The E-cig Thread


Molten Core Raider
Most people who smoke are scumbags. I feel that their e-cig scumming should be relegated to the outdoors as well.


<Bronze Donator>
I ended up buying a Vamo variable power vaporizer and a 6 ml tank on Monday from a local shop up here in the Cities. The Vamo is on the way cheaper side of things as far as the variable power supplies go, but this shop had the option of selling me on a more feature rich option that was twice the price and they claimed the vaping experience was similar.

Anyway, I'm loving the experience so far. I tried e cigs a few years ago either before tanks even existed or maybe just weren't popular. The small cigarette like batteries didn't duplicate the smoking experience well enough and I thought direct dripping into a nicer e cig was just such a hassle. This tank setup takes care of all of that. Really nice.

You dudes making suggestions, am I going to get a much better experience from the more expensive variable power sources or once you jump to that level is just the features that are causing the crazy price increases? Cost isn't a huge deal to me but I'm all about getting as much vapor as possible.


I'm assuming they're talking about the evic ( I don't think you'll notice much difference in the performance, but the evic definitely has more bells and whistles. It counts how many puffs you take, you can upgrade the software via usb, you can set puff limiters if you only want to take x# puffs in one day, etc etc.

I like mine because I'm a gadget guy, but I primarily use a telescopic/mechanical ecig so I can swap out the batteries/size depending on where I'm going.


<Gold Donor>
The only thing that would be nice IMo is a mod that showed you the resistance of your coils. But even then you dont really need it because you can just adjust the voltage untill you are satisfied with your vape.


Oh yea, the evic shows you that also. I think it's good to know so you don't put 5v of power to a 1.5ohm cartomizer and burn it out. I also use it as an ohm meter in a pinch when I'm recoiling a rebuildable atomizer =)


<Gold Donor>
Well I guess the vamo can do this as well. So its all good. There is no way that a $150+mod would be so much better price vs performance wise. The vamos can be had from China for $40.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah I have some of those coming in the mail. I got the 3.5ml version. They seem nice without the wicks, although they are basically throw away items unless you can rebuild them somehow.

Here is the ones I got...


Im also looking at the Kanger pro tank, thos one seems like a better solution because you can rebuild them. But they seem to be sold out everywhere I look.



<Bronze Donator>
Yeah you have to replace the cartomizer every couple of weeks but they are only like 3 bucks.


<Gold Donor>
So this past friday I got 2 different juices from vaporbomb. One was Peppermint and the other was Chocolate mint. They also sent me a trial vial of Caramel Candy. Thry are all 50/50 mix with 18mg nic.

I love the Peppermint. Great throat hit and it tastes like that mint candy you get from the restaurants after dinner. Definitely like this.

The Chocolate mint is OK, do not like it as much as the Peppermint. I taste more chocolate than mint but the overall flavor is muted and not as good on the throat hit.

The Caramel Candy is good as well. It tastes awesome, but hardly no throat hit. But that being said, I still like this one. I will definitely be trying some more of the vanilla flavors in the future.


Tranny Chaser
How's the quitting part going, mkopec? Are you enjoying playing alchemist so far?

Latest news I read on the subject today, was that my national CDC (Europe) reports increased nicotine poisoning incidences in children and adults. Specifically children finding e-cig juice bottles with enticing and colorful pictures of strawberry etc. and adults aspirating the juice due to malfunctioning e-cigs or misapplication in general. The main concern being even small doses of nicotine is lethal, naturally.

Have you or those around you had any accidents so far, mkopec?



Legal Ephebophile
My girlfriend hasn't used her e-cig for the past three days and says she has no desire to either. She isn't even taking it to work with her. So for her, vaping definitely paved the way for her quitting completely. She had smoked for 9 straight years and the gum, patch, cold turkey etc never worked for her. I don't think she was ever able to quit for more than like 24 hours lol. Hopefully she doesn't have any desire to go back to her e-cig, but she has told me that she absolutely has no desire for an actual cigarette.


Tranny Chaser
Good for her - and you as a 2nd hand smoker

Get back to us with 1 year cessation status - I hope she stays clean.



Legal Ephebophile
I'm not a second hand smoker. She quit as soon as we started dating, I'm the one who bought her the e-cig.


Tranny Chaser
I'm not a second hand smoker. She quit as soon as we started dating, I'm the one who bought her the e-cig.
With regards to e-cig vapor, you are - or were

I'm curious, will you keep her around if she has relapses, e-cig and/or cigarettes? What about the other way around - Do you think she will stick with you after going through this or are you the devil whom cost her the 'nicotine friend'? Anyway, good luck with your project




Legal Ephebophile
Well since no one has proved e-cig vapor is harmful, I'm completely fine with that.

No, I'd dump her if she smoked actual cigarettes. I have a zero tolerance policy for it. She doesn't wanna smoke around her kids anyway, so she is thankful that I pushed her in the right direction since she lacked the willpower on her own to quit. She also was appreciative that I got her the e-cig to help her quit instead of just expecting her to do it cold turkey.


Tranny Chaser
Well since no one has proved e-cig vapor is harmful, I'm completely fine with that.

No, I'd dump her if she smoked actual cigarettes. I have a zero tolerance policy for it. She doesn't wanna smoke around her kids anyway, so she is thankful that I pushed her in the right direction since she lacked the willpower on her own to quit. She also was appreciative that I got her the e-cig to help her quit instead of just expecting her to do it cold turkey.
Principle of precaution - nicotine is very harmful, very small doses can be lethal. Not knowing if the juice itself is harmful does not make it safe. We've been over the cognitive dissonance this stems from. If every substance was allowed until proven hazardous the 1st world would be a very different place. I'd rather we, all, use precaution when it is prudent - like when we already have safer and thoroughly documented methods for cessation.

Thank you for elaborating on the other questions

So it's more about you and your policy rather than her and her children?
Did she use the nicotine vapor in front of her kids then?
Why the dichotomy - e-cig and cold turkey? There are numerous personal options for nicotine uptake such as sprays, melters, inhalers, patches etc. None of them harm or affect those around the user.
I hope she can stay clean and you toss away the nicotine bottles with the same vigor you gave it to her. If one of her kids find one and drink it I'd not want to be in your shoes. Just a thought

