagging than actually running the league, and it's only fun when the teams you hate are getting mushroom stamped. The way he swings his jock around is certainly scary for all teams and players, though, which is why I suspect far more active players, coaches and owners will support a lighter punishment for Brady than the retired, retread reject analysts declaring all sorts of hyperbolic bullshit about how it will tarnish the great name of the NFL if they don't throw the book at Brady, when meanwhile the NFL botches so many other punishments and rulings and pretends shit isn't going on until they're forced to face it, plead ignorance, and then claim ignorance is no excuse when they, themselves are throwing down justice.

Imagine how much of a fight the NFL would put up if the players union came out with an investigation they commissioned against the League saying they more probably than not generally knew some nefarious shit was going on. The NFL and Goodell would bring in lawyers for the day-one presser!

All leagues and teams work under the cunning of hypocrisy, the NFL just got so bad at it under Goodell!


Everyone is doing it a terrible defense anyway. That's like a guy getting a ticket screaming at a cop that cars are speeding right in front of him.

The Saint's tried to pull that crap, and then they brought up we warned you guys before we suspended you, and you still did it anyway!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I dunno about the speeding ticket thing. I've seen traffic all going 5-8 MPH over, flow and all, and a cop weaving through to pick one car to pull over. Fuck that. That's why other teams in the NFL are scared of Goodell, not because he's the big-badass he wants people to think, but shit like that. I agree, "everyone is doing it" is a terrible defense, unless everyone (or plenty) ARE doing it and the NFL pretends they don't know until they're ready to selectively punish someone or until they're called out on the issue where they deny they knew anyone was doing it, claim it wasn't widespread and an isolated incident and will be punished severely. And, of course, shit comes out, they look like hypocritical idiots, try to backslide, and it's a cluster fuck.

What?! Domestic violence in the NFL? This is a shocking new discovery we had no idea even could exist in our league!

I at least respect Baseball and the stance that players will do a lot of petty shit, but your crime is being obvious about it. And if you're a bitch and complain, your own players will be like shut the fuck up, dude, we have pitchers too!


Ssraeszha Raider
We've established, the 'everyone is doing it' defense isn't allowed in this thread, and if you don't think Brady should be suspended for an entire year you're just a dumb, biased Pats fan. So it is written!

I'm pretty sure even other owners don't want to open this can of worms. They were worried enough with Bountygate and that shit show. Now, the league is going to set the precedent that one team can complain and/or the league can suspect something, send in their own investigators, and if your start player was more likely than not to generally know of a competition violation be suspended? That's not something any owner wants.

The most unsurprising thing out of all this is, once again, how fucking dumb the NFL looks. If this were such a big deal to have this incident be such a big fucking deal, and PSI was so important, and regulations be taken so seriously, why was the NFL policy to kinda sometimes check the balls and then just give them back to the team and kinda seem to know about issues/complaints and not really follow up on them until a playoff game.

The NFL more than any league seems understand things are happening, and be hush-hush about them, and then one day blow the whistle on it when they choose or have to. Instead of just dealing with shit up front and proactively.

My bet is an outside investigation would show the NFL was more likely than not to have general knowledge that under-inflation had been occurring, and with other teams, and other star QBs, and after initially cooperating would lock down access to anything and everything... because that sounds exactly how the NFL operates.

Honest question: Why did the NFL suddenly start locking this shit down now? Have no other balls ever been found to be under inflated? Have no other teams been suspected of doing this, or even complained about or reported? Was this the first time the issue came up regarding the Pats? Have no other QBs hinted or stated they like their balls under-inflated?

Suspend Brady all they want, it doesn't mean this whole thing isn't as fucked as just about everything the NFL has done under Goodell. He seems more intent on dick-wagging than actually running the league, and it's only fun when the teams you hate are getting mushroom stamped. The way he swings his jock around is certainly scary for all teams and players, though, which is why I suspect far more active players, coaches and owners will support a lighter punishment for Brady than the retired, retread reject analysts declaring all sorts of hyperbolic bullshit about how it will tarnish the great name of the NFL if they don't throw the book at Brady, when meanwhile the NFL botches so many other punishments and rulings and pretends shit isn't going on until they're forced to face it, plead ignorance, and then claim ignorance is no excuse when they, themselves are throwing down justice.

Imagine how much of a fight the NFL would put up if the players union came out with an investigation they commissioned against the League saying they more probably than not generally knew some nefarious shit was going on. The NFL and Goodell would bring in lawyers for the day-one presser!

All leagues and teams work under the cunning of hypocrisy, the NFL just got so bad at it under Goodell!
Such horribly biased bullshit. The "EVERYONE DOES IT LOL" defense is mocked because there's absolutely no evidence that anyone else is doing it. You're also full of shit about owners being scared and not wanting this to be pursued before they all now they're guilty or whatever stupidity you're trying to say.

You're literally making all of this up and that's why we make fun of you. The NFL isn't running some huge anti-Patriot conspiracy, you guys really are just filthy cheaters.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>

I'm not a Pats fan. I'm a raiders fan. Do the math on that, fucktard.

I don't think it's a conspiracy. It's Goodell dick-wagging any chance he gets, and the NFL only responding to anything when there is media or public outcry and running the league like a drunk, abusive dad.

In dick, eat my shorts, maan.