The Elder Scrolls Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
surveys are shit, the I'm-just-gonna-play-this-for-three-months dickweed gets as much a vote as the dedicated fan who would put five years into it. And the dickweed is far more common, therefore the fans votes get drowned out in the sea of instant gratification bitches.
Anyone have a Full beta account(no weekend shit)? Why go though the pain of playing this game when you can give it to me. Shiny Wildstar friend key in it for you. Pm me.
Are there people with full beta accounts? How is this possible , there were so many under 10th lvl quests that were so god damn easy to bug out and make it impossible to complete unless there is a server reset.


Gunnar Durden
Played like 9min. Boring as fuck.

The survey was the nail in the coffin... really Bethesda?, a survey that takes one fucking hour to fill? wtf....

this game is already dead.
Jesus christ, Dramatic much? Go read some Sylvia Plath.

An Hour Survey in Beta? You mean actually doing the WORK you agreed to by being a tester?

Beta Testing isnt about getting free access to a game ahead of time. Its putting in WORK to help shape and fix a game.

The problem is basically only Neckbeards that want to grind the game to completion and shit on it on a forum get access.


Gunnar Durden
I guarantee you that 99 percent of the people complaining about the game havent or wont give any official feedback or fill anything out.
During the beta weekend before this one, I started filling out the feedback and then midway through I realized I didn't give a shit. This game is everything that is wrong with this genre.


Gunnar Durden
Case in point. Dont sign up for something you dont plan to follow through with.

What was wrong with it? Everything? Wow thanks. Your non input really shaped this game and futures in the genre.

You did a great service.
Case in point. Dont sign up for something you dont plan to follow through with.

What was wrong with it? Everything? Wow thanks. Your non input really shaped this game and futures in the genre.

You did a great service.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't ask your permission before trying out a game I was initially interested in. People in this thread have already described what is wrong with it. I'm not going to waste time and beat a dead horse.


FPS noob
are you fucking retarded Gunnar, a game that has been in development for what, 6 years, isn't going to suddenly change around a bunch of shit 3 months before launch due to beta surveys. Whoever said it earlier called it right, the beta survey is so goddamn long because only spergy fanbois will fill it out and praise the fuck out of the game, so someone can cover his ass and say "see see the beta testers love the game, everyone put all 10s everywhere!"

You are stupid as fuck if you think betas have ANYTHING to do with actually iteratively changing the game anymore. Betas are a publicity stunt to get more attention, and a way to do some last minute stress testing in real world conditions. Zero fucks are given about bug reports, 99.99999% of the bugs in the game are found by internal QA testers and the only reason they don't get fixed is that someone has to make the call: will fixing this bug make things more unstable? At this point all they are doing is finishing content and fixing bugs that stop progression, but its kind of sad to see how many of the latter there are and STILL tons and tons and tons of placeholder stuff (voice acting, quest hubs, NPC interaction and crafting not working, addons not working, on and on).


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I guarantee you that 99 percent of the people complaining about the game havent or wont give any official feedback or fill anything out.
People have been making the same complaints via the surveys for almost a year now.
are you fucking retarded Gunnar, a game that has been in development for what, 6 years, isn't going to suddenly change around a bunch of shit 3 months before launch due to beta surveys. Whoever said it earlier called it right, the beta survey is so goddamn long because only spergy fanbois will fill it out and praise the fuck out of the game, so someone can cover his ass and say "see see the beta testers love the game, everyone put all 10s everywhere!"

You are stupid as fuck if you think betas have ANYTHING to do with actually iteratively changing the game anymore. Betas are a publicity stunt to get more attention, and a way to do some last minute stress testing in real world conditions. Zero fucks are given about bug reports, 99.99999% of the bugs in the game are found by internal QA testers and the only reason they don't get fixed is that someone has to make the call: will fixing this bug make things more unstable? At this point all they are doing is finishing content and fixing bugs that stop progression, but its kind of sad to see how many of the latter there are and STILL tons and tons and tons of placeholder stuff (voice acting, quest hubs, NPC interaction and crafting not working, addons not working, on and on).
All of this. They are about 2 and a half months from their hard release of April 4th. Nothing is changing.


Where's Blackwulf, interested in what he has to say
Yeah, he was supposed to get back to us with his thoughts on bow combat.

Or maybe he did and I missed it.
I'm here, boys. I really don't come to these forums much anymore - I'm finding that it's pretty clear my tastes in RPG's and MMO's are not very closely aligned with the majority of you folks. The last few pages of this forum make that pretty clear.

