The Elder Scrolls Online

If the leveling is that fast, they better have one hell of an end game in plan for longevity's sake until the first xpac. We don't need another amazing MMO launch whose servers empty out after the first month.
Hmm, I kinda want this game to be good since I enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, but I have to admit that given therelease date is 4-5 months awayand they are only beta testing 1-17 content which people will blow through in a few days, with intermittent server up time no less, is cause for .... extreme concern? Seems highly probably either release date will be pushed back again or this will be another paid beta after release game?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Hmm, I kinda want this game to be good since I enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, but I have to admit that given therelease date is 4-5 months awayand they are only beta testing 1-17 content which people will blow through in a few days, with intermittent server up time no less, is cause for .... extreme concern? Seems highly probably either release date will be pushed back again or this will be another paid beta after release game?
This game is * NOTHING * like the games you mentioned. And for you idiots that think I just sit here and bash the game, that post directly above me is why. The viral bullshit this thread has seen thus far has done nothing but spread mass confusion to sell boxes. When that bullshit stops and this game gets talked about the way it should be, I'll quiet down a bit. Until then, the entire marketing spin of this is a complete sham, and good posters here deserve to know the fucking truth.

And yes Astral, you are correct. What happened here is that Paul Sage was given 3 years, most of the assets, and then went top down crazy on his team after he was promoted to replace Zeb Cook, in which that promotion went to the wrong person. The end result is PvP was literally 2 guys for 4 years and is only being developed now, the 35-50 game isn't complete, and the 25-35 just entered F&F Beta and is a fucking mess. Yes, combine that with a hard launch date in 5 months which ZM has passed down, and you have yourself a game in which the 1-17 game they are showing is to try and hype folks up, because that is all they have to show. The 1-17 game is still very mediocre even after 7 passes. (Yes, seven passes).

In the end, this game is nothing like Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim - but that won't stop them from trying to pitch it that way because eveyrone on this team from the top down knows all they are doing now is getting a shipped title on their resume so they can get the fuck out. Christ, about 65% of this team is already queued to move to Battlecry and work for Vogel. And it can all start over again. Seriously.

When there is a game discuss, go nuts and discuss it. Until then the entire thing is one giant smokescreen to fool the masses into buying a box because it says elder scrolls on it.


I've never played TESO and didn't get a beta invite but there's a distinct possibility that it may not be the worst MMO to launch 2014, and with expectations so low people might even be pleasantly surprised by it if it's not a complete steaming pile of shit. Hopefully people leak a lot of screenshots and video to see what it's actually like.

Sad as it may seem I'm betting Warlords of Draenor will be the best MMO release of 2014


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That is kind of fucked up, really. I mean shit, the Elder Scrolls games are some of the best PvE/RPG experiences you can have. Why then design a game totally different from what your main audience is expecting? As I understand it, this is supposed to be PvP centric all the way through as well, another mind boggling decision considering the style you have provided the fanbase over the years. And if it is really just being started now? Lol.

I mean, I am normally annoyingly optimistic about everything, but even I sense this shit is heading for a spectacular doom that will make SWTOR look like WoW.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I've never played TESO and didn't get a beta invite but there's a distinct possibility that it may not be the worst MMO to launch 2014, and with expectations so low people might even be pleasantly surprised by it if it's not a complete steaming pile of shit. Hopefully people leak a lot of screenshots and video to see what it's actually like.

Sad as it may seem I'm betting Warlords of Draenor will be the best MMO release of 2014
MMO's are dead. Killed by the people that made them to begin with.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
That is kind of fucked up, really. I mean shit, the Elder Scrolls games are some of the best PvE/RPG experiences you can have. Why then design a game totally different from what your main audience is expecting? As I understand it, this is supposed to be PvP centric all the way through as well, another mind boggling decision considering the style you have provided the fanbase over the years. And if it is really just being started now? Lol.

I mean, I am normally annoyingly optimistic about everything, but even I sense this shit is heading for a spectacular doom that will make SWTOR look like WoW.
Because Matt Firor and Paul Sage are scam artists who care nothing about games themselves and selling on their own merits. Next step is to protect the budget investment and fool the market into thinking it is the next Elder Scrolls game. It's why they have had zero coverage on the game and won't up until the very last moments when they can lift the hood, people buy 3-4 million worth of boxes thinking it's th enext elder scrolls game, and the masses get fooled.


MMO's are dead. Killed by the people that made them to begin with.
False. ESO may or may not be a bad game but reports of the death of MMO's is greatly exaggerated. The genre just has to come to the 21st centrury. No longer can MMO's get by with substandard gameplay or graphics just because it's a MMORPG.

When good developers get together, we will see good MMO's.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
False. ESO may or may not be a bad game but reports of the death of MMO's is greatly exaggerated. The genre just has to come to the 21st centrury. No longer can MMO's get by with substandard gameplay or graphics just because it's a MMORPG.

When good developers get together, we will see good MMO's.
Good developers * HAVE * gotten together. You aren't going to see shit until the top down designers on top are gone. And that isn't happening. Rich Vogel is starting development now after formation of Battlecry to start this fucking mess all over again. Georgeson is leading his team into the fucking ground with the same relics of the passed that haven't brought you anything but lip service for the last 10 years. Firor and Sage in charge of the TESO mess. Nothing is changing.

