The Dallas Cowboys Memorial (2015 Off-Season) Thread


Golden Baron of the Realm
Just like when Suh does something stupid on field, they know he has done it before, so he gets harsher penalties and fines because of it.
Yea but if Suh stomps Aaron Rodgers head in the ground the Dolphins wouldn't be fined $1,00,000 and lose 2 draft picks....I don't give a fuck how many times he stomped him.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The point you should have taken away from my post is that they have a history of doing shady things for a competitive advantage, and that's why they get harsher fines. Incidentally, if Suh was caught stomping on someone's head now, he'd most likely get banned from the NFL and lose all his pay.


Ssraeszha Raider
The point you should have taken away from my post is that they have a history of doing shady things for a competitive advantage, and that's why they get harsher fines. Incidentally, if Suh was caught stomping on someone's head now, he'd most likely get banned from the NFL and lose all his pay.
He also conveniently ignores the point that the Patriots were very much involved in obstructing the investigation. They not only told Wells they couldn't interview Mcnally again, but they wouldn't even tell him they asked.

Act like arrogant pricks and then throw a temper tantrum when it backfires.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea I can't wait for this shit to get to court, the NFL needs to be put in it's place. This whole position they have do as we say or you're fucked needs to go away. Who gives a fuck if Brady didn't cooperate. If my very expensive lawyers told me not to do something I sure as fuck wouldn't. What will even be funnier is when the courts over turn this shit and the Wells report didn't find coaching/owner wrong doing, the Patriots I'm assuming would get back their draft picks and fine. If I was Brady I would drag this thing out as long as I could just to see how many millions I could cost the league in legal expenses.
I heard something today that the theory is the Pats laid all their cards in that rebuttal because they don't want this to go to court because then they would be compelled to turn over a whole lot more shit (and potentially uncover more shit) in front of a judge. If you are planning a court case, you don't lay your entire case on a website to be picked apart down the road.


Potato Supreme
News Flash: The Patriots will play 6 of their 8 home games in London. A seventh home game will be played at a neutral site... like Buffalo. And the 8th home game will be played in Foxborough. Should the Patriots make the playoffs (and let's be serious, they play in the AFC East, the Raiders could win that division if they swapped with the Patriots), they will play any home playoff games in Jacksonville. (Because the tarps really need cleaning and it would be a good excuse to get them out of the stadium)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The Vikings were caught red handed so not much point in trying to cover it up. Basically the commissioners office is railroading the pats because they are pissed about the team's defiance and past history. Sorry but that shouldn't be enough to start tossing your dick around because you feel jilted. We all know the pats did it but this is the same overreaction that made the league look like morons in their handling of the domestic violence incidents over the past year. If you screwed up in the past you don't get to make up for it later in this fashion.

Goodell has some giant balls not stepping aside for the appeal.
Actually, Vikings didnt warm footballs in November | ProFootballTalk

The Vikings were not heating balls on the sidelines. It was the Panthers.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, the Vikings are from a cold ass state. They would be more used to low PSI balls than the team from the Carolinas. Probably the same reason Rogers likes high PSI's fucking cold in Green Bay and he probably prefers a higher PSI ball, so they try to submit balls over regulation to account for that.

Honestly they should just open the door and let teams do whatever. Ultimately it is going to come down to what is comfortable for the QB to throw.


Golden Squire
If the Pats had just cooperated from the start, including Tom handing over his phone, it's pretty much a given that this shit would be gone by now. They spurned the NFL, and the NFL is a bat-shit-crazy Mexican chick whowill make you pay, es?.


Ssraeszha Raider
The worst part is this is all time that could be spent talking about the Cowboys and how awesome Jerry Jones is


Trakanon Raider
Yea but if Suh stomps Aaron Rodgers head in the ground the Dolphins wouldn't be fined $1,00,000 and lose 2 draft picks....I don't give a fuck how many times he stomped him.
This may have already been brought up, but don't the pats get to keep the 4mil that they wont have to pay brady while he is suspended? 4m>1m fine?
seems so silly to fine such a rich organization such a tiny amount, if they are guilty it should be like 10m fine+ taken off their salary cap limit or somethin meaningful.


Ssraeszha Raider
Not sure where you get $4mil from, he's only making $1.8mil for those 4 games.

Either way it's an insignificant amount of money for the Patriots


Trakanon Raider
ESPN said the pats get to keep all 4 of his 500k game checks. back when the story first broke. So 2m i guess? whatever, still more than the fine which is the part that seems pointless to me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It is pointless, that's kind of the (lack of)point. They have to be seen doing something, but they aren't going to shit on the posterboy chapter of their marketing franchise. I still think Brady will appeal the process and get like... 1 game at worst. Which is what he should have got initially for being a tard about the whole thing, instead of letting it get to where it is now.

I don't think that any reasonable football fan thinks that any of these little cheating bits really matters in the long run, as the Patriots are a good team and they would have been a powerful force with or without the bullshit. The problem is that they tried to cover up and hide the information, which is just a shitty thing to do if you are already a good team. Did the balls being different pressures make other teams toss interceptions or really improve receivers' chances of catching Brady's crazy accurate tosses? Probably not enough to warrant a reconsideration of their entire dynasty. But if the main guys in the situation and the team at large are going to be big shitheads about the process when they have been caught doing something incredibly minor but still stupid, it makes the entire team look like assholes and to casual fans "cheating" assholes. The rest of us just go "Yeah, that might have accounted for 10% improvement for the Pats. Which means they would have only blown out other teams 1/10th as often, since they blow out so many teams." I don't honestly think that anyone in this thread thinks the pats wouldn't have won most of the games they did without doing the ball shit. It is just incredibly annoying when they deny doing it, even if it would have had minimal effect on their efficacy. Why lie when you don't have to? That is honestly the real issue.