The Elder Scrolls Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
-WAY too many women in the game. Period. 2/3rds of the guards, assassins, fighters, warriors are women! These positions should have been filled by Men. Killed my immersion. Women threatening me left and right, as if...
Well played 7/10.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>

Did you get one of these emails before you get the password reset? I have gotten these every time I log into any account (game/forum/website) from a new computer:

email from [email_sl said:
[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */[/email]]Greetings XXXXXX,
We noticed an attempt to log in to your account for The Elder Scrolls? Online from a new IP address. If you made this attempt, please enter the code below when prompted on The Elder Scrolls? Online site:
I have seen this a few times, even just trying to log in after patching. I may have just missed something in the sequence, though.

I have been corresponding with Support since day 2 of Early Access trying to get my Forum account set up; they did ask some seemingly shady questions, ie what is your secret question. In the end I had them call me, let the first call go to VM and googled-search the number to make sure it was tied to Zenimax.

Meh. This is why I keep all my shit separated. I make a new email account for every MMORPG registration because I simply do not trust they will handle security well. In this case, not one other email/account in any other game has been touched. (I have 7) and the reason why this is so suspicious (Not from a Paul Sage getting revenge plot, but I thought that was hilarious when Rescorla wrote it) is because of the sequence in which it happened. Had my email been hacked, then I lost my TESO account, that's one thing. But to log into that email account, see a password request change from TESO that I didn't initiate in the inbox, (One specific email, one speicific game, in an email only created to be used with said game - nothing else) then my TESO account gets hacked, and my email account gets hacked - I will lean to believe that security, especially with examples Tuco and Rescorla have already provided in how easy it is to obtain user account names/emails, Zenimax Online has very poor security currently.

So my advice would be to create your own unique email just for this game, and change your email registration with Zenimax Online and the secret answers and everything else associated with it. So if by chance there is a major glitch here, you don't lose a real email address you actually care about.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
A six is higher than what I'd give to gamespot's shitty fucking website redesign. I used them as my gaming information website for around a decade, now I can't stay on that site for more than a minute.
Huh, I didn't know who owned them these days: "? 2013 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved." It does seem very "The Verge'd" Web 2.5ish.

The way the actual review read, I thought it was much more inline with what users have rated it: 7.4, which I think is fair. My perception of the game, though, misses a lot of what many commenters/people are upset about. I don't care that "the economy is non-existent." I laud to a certain degree ZOS not creating a magical universal market for good and services to be delivered instantly all over the fantasy globe. The real answer would be regional auction markets but given what they are still working on, I won't hold my breath. I never thought that an auction house could be detrimental to a game until Diablo 3 but now not having one doesn't that doesn't bother me at all. I liked the options one gives you, ala GW2 but its just another method of acquiring things. I guess I will never get over the EC Tunnel as my favorite "economy" implementation, which was actually terrible in its own way as well.

The public dungeons are cool; when you have more than one player on a quest, the companion appears completely different and appropriate. I haven't hit that many quest bugs in Live. The "other burglars" complaint in the review stems from them trying to avoid instancing everything; either you instance everything and people complain about the game being non-social or you don't and have people complaining that it ruins immersion. Its really very often no-win.

Again, as I have said previously and Rescola said earlier, all I expect out of this game is 6 months. Hopefully they are lining up expansions and fixes and add-ons, too, but right now it scratches the itch I have, although it hasn't kept me from spending money on Marvel Heroes, yet, dammit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Crazy no real balancing besides bash spam. So I expect to still see DK mowing through people with banner, root, bats. Though the slight change to inhale target cap helps a little.

I think its crazy they are already raising the VR cap to 12 already. Makes people right now think why on earth would I try to gear up in vr10 stuff.

The light armor ability is still useless. 300 pt damage shield, so one minor spell and you lose the spell absorb, which in pvp will happen instantly. Doesn't even come close to the medium or heavy armor abilities usefulness.


Bought from their website, submitted a ticket for a refund, gave all the required info over a number of days until finally someone said "We will not refund you." What do I do to get them to give it?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Bought from their website, submitted a ticket for a refund, gave all the required info over a number of days until finally someone said "We will not refund you." What do I do to get them to give it?
Maybe you have too many hours /played and they figured why the fuck would they give you a refund and let you have all the time you played for free.

You could always do a charge back, but I'm not sure how that effects future business with bethesda/zenimax.

Hell they are probably getting hit by people who have lots of hours in and have decided they are done with the game but figure hell why not try to get my money back.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Maybe you have too many hours /played and they figured why the fuck would they give you a refund and let you have all the time you played for free.

You could always do a charge back, but I'm not sure how that effects future business with bethesda/zenimax.