Sure, I'll put the pinata suit on and you can bash me for a while: Yes, I actually did enjoy the shit out of this recent beta weekend. I tried the bow, and got to 11 using only the bow, not even any class abilities. It was fine. Nothing awesome, but some of the bow skills were cool - like I could do an AOE volley that dropped fire arrows on an area and set it alight, and I had a nice little knock back shot. I experienced none of the things someone above posted about having random power attacks, or no attack happen when you click. Really fast click - nothing shoots. Normal click, you shoot a fast, low power attack. Hold the button till your guy does his long draw animation, you get a power attack. Every time. Truth of the matter is I've always been a melee guy, and I'll say that I enjoy melee in this game a hell of a lot more than the ranged skills.

The new systems they had in this weekend (crafting, and dark anchors) were very fun. My guild and I did a high level anchor in Cyrodiil on Saturday and it was awesome. The monsters popping out of the portals and the visuals/sounds put Rift's "rifts" to shame.

The level of polish on this patch was pretty good. Yeah, they still have a problem with several quests getting stuck - a certain NPC not spawning is usually the problem. I found the workaround for this was to log out and back in and you'd be in another instance with the NPC spawning as intended. I'm sure they'll nail this one down before launch.

Let's see - audio and visual quality surpasses any MMO I've played, and I've played most of them. Character development is extremely rich and engaging. I have many builds I want to try and lots of skills I want to acquire and test out. I never had more than one quest on my screen at a time - that was a nice relief from the list of objectives in most MMO's. Cyrodiil was fun as hell, once again. I only played there for a few hours on Saturday, because it was bugged out on Sunday. I did manage to get into a low level 4 man dungeon and it was very fun and a lot more challenging than typical lowbie dungeon content.

I could go on and on, but really, what's the point? This community has decided this game sucks and not worth playing. I completely disagree. I'm flabbergasted that some of you claim to be fans of the genre and gave up after a few minutes. THAT shit sounds like viral marketing to me. What the fuck? Do you work for Wildstar or something? (only half joking, here)

He is busy with his viral marketing campaign on SA.

The Something Awful Forums
Utnayan, I must haunt your dreams. I've posted on SA exactly 2 times. Months ago. My username certainly isn't Vanilla Gorilla.

Edit: Utnayan, thanks for mentioning that thread, though. I went and read it to see what you were blathering about, and it was good to see some more opinions similar to mine.

Also to add: I did the survey and answered in very verbose language. It only took me 25 minutes, and I was glad to see how detailed the survey was.


Golden Squire
If it makes you feel any better, I think Wildstar looks like the same dumb boring shit we've all played 1000 times before.

And if you browse the internet even briefly, you'll find this is FAR from the only community that thinks this game is horrible. I'm sorry that you feel RR picked on you, but this place is again, far from a lone instance of this game getting shat on. SA also shits on this game hard (goons are a large MMO community) and NeoGAF doesn't seem to be as vitrol-filled, but it's not going over well there either.


If it makes you feel any better, I think Wildstar looks like the same dumb boring shit we've all played 1000 times before.

And if you browse the internet even briefly, you'll find this is FAR from the only community that thinks this game is horrible. I'm sorry that you feel RR picked on you, but this place is again, far from a lone instance of this game getting shat on. SA also shits on this game hard (goons are a large MMO community) and NeoGAF doesn't seem to be as vitrol-filled, but it's not going over well there either.
Nah, I don't feel picked on, haha. I've just realized that it's a waste of time arguing this shit here; I have my opinion, you guys have yours. Really not sure what you are all gonna play, MMO-wise. Maybe Blizzard will drop something awesome for all you ex-WOW players in a couple years.

I know that many old school MMO sites are very hostile toward this game, but there are a lot of very positive places too, more so after this latest beta. I know some of them seem positive because of moderators, but I KNOW there are a lot of people that share my opinion. Shit, basic /zone chat from the game proves that - it was overwhelmingly positive this weekend.


Gunnar, I bothered to fill out the 1st survey as truthfully as possible. I was simply asking if the 2nd survey was the same as the first. I was curious if this was an indifferent copy-and-paste job.

Even if you werent referencing my post you shouldn't just assume people wont fill out that worthless wall of text. What everybody here will point out is that filling out the survey won't encourage the devs to change this shit. Hence the gesture is pointless.


Serious guesses on when it goes F2P instead of sub ?

With an April launch for the PC , I say no way does it make it to 2015 without F2P introduced. My guess is September for actual month.

(F2P meaning no sub , still will have a box price.)