Absolutely fucking nothing.

It's the same fucking people selling the publishers and consumers the same fucking scams.

Do you get this?


Golden Squire
While MMOs aren't dead, the gaming landscape is drastically different than it was in 1999-2005.

The bar for "perceived success" is so unrealistically high that no MMO will ever hit it. Also it's very difficult to talk anyone into playing just one (or mainly one) game for years on end. There's a lot more to play. Most games, even great ones, are done in a month or two (if not a lot quicker). Typical single player game is like what, 15 hours? RPGs still get up to 40 hours or so pretty commonly, but that's it. Not to mention the domination by the console market, while MMOs are still largely PC-only. Times have changed.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
While MMOs aren't dead, the gaming landscape is drastically different than it was in 1999-2005.

The bar for "perceived success" is so unrealistically high that no MMO will ever hit it. Also it's very difficult to talk anyone into playing just one (or mainly one) game for years on end. There's a lot more to play. Most games, even great ones, are done in a month or two (if not a lot quicker). Typical single player game is like what, 15 hours? RPGs still get up to 40 hours or so pretty commonly, but that's it. Not to mention the domination by the console market, while MMOs are still largely PC-only. Times have changed.
I agree and disagree. Agree that while I played EQ I watched about 50 great games pass by that I didn't play. But that has always been the case. There have always been a plethora of other games to play. Thing is, we didn't have social media sites back then and we weren't always connected. We connected through the games. Those times have definitely changed.

The main problem is the games are fucking horseshit because they are led by the same damn people that fucked up the last launch. Nothing new is coming to the table, and with development costs equal to or even greater than MMORPG design today with current art asset production and tech, it now all points to what we really knew all along. Some teams stay on track. Some have bastardized top down development managers that * SHOULD NOT BE IN THE INDUSTRY - Hello Paul Sage * and literally destroy everything they fucking touch. We have people like Rich Vogel who is utterly and COMPLETELY clueless, and after 2 abject failures, continued to get hired because he has "Shipped" on his resume.

While this happens throughout the industry as a whole, nothing has ever been more incestuous then the MMORPG genre and the same leaders that have stagnated everything. Which ironically enough was shattered ONE TIME by two guys who just played the games and new what was fun and what wasn't. And they hit 12 million. The lack of common sense in this genre from a design stand point is fucking astounding. And how any business continues to hire these idiots is beyond me.


Unelected Mod
Over half the posts on this page are Utnayan repeating the same fucking thing in every post. We can't talk about the game at all (whether good or bad) because it gets covered up in his shit constantly. What a joke.


He's really become a parody of himself, I don't know why he has latched on to this low hanging fruit so tightly. Everyone knows it will suck and he still continues with the act like he's bringing truth to the sheeple while the world is out to stop him


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
We are having a discussion. Because of how the game has been marketed there is nothing to discuss but conjecture, so since I have played the game for over 5 months, and you fucking haven't and have no clue what the hell you are talking about, we can continue on discussing the state of the genre until ZO decides to release some real information or people want to talk about their weekend beta experience here.

Go play in traffic. Bruman and I an a lot of others were having a good discussion.


One thing I wonder and I think a reasonable question for any mmo , is would it survive without the IP?

In other words , are the mechanics and gameplay good enough to attract/keep enough people without the name of whatever be it, Elder Scrolls/Star Wars and so on.

EQ/DAOC did fine in this department with no previous IP to launch them on , and I think it's obvious WoW was an excellent game overall at launch that would have done well without the Warcraft name once word got out about it (likely not as big but definitely successful).

Now a good IP helps obviously, but if the IP is required to sustain the game, I think that's a sign of a terrible game. I know a month'ish into SWTOR I realized if this did not have the Star Wars name and lightsabers were just "generic X name" I either would have already quit or likely never bought it. I quit very short after that.

So , if the Elder Scrolls Online was Generic Fantasy Name Online , would it stand a chance ?


Unelected Mod
Yep, he has 493, next closest is Blackwulf with 293.
We are having a discussion.
You aren't having a discussion, you are shouting everyone else down that disagrees with you. Also,[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */calling me an e-stalker. Dude, your stalking of these game developers has been going on for years and its goddamn scary.

ESO might suck, it might be good, however you sure as fuck aren't adding any more information to it by saying how much you hate game developers. Go fuck yourself and get out of this thread so we can talk about the game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Which ironically enough was shattered ONE TIME by two guys who just played the games and new what was fun and what wasn't. And they hit 12 million. The lack of common sense in this genre from a design stand point is fucking astounding. And how any business continues to hire these idiots is beyond me.
I wonder if part of the problem is that there hasn't been another two guys quite like those two to get sucked up by an enterprising game company to help them guide their shit?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
UT will be donating to Brads KS.

I actually want a game that keeps me playing for years again. I'm not tempted by all these new releases bc I know they are shit. I have a beta this weekend. Not sure if I will give this a go or not. Just doesn't so anything for me.