Hell they are probably getting hit by people who have lots of hours in and have decided they are done with the game but figure hell why not try to get my money back.
Yeah, I'm thinking they saw a trend develop, and quickly changed policy to 'no refunds, too late!' I'm not going to press the matter, I got some enjoyment out of it, and I'm glad I didn't waste additional $$$$ on the edition that should've been standard (paywalling a race? Reheealllly????!?!?!11!eleven). And is it true if you didnt pre-order or buy the pricier version, that you can't be any race/faction? So odd..


Best change from the upcoming patch - all AOEs only affect like 6 people now, even heals. Oh, and by "best change" I mean "what the fuck are you thinking ZOS?" they slipped this shit into the patch notes too, to try and sneak it past people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, I'm thinking they saw a trend develop
Or maybe people saying they got a refund lie. It's Internet, where the "oh boy I bought this game but since I got a refund I'm off the hook !" trend is strong.

Best change from the upcoming patch - all AOEs only affect like 6 people now, even heals. Oh, and by "best change" I mean "what the fuck are you thinking ZOS?" they slipped this shit into the patch notes too, to try and sneak it past people.
Do you have a source on this ?

EDIT : nevermind found the answer.


Or maybe people saying they got a refund lie. It's Internet, where the "oh boy I bought this game but since I got a refund I'm off the hook !" trend is strong.

Do you have a source on this ?
PTS testing + patch notes which slipped this note in under the General portion of notes under Combat & Gameplay:

Fixed an issue with several area-of-effect abilities where they could erroneously hit an unlimited number of targets.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Best change from the upcoming patch - all AOEs only affect like 6 people now, even heals. Oh, and by "best change" I mean "what the fuck are you thinking ZOS?" they slipped this shit into the patch notes too, to try and sneak it past people.

AOEs affecting unlimited people was a huge boon to PvP in this game. It made being grouped up a liability, now it's not =\

At least heals only affect 6 people. In GW2 and other games AE is capped or reduced on lots of people but healing isn't, so stacking is hugely beneficial.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's a pretty dumb mechanic, there's nothing worse than hitting some AoE and knowing it only affects 6 targets, it's like shooting with blank shots. GW2 did that too and it was quite bad. They should just double the ressource cost of some AoEs and / or lowering damage coefficient so people won't spend hours spamming them while being full mana. While I understand bad players concern aka stand in the red circle dilemma, I think it's a pretty bad change, it will totally kill any incentive for small scale optimized PvP roaming groups to have the possibility of taking down larger groups. Everyone and their grandmother will group up in huge raids, and this will become GW2 all over again, Zerg Vs Zerg Vs Zerg chasing their own tails.


AE caps suck and can defeat the purpose of AE. This is a zerg PvP game and unlimited AE caps can help to crush a tide. I remember when Blizzard first implemented this. It was the death of Arcane Explosion.


Meh. This is why I keep all my shit separated. I make a new email account for every MMORPG registration because I simply do not trust they will handle security well. In this case, not one other email/account in any other game has been touched. (I have 7) and the reason why this is so suspicious (Not from a Paul Sage getting revenge plot, but I thought that was hilarious when Rescorla wrote it) is because of the sequence in which it happened. Had my email been hacked, then I lost my TESO account, that's one thing. But to log into that email account, see a password request change from TESO that I didn't initiate in the inbox, (One specific email, one speicific game, in an email only created to be used with said game - nothing else) then my TESO account gets hacked, and my email account gets hacked - I will lean to believe that security, especially with examples Tuco and Rescorla have already provided in how easy it is to obtain user account names/emails, Zenimax Online has very poor security currently.

So my advice would be to create your own unique email just for this game, and change your email registration with Zenimax Online and the secret answers and everything else associated with it. So if by chance there is a major glitch here, you don't lose a real email address you actually care about.
If your email was hacked and you use a strong, unique password(ie... you don;t use that email/pass combination anywhere else) then I would worry about my computer being ratted. There is no way a brute force attack would be able to break a relatively strong pass.


Maybe you have too many hours /played and they figured why the fuck would they give you a refund and let you have all the time you played for free.

You could always do a charge back, but I'm not sure how that effects future business with bethesda/zenimax.

Hell they are probably getting hit by people who have lots of hours in and have decided they are done with the game but figure hell why not try to get my money back.
I tried to enjoy the game but after the full 24 hours of "you can't patch" for no reason, and an entire thread of people also affected by it, the bank errors, constant botting and hacking bullshit, and maintenance during play windows I'm out.

I am trying to do a charge back, but they have never worked for me. I tried to do one for the Sim City Tuco got us all on, like 15 hours into the game when it was readily apparent that it was a pile of shit, and Wells Fargo refused to do it. This time I'm going through Mastercard so we'll see.